Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Weekend Holiday

Did everyone have a good holiday? I did the un-heard of, I actually took a holiday on a holiday! That's right, no projects planned this Labor Day. No big scheme to cross something else off the to-do list. Just a bit of relaxing and visiting!
 We went to visit my sister and celebrate a birthday. It was such a lovely time! Lots of talking and laughing, good things to make and eat, a book shared aloud (one of our favorite things to do when we visit!), and a bit of sewing sneaked in. Also, another favorite thing to do while visiting! Somehow it works so well. I don't worry about carving time out from my regular schedule and can just relax and get the project done.

My favorite on-the-go project? The Sorbetto shirt! I have been working on a few new ones for fall. Once the sewing machine is out, we get all excited! Out comes fabric and patterns and a few more projects get added to the list. So not only did I get a shirt made for me but one and part of another for my sister.

(I have been so bad about taking pictures...... these are the last of the zinnias.)


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