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Weekend Roundup

  • The Federal Judicial Center has another in its series of essays.  The latest, by Winston Bowman, is FF's Soliloquy, from the Supreme Court's deliberations in from Ex parte Quirin.  
  • The Washington Post's "Made by History" section ran a few different takes on Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court nomination this week: one by Kenneth Cohen (University of Delaware) and another by Simon Gilhooley (Bard College). Also: Melissa Borja (University of Michigan) on the history of Hmong Americans and how it explains their potentially decisive role in the election.
  • Dr. Viviana Kluger and Ezequiel Abásolo, University of Buenos Aires, were interviewed on their article Enseñar Historia del Derecho en tiempos del Coronavirus, published in El regreso príncipe Galeoto: escritos sobre este tiempo de coronavirus y su cuarentena, ed. Leandro Javier Lescano (2020).
  • The Oxonian Review interviews Annette Gordon-Reed.
  • ICYMI: Benjamin Barros, Rebecca Zietlow and other University of Toledo professors on the election (Toledo Blade).   Henry Dundas and the British slave trade (Scottish Legal News).  Maeva Marcus on why an even number of Supreme Court justices in 1789 (Mental Floss).  CBS Sunday Morning on the 1876 electionJohn Fabian Witt's American Contagions reviews (NYT). 
Weekend Roundup is a weekly feature compiled by all the Legal History bloggers.

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