Bayram Cigerli Blog

Bigger İnfo Center and Archive


I have been made aware of a number of burglaries in Peyia, and one in Tala recently, where entry was gained either through a door or window which had simply been closed and not locked.
The Police have advised that you should not rely on simply closing a window or door - whenever you leave a property the locks on windows and doors should always please be utilised.

I have also been advised of an incident in Tala discovered this week when the owners returned. Two adjoining properties had both had their door locks tampered with but the thieves had failed to gain entry.

Please be vigilant - if you spot any strange vehicles or people about, it is better to phone the Police and make them aware.  The vehicle and registration  details may not tally, or the vehicle may have been spotted in the area of another burglary.  If they are made aware, they are then in a position to react.

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