2021 is here. Time for an adventure! #BRIO #SundayTrainDay #farmstation #rainforestloop #sharktunnel #canyonstation #harambestation #couchcaves pic.twitter.com/qHlDC5c9Rj— Josh Gates (@joshuagates) January 3, 2021...
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Navigation etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
How Creative Artists, and Musicians Are Getting Very Creative, Inventive and Supportive !
By Rohat Fatih at 08:15
Corona, edelhert travel design, Edelhertdesignstudio, Green Travel, Highly Recommended Rading, Navigation, Staycation, Travel Photography, Travel Products
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In a Previous Post I wrote about having things like a STAYCATION Instead of actually Traveling at the moment..., I wrote a Post titled: STAYCATION: Create Your Vacation at Home... ! In that Post I already wrote about how a lot of Creative Artists are Getting very Creative,...
Green Travel in a TV-show with Kaley Cuoco
By Rohat Fatih at 06:50
edelhert travel design, Edelhertdesignstudio, Green Travel, Navigation, Travel Blogspot, Travel Photography, Travel Products
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Also See Thehypemagazine.comAnd in This TWEETIn the Video here above you can see a special TV-show with Kaley Cuoco about Green Travel, As you know at our Design Studio wemake Colorful Nature Inspired Designs, for many types of productslike Post- & Greeting Cards and Travel Products and because of thatwe are interested in Travel developements like Green Travel.(You undoubtedly recognise Kaley...
Happy Islands, Canary Islands
In the 1st century A.D. Pomponius Mela refered to the Canary Islands as "The Fortunate Islands", 'Where the inhabitants live quietly happier than the people living in any other land'. In a previous Blogpost you can find a 'Live Report' from a Hotel Lobby on one of the Islands.And if you want to stay home and do some nice trips a little less far from home you might like to buy yourself a great Navigator...