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berlin 1945 etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
berlin 1945 etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Berlin Destroyed: When The War Ended In 1945

Berlin has always been a proud city. Prouder still was it under the rule of Nazis. But it saw a destruction that still shakes us up when we see the images of a broken Berlin in April 1945.It was not only the German women who were raped. Berlin too was raped. One of the last images of Hitler. On April...

Battle For Berlin. April 1945. Some Gripping Images

The Battle for Berlin is perhaps one of the most savagely fought battles in history. The invaders: Russians in large numbers with lots of heavy guns and a bitter hatred for anything German. The defenders: Some sad remnants of the German armed forces, old men and young boys armed mostly with panzerfaust.The...

A broken Berlin. 1945. After Germany lost WW2

These German soldiers were lucky to return home alive. Not many did. Especially from the Russian Front.