Bayram Cigerli Blog

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A Meeting of the (Historically-Inclined) Minds

OK, yes. I'm finally getting around to this. This is an idea that has been suggested to me by a number of people over the past couple years --and I've agreed it's a good idea -- but I've never gone so far as to act on it before. The idea is this: Over the past couple years, this blog has drawn together a group of people who share an interest in local history. I didn't create this interest -- just a place to share information and gather the like-minded. So if all of us enjoy sharing our mutual interest, as well as sharing information (swapping stories and asking questions), why not get together and do it in person?

Several people have expressed a desire to see if anyone would be interested in getting together and meeting in person sometime. No set agenda or anything. Less of a Meeting than just a meeting. Just an opportunity, for those who want to, to hang out with other people who share an interest, and maybe put a face with a name for those who’ve been hanging out here for a while. The tricky part is, I have no idea how many people might actually be interested in doing something like this – could be four, could be forty. What form this gathering ultimately takes will be determined by how many people think they might attend. If there’s just a few, we could get together at a bar or restaurant (or I know a coffee shop nearby that would be accommodating). If there’s a greater interest, we’d probably want to look into getting a room or meeting space somewhere.

I have a few ideas about how this all might work, but at this point I just want to throw the idea to the group. What are your thoughts? Would you be interested? When would be the best time for a gathering? Any places come to mind? If we end up in a private room somewhere, one idea I had was that people could bring a “show and tell” item or two if they want. Anything you have (a book, picture, document, artifact) that you want to show off, or you think others might think is cool to see. Even maybe something you want to find out more information about.

I have a few other ideas, but we can get to those as the plan starts to materialize a bit more. To help us get an idea of a potential headcount, I’ve put up a poll in the righthand margin. If you think you could see yourself attending a get-together like this, click the appropriate response. Not looking for any solid commitments, just, “If it fits into my schedule, I think I might show up.” (And please, only one vote per person.) I think this could be a very fun event. And who knows – maybe it could lead to more in the future. Can’t wait to hear what you all think!

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