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The 5 Secrets to Fitness Success

Secrets to Fitness Success
Let’s be honest, in our business we get to hear a lot of excuses whey people don’t exercise. “I’m too tired after work,” “I have too many kids, or my favorite, “I’m just too busy!” While to some extent this are valid reasons as I understand the difficulty of navigating a busy lifestyle especially when there are others that rely on you. However, I have also found that perhaps many of these people don’t understand the secrets to living a healthy life. The truth is; they really aren’t secrets.

1: You don’t have to be a bodybuilder to workout.

Many people I know are afraid to come to a gym or join a class because they are out of shape or more appropriately, don’t like their shape. It is this fear that keeps many from becoming the person they really want to be. It is important to realize that not one bodybuilder started out ripped. Every fitness class instructor had to work hard to get in the physical condition to lead those classes. Trust me, try running around for 30 minutes to an hour while talking. We all start somewhere, and there is no shame in where you start. The hardest part is stepping in the door, the rest becomes history.

2: You don’t have to workout 5 hours a day to be in shape.

So you made it through the door and you hear someone saying, “I could do this all day.” A quick shiver runs through your body and you’re just about to turn around. Stop! The Mayo Clinic advises that most adults need only about 30 minutes of exercise per day. While this may still seem like a lot in the beginning, you don’t have to start there.

The secret is consistency. Start with 10 minutes, but do it every day. Whether it is walking, jogging, lifting weights, swimming or whatever you like the most, just do it every day. If you are consistent you will start to see results and you’ll start to like it, which means before you know it you will probably be exercising more than 30 minutes a day just because it is fun.

3: You’re not like everyone else.

Shocking, I know, but you are unique and special, just like everyone else is. This means that the best fitness plan for you will be different from those around you. You need realize that you can do great things but you need to focus your energy on what works best for you. Unfortunately, I’ve seen too many people trying to do too much or even too little just trying to be like someone else. Be you and see what happens.

4: You won’t lose 50 pounds overnight.

I have to admit, it would be awesome that after a week we could all shed 50 pounds and become the lean machine we’ve always wanted to be. Our bodies don’t work that way. You need to set realistic goals that are attainable. The first goal may be as simple as, “I’m going to exercise 10 minutes a day for 20 days straight.” Make a plan and reach your goal. Perhaps, “I want to be able to walk this trail to the top with having to stop.” These are both great goals that are attainable. As you advance in your training, you will continue to make goals.

5: The Secret to Fitness is No Secret

These may seem like very obvious points and for the most part they are. Like anything great that is achieved in life it depends on your focus, dedication and your plan. Our personal trainers understand how hard it is to get out of bed some mornings. They too have felt the struggle to get up and run. They know how it feels to rebound when they didn’t always meet their goals. We are here to help you become who you want to be.

If you don’t know where to start or if you just need help devising a fitness plan that meets your needs, call us. Jean-Robert's Gym is meant to be a place of health and a safe place to get there. We’ll be happy to help. You can do this. You just have to start.


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