Photos: Merrifield Mosaic District
Global warming is turning Northern Virginia into Southern California. On a recent sunny 70 degree January day I decided to bicycle over to the new Mosaic District in Merrifield. Growing up in Falls Church City, I remember seeing movies at the Multiplex Cinemas when Merrifield was a run-down industrial district.
All I can say is wow! Merrifield doesn't suck anymore! The old movie theater was torn down years ago to make way for the transit oriented development called Mosaic. And it's not just Mosaic, there are new hotels, condos and apartments and construction cranes rising up within walking distance of the Dunn Loring-Merrifield station on Metro's Orange Line. The bicycling infrastructure isn't quite there yet, but with the Silver Line coming to Tysons, Fairfax County has big plans to make the car-crazy county more bicycle-friendly.
And it isn't just climate change turning NoVa into SoCal, Mosaic is a Cali-style outdoor mall with boutique shops and restaurants anchored by a Target and an arthouse movie theatre. With the introduction of the Angelika Film Center & Cafe, Merrifield has come a long way since the Multiplex Cinemas days. The original Angelika opened in New York City's Soho district in 1989. The Merrifield location features a huge screen on the exterior wall that will be used for outdoor screenings on the grass during the summer time.
The urban shopping district is LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified as well so not only did Merrifield go upscale with Mosaic, but green too.
February 4th is the grand opening of D.C.'s favorite Philly-style sandwich shop Taylor Gourmet (it's first Virginia location).
Here are photos of Mosaic District:
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