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Amazing Second World War Pictures: Part 2

The Germans used heavy artillery to control the uprising of August-October, 1944.

Ustashi brutality. Slavko Kvaternik [the second in command to the Croatian WWII fuehrer, Dr Ante Pavelic] explained [on the day of formation of the WWII "Independent State of Croatia", on April 10, 1941] how pure Croatia would be built - by forcing one third of the Serbs to leave Croatia, one third to convert to Catholicism, and one third to be exterminated. Soon Ustasha bands initiated a bloody orgy of mass murder of Serbs unfortunate enough not to have converted or left Croatia on time. The enormity of such criminal behavior shocked even the conscience of German commanders...

Dead soldiers strewn on the streets of a once proud, but now totally destroyed city. Berlin ruined. 1945.

Bingo! An American bomber hit by German anti air craft gun over France...

The German resistance ends. Happy and relieved Soviet soldiers watch as the remains of the German forces in Berlin come out of their hideouts and surrender their arms, Germany, May 1945.
American and Russian troops meet at the Elbe April 1945. War time allies later turned cold war adversaries.

Liberated inmates of a concentration camp getting back at a former guard.


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