This blogger template was made especially for blog with comics content, named Johny Sakit Gigi. Sakit Gigi means toothache in my lovely Indonesian language, because I made this template when I get toothache for 4 days, so painful I hope you're not get toothache like me. This template made in magazine style blogger template with black and white color. You can use it for any gallery content with image. This template has a 3 column with one sidebar in the right, 3 column footer, automatic Lofslidernews that work with your recent post or labels, Feedburner box and related post ready in the bottom of every post, ads ready, dropdown menu, clean design template, and more. Feel free to use this template, and for more detail about how to customize this template please visit this link.
This template only work with image that uploaded in blogger host
Template Name : Johny Sakit Gigi
Author : Maskolis
Url Instruction : Creating Website
Designer : Creating Website
Url Designer : http://www.maskolis.com
This template only work with image that uploaded in blogger host
Template Name : Johny Sakit Gigi
Author : Maskolis
Url Instruction : Creating Website
Designer : Creating Website
Url Designer : http://www.maskolis.com
I suggest you to save any javascript in this template with your own Google Code or another file hosting for better result. Read this tutorial to save Javascript in to your own Google Code.
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