Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Calling All Midwesterners - and Others

Among the fond memories of my first Baker Street Irregulars & Friends Weekend a couple of months ago are many meals and cocktail hours with friends old and new. At one such, Steven Doyle opined that the American Midwest has become the center of the Sherlockian universe.

(I believe that we were sitting in the Blue Bar at New York’s famed Algonquin Hotel at the time.)   

Well, there certainly are a lot of Baker Street Irregulars in Indianapolis, including Wiggins and the publisher of The Baker Street Journal!  

But whether one accepts Steve’s premise or not, it’s certainly true that a Midwesterner doesn’t have to go very far to connect with other Sherlockians and take part in great programs. A case in point is the upcoming “Holmes, Doyle & Friends Four” symposium presented by the Agra Treasurers of Dayton, Ohio on March 24 and 25. 

The first three Dayton symposia under the current name were all great, attracting both speakers and participants from far beyond Ohio. And this year there’s a special keynote speaker – John Linsenmeyer, who edited the BSJ in the late 19790s and early 1980s.

So register at once if convenient. If inconvenient, register all the same! To do so, and to get more information, go to:


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