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 Filenews 17 August 2020

In their concern about Tayyip Erdogan's escalating threats and rhetoric in the Aegean and eastern Mediterranean, they express in a letter to the Times of London 25 personalities of politics, letters and the arts from Great Britain. In their letter, they stress that Turkey's refusal to endorse the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea is a deliberate attempt to deprive island states of rights, while pointing out that Erdogan's stance is causing tension in the region, at a time when respect for international law and the Convention is a one-way street for stability in the region.

At the same time, they call on European governments, including the British one, to support Greece and Cyprus, call for an equal-distance policy in this case and call on NATO members to make it clear that Ankara's challenges are not acceptable.

The letter:

"Sir, we too are deeply concerned by the escalation of rhetoric and threat in the Aegean and eastern Mediterranean by President Erdogan (Erdogan's Provocations, editorial, 15 August). Positive developments in energy are an opportunity to build more productive and stable regional relations, but require all parties to comply with international law. Other regional governments have shown their willingness to negotiate within the framework set by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

The Turkish government's refusal to accept the convention is an obstacle -- a deliberate attempt by Ankara to deprive island and island states of their rights under international law. Mr Erdogan's policy undermines regional tension. European governments, including the British one, must give a clear message of support to states, such as Greece and Cyprus, which abide by multilateral rules. Turkey's NATO allies need to be unequivocal that Ankara's provocations are not acceptable. A policy of equal distance between Turkey and Greece on this issue is inappropriate. The only feasible way to reduce tension and bring stability is through respect for UNCLOS and the procedures of international law."

The letter is signed by:

Kevin Featherstone, professor of modern Greek studies, London School of Economics

John Kittmer, former British ambassador to Greece

Alberto Costa, MEMBER, Chairman of the Inter-Party Parliamentary Group on Greece

Denis MacShane, former Minister responsible for European affairs

Lord Wallace of Saltaire, spokesman for the Liberal Democrats

Roderick Beaton, emeritus professor at Korai Chair, King's College London

Dame Averil Cameron

Paul Cartledge, Emeritus Professor of Greek Culture, University of Cambridge

Professor Richard Clogg

Louis de Bernières, author

Peter Frankopan, professor of world history, University of Oxford

Stephen Fry

Timothy Garton Ash, Professor of European Studies, University of Oxford

Charles Grant, director, Centre for European Reform

David Harsent, author, member of the Society of Greek Writers

Judith Herrin, honorary professor, King's College London

Victoria Hislop, author, honorary citizen of Greece

David Holton, Emeritus Professor of Modern Greek, University of Cambridge

Will Hutton, director of Hertford College, Oxford

Michael G Jacobides, professor of entrepreneurship and innovation, London Business School

Peter Mackridge, Emeritus Professor of Modern Greek, University of Oxford

Sean O'Brien, professor of creative writing, Newcastle University

Ruth Padel, professor of poetry, King's College London

Goda Van Steen, professor at Korai, King's College London

Sofka Zinovieff, author

Source: RES-ICM



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