Bayram Cigerli Blog

Bigger İnfo Center and Archive


 Filenews 8 November 2020

116 CASES OF COVID-19 were detected today. The Ministry of Health informs that out of a total of 2,803 laboratory diagnoses, 116 new cases of COVID-19 disease have been identified.

In detail, today's cases emerged as follows:

  • Of 560 samples taken through the process of tracing contacts of already confirmed cases, 69 cases were identified.
  • Of 396 samples taken through a private initiative, 19 cases were identified.
  • Of 262 samples taken from the Microbiological Laboratories of the General Hospitals, 9 cases were identified.
  • Of 1,173 samples taken as part of a passenger and repatriated check, 11 cases were identified.
  • Of 249 samples taken under the referral programme by Personal Physicians and special teams control through the Public Health Clinics, 8 cases were identified.

In addition, the laboratory testing of samples from the following programs was completed, without the detection of cases:

  • From samples taken as part of the control programme for pupils, teachers and school staff, 55 laboratory tests were completed,
  • From samples taken as part of the migrant structure control programme, 95 laboratory diagnoses were carried out, and
  • From samples taken as part of a sample check carried out by the COP on associations participating in its competitions, 13 laboratory tests were completed.

Therefore, and on the basis of the data so far, the total number of cases is 5,987.

In addition, 61 people tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus at Famagusta General Hospital, six of whom are in the Increased Care Unit. In addition, a total of seven patients are being treated in the Intensive Care Unit of nicosia General Hospital, while another nine people are being treated in a COVID-19 ward.

Source: eyenews



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