Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Staycation etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Staycation etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Time for Travel Adventure !

2021 is here. Time for an adventure! #BRIO #SundayTrainDay #farmstation #rainforestloop #sharktunnel #canyonstation #harambestation #couchcaves— Josh Gates (@joshuagates) January 3, 2021...

Some Highlights from Last Year

As you know you can find a TOP 10 Most Popular Posts-list in the Left Side Bar of this Blog that already shows you some of the Hightlights on this Blog, I also show you a few other Highlights here below......,  It has been a strange year as you know, I am looking at some of this years Highlights on this Travel Blog, Like our Previous Blog post titled: Sharing Our Designs...

Machu Picchu is On TOP Again !

Machu Picchu Peru, blue border Beach Towelby Edelhertdesigntravel Hello Style & Culture Enthousiast, Machu Picchu always has been a Popular Vacation Destination, and when you read our Post titled: This is our Most Popular Travel Notebook you will know that our Machu Picchu...

Travel Nostalgia and Some More Treadmill FUN !

Travel Nostalgia....., #coronavirus #Covid_19 #COVID19 #Travel #StaySafe #humor #fun— Edelhertdesignstudio (@dvanduuren1) November 10, 2020 More - Air - Travel Nostalgia.....Fly to our Travel Webstore ! #onlineshopping #shopping #shoppingstar #ChristmasGiftIdeas #Christmasgifts #holidaygifts #holidayshopping #Travel #travelphotography #NaturePhotography...

How Creative Artists, and Musicians Are Getting Very Creative, Inventive and Supportive !

In a Previous Post I wrote about having things like a STAYCATION Instead of actually Traveling at the moment..., I wrote a Post titled: STAYCATION: Create Your Vacation at Home... ! In that Post I already wrote about how a lot of Creative Artists are Getting very Creative,...

At The Moment Our Machu Picchu Peru, Blue Border Beach Towel is on TOP AGAIN ! ! !

Machu Picchu Peru, blue border Beach Towelby Edelhertdesigntravel Hello Style & Culture Enthousiast, Machu Picchu always has been a Popular Vacation Destination, and when you read our Post titled: This is our Most Popular Travel Notebook you will know that our Machu Picchu...

I Thought About Taking - Diving Lessons - But It Became a STAYCATION and this Tropical Fish Shower Curtain Instead !

This Design Gets a Lot of Views, and is also even amung our Bestselling Shower Curtains !Tropical Striped Fish Shower Curtainby EdelhertDesignStudioSee Other EDS Shower Curtain DesignsTo give your STAYCATION a real Vacation Feel, you can use our Specially Designed Beach Towels like for example...

Watching Movies/Video's

#thuisblijven Gewoon lekker #Gortoverdegrens binge watchen. Alvast Santé!🍷🍷— Ilja Gort (@iljagort) March 15, 2020 Or Look at Different Countries & Cultures inthe Fox Home Cinema Video's you can Discover in our STAYCATION Blog PostPeacock Butterfly Wine Charmsby EdelhertDesignStudioLOVE,...