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sewing closet etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
sewing closet etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

The Sewing Room Re-Do

I finally have pictures of the new bright and airy Sewing Closet! I am so excited with how it turned out, better then I imagined actually! There are a lot of the same things, but a lot is new. The biggest difference is a new sewing table! Getting a new table was a big decision for...

Work in Progress

It was so sunny last weekend I couldn't resist taking a few random pictures. The sunshine just felt so Springy! None of these pictures are tidied up, they were taken right in the moment. As you can see, the sewing closet is a mess.......In the midst of sewing non stop, there isn't much time left for...

Sewing Closet Wall Art

Even though we will be starting on our third year in this house, there are still a few things to decorate. Like my sewing closet walls. I had been planning on hanging something on the wall above the table from the beginning. But I was undecided as to whether I wanted the same vintage adverts or...

A Small Dresser

This little dresser may look familiar, I have posted a couple of times about it. It houses patterns, the top two drawers are my vintage pattern collection and the bottom two new and pdf print at home patterns. This year I decided it was due for a spruce up!  My cousin's gifted me a set of...

Sewing Room Chair

This was a post I was going to put up last weekend, but didn't get to. So before we move into Christmas too far, one last look at the upstairs!I think the refurbished sewing closet chair is my favorite piece in the room. I love all the little details!I wasn't really looking for a caned chair, but I...

Sewing Room

Are you ready to see my sewing/crafting space? I am never sure what to call or closet? It is rather large to be a closet and rather small to be a room! It does have a window and you could fit a twin bed if you really wanted to.It fits my sewing table along the left side perfectly. I love...