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 Filenews 11 November 2020

Address to the Cypriot people, explaining the decisions of the Council of Ministers, on the new measures to limit the expansion of the pandemic, addressed by President Anastasiades.

The president's speech.

Compatriots and Compatriots,

Friends and Friends,

Just a week ago I addressed everyone, explaining the reasons for the new restrictive measures, expressing at the same time the hope of avoiding stricter restrictive measures which European countries impose one after the other.

Unfortunately, despite the measures taken, despite the agonizing effort to avoid stricter restrictive measures, it has not been possible to contain the outbreak of the pandemic which is now dangerously threatening the health, life, health system and economy of the place.

Following the epidemiological indicators, I would like to mention that for the period 28 October to date 2644 new cases have been recorded, while in the same period 8 deaths are attributed to the deadly virus.

Analysis of the above data shows that of the new cases, 1798 come from the Limassol and Paphos Provinces, i.e. 68%, while 7 out of eight deaths involve people with permanent residence in either Limassol or Paphos.

At the same time, of the 68 people currently hospitalized, 49 come from these Provinces, a figure of 72%.

From the above, it is clear that the main outbreaks of infection and transmission of the virus are, unfortunately, the Provinces of Limassol and Paphos.

Not ignoring the high number of cases in the rest of the Provinces, and after a meeting with the epidemiological team and the visible dangers of an uncontrolled outbreak of the pandemic, the Council of Ministers decided to take further measures, stricter for the provinces of Limassol and Paphos and new measures concerning the rest of the Provinces.

I want, as one of you, to confess to you that in the last few days it is with great anxiety that I follow the dangers recorded through the epidemiological picture.

At the same time, a sense of responsibility would not allow the Government or itself personally to remain indifferent to the dangers of lost lives and the break-up of families.

Fellow citizens of Limassol and Paphos: I want to assure you that I fully understand the reactions and any unpleasant feelings that restrictive measures may cause you.

It was not and is not the intention of the Government to target the citizens of certain regions.

Today the government's decisions may cause discomfort, but the protective measures we are taking will allow everyone to feel safer, but, more importantly, we will be happy for our children and parents the day after the crisis.

Friends and Friends,

You follow every day what is happening in other countries. I'm sure none of you would want us to experience similar circumstances.

I will not tire of repeating that it is the time of individual and social responsibility of everyone.

I want to make sure that with the same sense of responsibility we will also face the economic consequences that will arise as a result of the measures we are taking.

In addition to the decisions on the measures to be announced by the Minister of Health, tomorrow the Ministers of Finance and Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance will announce a new package of measures to support workers, small and medium-sized enterprises and other enterprises.

Friends and Friends,

In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that the moments are critical. And they will become even more critical if we do not show the same sense of responsibility and solidarity that we showed when successfully tackling the first wave of the pandemic.

Any progress, any lifting of restrictive measures, or a further setback, depends entirely on the individual and collective responsibility to respect with reverence the safety protocols and health rules that scientists advise us.

I ask for your understanding and patience in this and I strongly appeal to everyone to respect what we have achieved so far with sacrifice, stubbornness and determination in the efforts to combat the pandemic.

The uncertainty of the aggressive behavior of the virus does not allow any fallacy and complacency.

I mention the above mainly by addressing the small portion of our fellow citizens who, with attitudes of indiscipline and relaxation, show a lack of respect for our fellow human beings.

At the same time, I would like to emphasise that we will not tolerate behaviour by companies where by ignoring security protocols, the economic benefit is put above human lives.

Friends and friends,

I have no doubt that with the social sensitivity that we as a people have repeatedly demonstrated, we will also be able to face this test.

I trust you, I trust your humanity and the high sense of solidarity that characterizes our society.

Thank you. Together we'll make it again.

Source: eyenews



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