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CORONAVIRUS - NEW MEASURES LIKELY NEXT WEEK [article includes instructions to those tested positive]

 Filenews 31 October 2020 -  by Marilena Panagi

Epidemiological indicators remain high and the picture that Cyprus continues to present obliges the Government, as everything shows, to take new decisions.

On Monday morning, the Minister of Health will meet with members of the Scientific Advisory Committee and then go to the Council of Ministers, possibly transferring suggestions for new restrictions, with the extension of the measures, which have been in place for a week in the provinces of Limassol and Paphos and in others, or even in all provinces, to be a possible scenario.

Given, of course, the extension of all measures already in place, either at local level or on a cyprus basis beyond 9 November, should be considered. The scene, however, will be cleared up over the weekend, since scientists yesterday found it more appropriate to record the data that will emerge today and tomorrow and then proceed with their own suggestions.

But their message was clear, since in their public statements they stressed that last week's figures show that the upward trend in both the number of cases and the number of people admitted to hospitals appears to remain stable.

Indeed, if the data obtained over the weekend so requires, it is not excluded that the measures announced by the Government (if it finally decides to do so) include additional restrictions, such as the imposition of stricter protocols on the organisation of social events, such as weddings and baptisms.

On the other hand, when re-evaluating the data, as reported by the 'F' information, scientists are not excluded from making suggestions concerning the abolition of certain measures which are now in force, but as it is found, have so far not given the desired results.

"I think that all the members of the committee agree that we are in a critical situation and that if the phenomenon continues to evolve incrementally, some interventions need to be made," Professor George Nikolopoulos said in a statement, adding that "these interventions are not currently known but that is why the scientific committee exists to make its suggestions."

Obviously, he said, "a universal lockdown would be effective, because that way, in a month and a half, we would be dealing with the situation." On the other hand, however, "it has been made clear in many tones that we cannot afford to do this, because if we do we must also take into account all the economic consequences, the social consequences, the psychological impact that this decision will have on the world and the place".

Right now, the professor explained, "our data is there. In Limassol and Paphos, according to the latest national report, the problem continues to exist. In Paphos we see 200 cases per 100,000 inhabitants and in Limassol, the index has far exceeded the safety limits of 150/100,000 and reached 300/100,000. I see it moving incrementally and incrementally as we see the other provinces moving, but not at the same rate." However, he stressed, "this is about the picture of the previous days so we need to look at our data again over the weekend, evaluate them and accordingly, we will make our suggestions."

166 new cases

Yesterday, the Ministry of Health announced 166 new cases of coronavirus resulting from a total of 3,672 laboratory diagnoses. The 887 samples were taken as part of a passenger and repatriated check and of these, 7 cases were identified. As a result, 159 cases, mostly domestic infections, were the result of 2,785 laboratory tests, meaning that one in 17 people tested tested positive for the virus. Remarkable is the fact that 123 cases were detected by a private initiative, i.e. citizens were put on their own for examination in private sector laboratories. These cases were the result of 1805 tests, which means that one in 14 people tested were diagnosed with coronavirus. At the same time, 34 patients were hospitalized, with four being intubated in the Intensive Care Unit at the Nicosia Hospital and three others receiving mechanical support at Famagusta Hospital.

Instructions for virus-positive individuals and close contacts

In a new modification of the procedure to be followed by both the people positive for the coronavirus and their close contacts, the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit of the Ministry of Health has proceeded.

According to the official announcement:

» By informing the Contracting Laboratories to identify a case and submit the result, the Tracing Team shall communicate by text message (sms) and by telephone with the virus positive person within 24 hours of the result being received.

» Results shall be submitted and accepted only by laboratories carrying out the PCR method and having completed the verification process of the diagnostic methodology that detects the genetic material of the virus (RT-RCR).

» When the Tracing Team communicates with the virus positive person, a list of their close contacts is sent to the Unit electronically by the citizen himself in order to initiate their investigation and promotion for sampling. People who have been identified as close contacts receive a text message on their mobile phone with instructions for self-containing.

» Self-containing means total isolation at home for a period of 14 days from the date of contact with the positive case.

» After 14 days from the day of contact with the case, close contact shall be automatically released without it being necessary to undergo a COVID-19 test.

» If within 14 days the person develops symptoms, then he should contact his Personal Physician for medical guidance, telling him that it is a close contact case.

» With regard to the handling of positive cases that remain self-contained, Public Health Clinics communicate after the 14th day to arrange a repeat test.

The Epidemiological Surveillance Unit, "makes it clear that individuals who have been declared as cases, regardless of whether they have obtained two negative tests before the 14th day, are required to remain self-contained. The same applies to their close contacts.

Strict recommendations from the Ministry of Health

The maximum number of persons who can congregate in private and/or public housing is strictly set at 10 people, the Ministry of Health stresses in a statement. The aim, the ministry adds, is to "limit concentrations of a social nature, which promote strong social interaction, and to control contacts, following recent data showing transmission of the virus and deterioration of the epidemiological picture, but also in the context of the emergency measures in force until 9 November 2020".

Therefore, it is noted, the permitted maximum number of 10 persons should be observed in gatherings such as the following:

Birthday parties (children or adults) in homes, playgrounds, parks, and so on, except for those organized in dining areas.

Party on the beach, in a swimming pool (private or public), yacht/yacht.

Receptions / Cocktails in houses or other premises, public or private use.

Lunch / Dinner in houses.

Family / Friendly gatherings in houses.

"In any case, the organisers must keep a list of the participants' details, which will be handed over to the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit of the Ministry of Health to facilitate tracing in the event of a case being detected."  


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