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Filenews 5 November 2020 


Extension of the new support projects to enterprises affected by the government's decisions, announced the Minister of Labour, Zeta Emilianidou.The plans strengthen the hotel sector and related activities, enterprises with a drop in jobs and those businesses that are directly or indirectly affected by the new prohibition.

More than 60 thousand workers will be supported by January with a total cost of up to 150 million. It is a prerequisite for the employer not to make redundancies. The amount of the lease will be 60% of their gross salary.

Support for Tourism Industry and Enterprises/Workers Linked to the Tourism Industry

In support of the Tourism Industry and the companies and employees associated with the Tourism Industry, the Special Plan of Hotel Units and Tourist Accommodations has been drawn up as well as the Special Plan of Economic Activities Related to the Tourism Industry or Economic Activities which are directly affected by Tourism and Tourist Agencies.

The two Plans will apply for the period from 1 November 2020 to 31 March 2021 and support may be provided to up to 97% of all business staff who will suspend their activities altogether. In addition, as an important incentive to maintain economic activity, support can be provided to up to 90% of hotel and tourist accommodation staff who will continue to operate, as well as to 65% of other enterprises linked to the tourism sector, which can reach up to 100% of all staff for small businesses employing up to three employees. In particular for Tourist Agencies, support extends to up to 80% of all staff or 100% for small businesses with up to three employees.

Support for enterprises/workers who are under compulsory full suspension or linked to undertakings subject to compulsory suspension

In order to support enterprises/workers who are subject to compulsory full suspension under the Decrees issued by the Minister of Health as well as companies whose activities and turnover are proven to be significantly linked to undertakings subject to compulsory full suspension, two additional Special Plans will be implemented for the period from 1 November 2020 depending on the period of validity of the Orders of the Minister of Health.

The Specific Projects referred to will be able to involve undertakings affected by the Full Suspension Orders, depending on the data, and support will be provided to 97 to 100% of employees, depending on the size of the enterprise.

In addition, companies which have a reduction in turnover of more than 80% compared to the corresponding period last year will also be able to participate in the above Special Projects, due to the measures taken to tackle the pandemic and which are not in a state of complete suspension of their work.

Support for Enterprises/Employees of Certain Economic Activities

In addition to the above, bearing in mind that the pandemic has disproportionately affected businesses and workers in certain economic activities, such as photo workers, children's stations, banquet halls and other affected economic activities, the operation of the Special Plan for Enterprises of Certain Economic Activities is extended, under which support may be provided to 50% of employees provided that turnover has fallen by more than 40%.

Support for Micro-Enterprises

On the basis of the Government's policy of additional support for micro-enterprises which make up the vast majority of all enterprises, in all the above Special Projects, provisions have been included to subsidise 100% of employees for enterprises employing up to 3 employees and in particular for Projects for enterprises in Full Suspension of Jobs or related enterprises , 100% of staff are subsidised for enterprises employing up to 9 employees.

Support for the Unemployed - Extension of Unemployment

The payment of the Special Unemployment Allowance to unemployed persons who have exhausted their normal unemployment benefit is also extended for a further two months. In other words, it concerns persons who received their normal unemployment benefit for the full period of 6 months and since last April the payment of a Special Unemployed person has been extended beyond 6 months, until December 2020.

Support for Self-Working Persons

It was also decided to continue support for certain categories of self-employed workers significantly affected by the pandemic, such as photographers, taxi drivers, hotel workers and other categories, provided that there is a decrease in their turnover compared to the corresponding period last year of more than 40%. The support provided corresponds to 60% of their income declared to the Social Insurance Services, with a minimum amount of €300 and a maximum of €900 for a period of four weeks.

Support for Particularly Vulnerable Groups of Workers

For those private sector workers who fall into vulnerable groups under the relevant Order of the Minister of Health and their employer is unable for objective reasons to implement the recommendations of the Minister of Health regarding working conditions, Sickness Allowance will be provided for as long as required under the Decrees of the Minister of Health.

The implementation of the Special Plans will take place in accordance with the Decisions to be published in the Official Journal of the Republic on the basis of the Extraordinary Measures taken by the Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance to Tackle the Covid19 Virus Pandemic Laws.

In parallel with the implementation of the above Projects, the implementation of the remaining Employment Enhancement Plans will continue at a total cost of €56 million announced by the Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the Government, from the very first moment and at the same time as the measures it has taken to protect the health of citizens, has adopted measures to support workers and businesses so that every worker affected by the effects of the pandemic can have an adequate income for his or her livelihood. I would also like to reiterate that the responsibility for respecting health protection measures and preventing the spread of the pandemic lies with all of us collectively following the recommendations of those responsible and to respect the rules of personal hygiene and social distancing.



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