Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Working on Windows

I have been slowly working away at restoring my windows this summer(and last). For being 92 years old, they really are in good shape! I know you all know it, but I love my original wood windows! The wavy glass, the generous size, the sense of history, the bit of squeaking and thumping they make when going up and down.

Freshly painted inside and out. All that white is almost blinding!

There are 3 steps to getting each window back into working condition. I will be posting about each of the steps in more detail. I find old windows fascinating! 

Step 1: Restringing
One of the main problems with old windows is the ropes break and then the windows don't stay open.

Step 2: Paint and Paint
Even though I primed most of the windows before moving in, they stilled a fresh coat on the inside. On the outside, it has been at lest thirty years since their last coat.

Step 3: New Storms
Old windows don't have an airtight seal. But with the addition of new (functional!) storm windows and a bit of caulking they are now ready for winter.


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