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A New Place (2)

Remember I talked about some of the things I look for when moving to a new place? So far, I am having a great time trying to find them! One of the main things I have worked on from my list is places to run.

I have gone for several different runs near my new house. I am still exploring, but I have found a few nearby which are worth mentioning.

Star = My House, 1 = West Cliff, 2 = Wilder Ranch, 3 = East Cliff, 4 = Pogonip

Run 1: West Cliff Drive: This is a great path on the cliff side of the ocean. It's paved and runs from the Boardwalk to Natural Bridges State Park, which is about 4 miles one way. I have run this section several times. The only downfall for this one is that if you run it on Saturday any time after 9, it is pretty busy. However, I normally run this one on the weekdays, earlier in the morning.

Run 2: For my longer run, I ran along West Cliff, but added a few extra miles. I ran the bike path on Highway 1, as well as running the final loop through Wilder Ranch State Park (where I saw the snake eating the mouse!) The Highway portion is a few miles on a paved path and then the WRSP section is about a 2 mile loop along a dirt trail, which is partially along the cliffs and partially a bit more inland. 

Run 3: I went on a nice 17 mile run a couple of Sundays ago along the East Cliff Drive, which is a road which goes near the ocean most of the time. It veers off a little, but tends to have a good view of the waves and the beach and the cliffs most of the time.

Run 4: Pogonip and UCSC. This one is uphill, on trails most of the way. It goes through the Pogonip, and if you want, you can continue to Henry Cowell Redwood State Park and/or Wilder Ranch State Park. 

I am still having fun exploring, and think my next one will be through Pogonip and then around to Wilder Ranch and back home.  Or maybe I will run farther along East Cliff. Who knows? It's fun trying new routes and seeing new scenery each day!

Do you prefer the mountains or the coast? Do you like the river, the ocean or lakes better? Do you like to explore new places or once you find a good spot, you stick with it?

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