Bayram Cigerli Blog

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An Update Regarding Books


I believed I told you that I joined the Bookmark Break Challenge, which is hosted by Aubrie Anne over at Who's Your Editor. Here is an update of my progress.

When I last posted, I had 9 books under my belt in 2011. Added to that are these, which brings the total up to 13:

Around Africa on My Bicycle - Riaan Manser (review here)
Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austin (A Blogger Book Club read)
Anne of Green Gables - LM Montgomery **** (this was a re-read, but just as good the second time)
Congo Journey - Redmond O'Hanlon**

I am definitely not in the lead. At last check on March 1, the top reader had 28 books!!! I have a lot of reading to do to catch up to her!

Also, I joined the BBC (Blogger Book Club) where our book for March was Sense and SensibilityKT of KTs Refinishing School has our linky open for discussion for this!  If you have read the book or want to join, go over to her site for a look!

My current read is With No One as a Witness by Elizabeth George, which should go fast as it is a murder mystery and I eat those up like candy. Even though it is over 700 pages, I started it this morning and am already half way through. Sometimes you just can't put a book down!

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