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The Three Cities

“Visit Naples and die” is the famous travel dictum. One hopes not, however, as there are many other beautiful places to visit all over the world. A visit to Malta’s historic “Three Cities”, also known as The Cottonera, would easily make you think back of Naples. It is the character of the people of Bormla, Birgu and Isla that triggers this assimilation. They tend to be jovial and helpful, outgoing and proud of the historical and cultural heritage that they live with everyday of their lives.

Imagine waking up and taking your first coffee of the day opposite the views of the palaces and auberges of the Knights, with the domineering skylines of churches and robust fortifications all around you. There is history at every step you take in Birgu, Bormla and Isla, known officially and in tribute as Vittoriosa, Cospicua and Senglea.

For too many years the cities had been left to sadly rot away in their history as the early tourism drive chose to concentrate on the northern sandy beaches, the new hotels and holiday complexes and the shopping areas of Valletta, Sliema and Mdina. The Three Cities very rarely got a mention on the colourful brochures until recent years when the area finally got its chance….and grasped it.

Today, the Cottonera can be safely said to be the fastest-growing tourist area in Malta, following a major rehabilitation exercise that has seen the creation of new, specialised tours, the opening of numerous new restaurants and museums, a splendid yacht marina and a full calendar of events that vary from re-enactment shows to candlelight evenings that emphasise the beauty of those narrow, winding streets.

Waiting to be picked like the idiomatic cherry on the cake, there is the charming village of Kalkara, a suburb of the Three Cities, from where you can get breath-taking views of the bastioned cities and Valletta from across the water. Happily, you don’t have to die after.

Getting to the Three Cities is relatively easy by car but do consult a map to be sure. By bus you will need to get yourself to Valletta first and then catch the appropriate bus from there. Buses 1, 2, 4, and 6 take you to Bormla and Birgu while bus 3 takes you to Isla.


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