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Tala委员会 – 居民通知

Tala委员会 居民通知
Bills are issued every 3 months.   In view of the hot climate, residents are asked to be conservative with water – small steps can make a big difference, ie not leaving taps running when brushing teeth, having showers instead of baths, connecting any watering system for the garden onto a timer system.

Household rubbish is collected from the house on a Wednesday and Saturday morning.   Please leave refuse in either your bin house [in a plastic sack] or in a sack in a black dustbin [and take the black bin back onto your premises after it has been emptied].   If there is space on the refuse wagon, up to 2 bags of garden waste may also be collected on the above days but there is no responsibility on the Council to collect non-household refuse.
There are recycling containers for paper, plastics and cans, and glass in the carpark alongside Tala Monastery Cat Park on the way to Agios Neofytos Monastery.
The following options are available for the disposal of garden waste:
The Government operated site for garden waste recycling and other non-household refuse [Green Point] is now open at    Akoursos, in an old quarry on the left hand side of the road to Akoursos village.   No charge is made for using the site.  However, it is only open on the following days:
Monday                                               0800 – 1800
Wednesday                                        0800-1800
Friday                                                    0800-1800
Saturday                                              0900-1500
Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday CLOSED
Options for garden waste:
1                     Branches, palm leaves and tree cuttings - Taken by the householder to the free site above
2                     Collection of up to 2 bags of garden waste [excluding branches, palm leaves and tree cuttings] by the refuse collectors.   Note, however, that priority will be given to household rubbish and garden waste may not always be taken if refuse levels are higher than usual.
3                     Purchase orange Tala Council bags at the Council office if heavy duty bags are needed.   They should then be left out for the refuse collectors who will remove up to 2 bags at a time, or taken to one of the private sites, or collection arranged by Andreas.  Any blue Tala Council bags which you already have should be disposed of in the same way.
4                     Take any bags to the private garden waste centre in Tala [Andreas] – a charge will be made of  €1 for the first bag, and €0.50 for each additional bag.  The site is open Tuesday 0900-1200, and Saturday 0900-1200 and 1400-1600].  However, if you phone Andreas beforehand, arrangements can be made to open up outside of these times, if required.
5                     Arrange for collection by the above private garden waste collector – the charge will depend on the volume/vehicle required.   
Please also bear in mind that the private garden waste collector will pick up domestic appliances free of charge.  There is a drop off fee for wooden furniture items, and home pick-up is offered for a supplementary charge.  
6  A new garden waste site has opened on the site of the former Tala Council site on the Kissonerga road, operated by NIPA Enterprises Ltd.  This is a processing and collection site for garden waste only and no home collection service is available
 This site will be open:
Monday – Friday                                              0800 to 1600
Saturday                                                              0800 to 1200 and 1400 to 1600
Large trucks over 7.5 gross tons                                                                 €25
Vans and trucks up to 7.5 gross tons and skips                                                €15
Small trucks or single cabin pick up trucks up to 3.5 gross tons               €10
Double cabin pick up trucks                                                                         €5
Saloon cars                                                                                                         €3
Private garden waste collector offering home collection – Andreas 99 327262
New garden waste site – NIPA Enterprises – Panayiotis 99 647883
For details of newsletters issued by the Council, important news and updates and events, please go to   If you click on Translate everything on the site will be translated into the language of your choice.
Following on from the Police presentation, security information and any security updates can be found by going to the right hand corner ‘Categories’ and clicking on Security on  
Everyone is encouraged to sign up for the Neighbourhood Watch scheme.   This does not commit you to forming committees or patrols, but is an agreement to be the eyes and ears of the Police and report any suspicious activity or vehicles to them.   We have an undertaking from the Police to carry out regular vehicular patrols of the Tala area.   To maintain this service, as a community we need to show support to the Police and this can be done by signing up to the Neighbourhood Watch scheme.
To sign up you can either email your name, address, mobile number and email address to Cathi on or call into the council office and provide this information to the staff there.
For the time being any security alerts will be by email.
On under Security there is a Get to Know Your Neighbour form.  This is available in English, Greek, Russian and Chinese.  If you are unable to print the form[s] from the blog, please email Cathi and she will send you the documents.   It is felt that by getting to know your neighbour, this will help make more people aware of the neighbourhood watch scheme, enable people to notice strangers in the area, or suspicious activity and thus reduce the number of thefts.   
There are also A5 stickers available for those who have signed up to the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.  These can be obtained at Tala Council office at a cost of €1 for two stickers.   Proceeds will go to charity.
Suspicious activity should please be reported to the Police on 112.   Thereafter, it would be helpful if you could let Cathi know what has happened by sending her a short email so she can liaise with the Police and/or alert the community if needed.
All dogs must be microchipped, have a health passport book from a vet, and be licensed with Tala Council.  The licences run for 12 months from the date of inception.
In addition, you should:
-          Ensure that the dog does not create a nuisance to your neighbours 
-          Keep the dog on your premises and ensure it cannot escape 
-          Walk the dog when outside your premises on a lead 
-          Display a Dog warning sign on the gate to your premises 
-          Pick up after your dog


Agios Neofytos 修道院马路上 Tala  修道院猫花园停车场旁边有纸、塑料、罐和玻璃的回收容器。
政府经营的花园和其他无回收生活垃圾处理地点 Green Point”在Akoursos 现在营业了,在Akoursos村镇马路左边的一个古代采石场。
星期一 上午8点到下午6

1.      树枝、棕榈叶和树部分 自己带上说的地点
2.      垃圾收集车会运走最多两个花园垃圾塑料袋(不含树枝、棕榈叶和树部分)。注意:将优先带走普通的生活垃圾,如果垃圾比较多,花园垃圾可能不会被运走。
3.      如果需要很重的袋子,在Tala委员会购买橘色袋子。然后把橘色袋子放在房子外面,垃圾收集车会运走最多2的袋子,或者到私人地点带走,或者Andreas会安排带走。(下列有他的电话)
4.      自己把袋子带去私人花园垃圾中心(Andreas),第一个袋子的费用是€1,其他的是€0.50。营业时间:星期二上午9点到12点,星期天上午9点到12点和下午2点到4点。如果你先给Andreas 打电话,他可以在其它时间安排。
5.      上述的私人花园收集车:费用是取决于垃圾的总量或者需要的车。 请记住,私人花园收集车也可以免费的收集家用电器。木头家具有接送费。
6.      Kissonerga 马路上在原来的Tala委员会NIPA Enterprises经营的花园垃圾地点刚开业。这是花园垃圾收集及回收地点,没有家庭收集服务。

周一到周五: 上午8点到下午4

超过7.5吨的大卡车   €25
不超过7.5吨的货车和卡车   €15
不超过3.5吨的小卡车或单人舱皮卡车  €10
双人舱皮卡车   €5
轿车    €3

私人花园垃圾收集员 – Andreas 99 327262
新的花园垃圾场 - NIPA Enterprises – Panayiotis 99 647883

关于委员会发布的时事通讯、重要的新闻和更新一集活动的详情,请前往 网站。 如果你按Translate(翻译),网站将翻译成你选择的预言。  
www.talanews.blogspot.com网站上右上角选择’Categories’分类)按Security (安全)具有警察讲解、安全信息和其他安全更新的信息。
大家都可以参加邻里守望计划这不能让你成立一个委员会或者巡逻队,但是你同意当警察的眼线和耳目以及向警方报告任何可疑的活动或车。警察保证定时在Tala地区 执行车辆巡逻任务。为了保持这种服务,社区需要向警察表示支持,参加邻里守望计划。
为了参加你可以发邮件给Cathi toffee@primehome.com写你的名字、地质、手机号码和邮箱,也可以给委员会打电话,提供这些信息。
www.talanews.blogspot.com网站上在Security安全)部分里有 Get to Know Your Neighbour(了解你的邻居)表格,有英语、希腊语、俄语和中文的。如果你不能在网站打印出来,请你给Cathi发邮件,她会把文件发给你。我们希望通过了解你的邻居,我们可以让更多人理解邻里守望计划,让人在这个地区注意到陌生人或者可疑的活动,因此减少盗窃的数量。

·         确保狗不会给邻居创建讨厌
·         把狗放在你的院子里面以及保证它不能逃脱
·         在你院子外面遛狗时,请用系狗皮带
·         大门旁边请挂一个当心狗的牌子
·         注意收捡狗便。


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