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 The Independent 20 October 2020 - by Gino Spocchia

Donald Trump has suggested that his administration’s actions on dishwasher pressure meant women supported him.

Without providing details on policy, the US president told supporters on Sunday that “the women come up to me, the women they say don't like me, they actually do like me a lot”.  

And that, said the Republican candidate, was because he “freed up” dishwashers to dispense more water.

“So, you go into a hotel or you buy a house, and they have what's called a restrictor,” he told supporters in Nevada. “[The] same thing with your dishwasher, I freed that up too.”

In an apparent reference to environmental standards that his administration rolled back, the president said dishwashers had a problem until his intervention.

“The dishwashers, they tend to have a little problem, they didn't get enough water, like, so people would run ‘em ten times, so they end up using more water, and the thing’s no damn good,”

“We freed it up. Now you can buy a dishwasher, and it [the water] comes out. It's beautiful, go and buy a dishwasher,” he said to the crowd. “Those [dishwasher] companies, I said ‘what's wrong with this thing, it doesn't clean the dishes, right?”

Those comments come seven months on from new US Department of Energy procedures said to “modernise” energy-saving requirements on dozens of household appliances, such as dishwashers.

But older dishwashers can use twice as much water as those produced under the previous standards, the Natural Resources Defense Council, an environmental non-profit, has reportedly claimed.  

Mr Trump complained last November that women told him about so-called broken dishwashers, and that he would move to amend regulations in a pitch to American voters.

His weekend remarks also come as he appeals to America’s “suburban housewives” for their support on 3 November, amid negative opinion polls.


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