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Apple Season

It's that time of year again! Apple Picking! My favorite autumn activity.
This year I have scrumptious fresh apple sauce and rich apple butter on my to make list. Of course, I good bit of apples are just eaten fresh and there is always a bowl full tucked away for Thanksgiving pies.

These beauties are from my little apple tree! Final count was nine apples. I did have more, but the squirrels chomped up about half of them. I am still amazed I even got this many! Last year's apple count was two and that was after the traumatic bunny episode (I was more traumatized then the tree!)

For a bit of fall color, I decided to get out my grandmother's hobnail bowl and fill it with apples. Mom always called it the fruit bowl as it was kept on the coffee table with faux fruit in it when she was growing up. It has been nice to be able to have it out and enjoy it.

But these apples didn't last long in the bowl. Ultimate destination- Apple Pie!


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