Bayram Cigerli Blog

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How Creative Artists, and Musicians Are Getting Very Creative, Inventive and Supportive !

In a Previous Post I wrote about having things like a STAYCATION 
Instead of actually Traveling at the moment..., 

I wrote a Post titled: 

STAYCATION: Create Your Vacation at Home... ! 

In that Post I already wrote about how a lot of Creative Artists are Getting very 
Creative, Inventive and Supportive, 

Also Artists that Perform in new Corona-Proof Ways. 

  Like for example the HOME ISOLATION VERSION Perfomance from OG3NE 
you see in the Tweet here below:




Also see this post titled: New from Disney

Yesterday there was also a Special Concert of Hope:

In my STAYCATION blog post you could also see 
Examples of Online Art Exhibitions, and 
Online Travel Tours Showing How You Can TRAVEL ther WORLD ! ! !

 We also are Creative Artist and...., 

You can also See Our ART Online and..., 



You can Browse it all in Our VIRTUAL PHOTOBOOK, 

You can turn 'Virtual Pages' with Left & Right Arrows at the Left & Right side 
of the Virtual PHOTOBOOK, When You Click the - Link - 
in the YEARBOOK in the Tweet here Below:

Talkging about Support, we can use your Support, 
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