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 How the Best HTC spy phone software Can Help Parents Monitor Their Kids Text Messages
You just bought your teen a new HTC cell phone. Now how do you monitor what they do with it?  The Best HTC spy phone software is outlined below.
According to a recent report, the average teenager sends more than 3,000 text messages per month. That’s more than six text messages per waking hour. As a parent, do you know what type of messages your kids are sending? Are they sending (or receiving) in appropriate messages? Is there any way to find out what they are doing on their cell phones?
With kids sending so many text messages, it’s impossible for a concerned parent to monitor them without getting physical access to each message. Trying to find time to go through your kids’ phone while they are sleeping will not work. Periodic inspection of their cell phone will not work. The only fool proof way to monitor their text messages is using spy phone software for their HTC cell phone.
WHAT IS the Best HTC spy phone software?
HTC spy phone software is a cell phone program that is installed directly into a HTC cell phone that you want to monitor. Installation of the HTC spy phone software is done via the phone’s web browse and once installed, the spy phone software becomes virtually undetectable. As the text messages that are sent or received on the HTC phone are recorded, and then secretly sent to a secure online account that is set up at time of purchase. Recorded logs are generally sent in certain intervals (usually 10-15 minutes). Once you log into your account, you’ll have access to all the messages sent/received on the phone. Text messages will be recorded regardless if your teen deletes them after they are read. This means you’ll never miss a text messages.
This type of “cell spyware” is commonly used by suspicious spouses to read their partner’s text messages to look for signs of infidelity, but with the recent boom of texting among teens, parents are now rushing to purchase this type of spy phone software to monitor their children’s texts.
HOW CAN the Best HTC spy phone software HELP PARENTS MONITOR TEXTS?
HTC spy phone software enables parents to monitor all incoming and outgoing text messages. Parents are able to read the entire messages, even if the messages are immediately deleted after being read. In addition to the message contents, you also get to see the time and date of when the message was sent/received, the direction of the message (incoming/outgoing), number, and the name associated to the number in their HTC cell phone.
What makes HTC spy phone software so popular among parents, is they can access the recorded text messages from any internet connected device that has a web browser. This means parents can monitor their kids texts from home or work – with some HTC spy phone software having features that will alert parents when certain keywords are triggered.
In summary, HTC spy phone software has fast become a popular product for parents wh0 want a way to monitor their teen’s text messages. By using HTC spy phone software, parents are able to read all incoming and outgoing messages, and ensure their kids are not doing anything they are not supposed to be doing.
For more information on HTC spy phone software, check out any of the following spy phone vendors:
Both vendors above sell HTC spy phone software that range from $49.97 to $99.97, and both back up their products by a 30-60 day money back guarantee.
The Best Mobile phone spy software has become very popular. If you are excited to use a spy phone you will find many options available.The best mobile phone spy phone software is hard to determine. The top spy phone apps to choose from are Mobile Spy, Mobistealth, Phone Sheriff, Flexispy, and Spy Bubble.SIGN UP FOR OUR FREE BEST SPY PHONE SOFTWARE EBOOK BELOW!!

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Can sıkıntısından 2 adet logo çalışmam..

Başlıkta da bahsettiğim gibi ben kafasına estikçe ister gerekli ister gereksiz, saçma sapan; tasarımlar, logolar, afişler yapan istediğim zaman gayet gereksiz yazılar yazan. Özellikle matematik ve geometri dersinde 2 kat ilham gelmesiyle matematik ve geometri defterini adeta bir logo çizim defteri haline getiren öğrenci olmaya çalışan kendi halinde ama gayet başarılı bir webmaster. Bir saniye ya neyden bahsediyordum ta profesyonel bir webmaster olduğuma gelmişim. Neyse bu gereksiz yazıyı da bitirelim zaten sadece şu üstteki logoları paylaşmak için paylaştığım bir konu. Görüşlerinizi ve önerilerinizi bekliyorum... :)

Kötü Kızlar 2 - Mean Girls 2 Filmi İzle

Johanna; nam-ı diğer “Jo”, erkek gibi yetişmiş ve babasıyla birlikte yaşayan genç bir kızdır. Aynı zaman NASCAR yarışlarında araba kullanmaktadır. Okuldaki klasik drama etkinliklerinden uzak duran Johanna, The Plastics isimli kızlar grubuna dahil olur ve umursamaz bir şekilde taşkınlık yaparlar. Fakat görecekleri ceza belki de unutamayacakları bir ders olacaktır?

Ocabbaroglu Puanı: 6.5/10

Tür: Komedi, Gençlik

Yönetmen: Melanie Mayron

Senaryo: Elana Lesser, Allison Schroeder

Oyuncular: Meaghan Martin, Donn Lamkin, Linden Ashby

Müzik: Transcenders

Süre: 1 saat 36dk

İlgili Aramalar: Kotü Kızlar 2 filmi izle,Kotü Kızlar 2 filmi full izle,Kotü Kızlar 2 online izle,Kotü Kızlar 2 indirmeden izle,film izle

Should I Continue Weight Training While Pregnant?

If you're planning to have a child or maybe already pregnant and don't know if you should continue to exercise, then read on.

It's good to be physically active when pregnant. It can actually help you during your labor as you are physically conditioning yourself with the movement but it's also healthy for you and your to increase oxygen flow.

Now, take this advise below as educational purposes and do discuss your health and fitness program or any diet or exercise changes with your prenatal nurse or doctor.

If you've been working out before you became pregnant, then continue doing what you're doing.

If you've been running, continue doing it.
If you've been weight training, continue doing it.

However, if you've become pregnant and then decide to start an exercise program,
I say to this: Keep it easy and simple as walking. I would not suggest starting a new exercise program at all.

Mild weight gain is expected but you'll want to stay within 20 percent or under over your ideal weight when pregnant and not over.

The only thing I would suggest is that you keep the workouts moderate to light in intensity.

Also, after the first trimester, avoid any type of crunches or sit ups on your back as this can decrease your blood pressure which can decrease blood flow and oxygen to the fetus.

If you want to tone your abs, do ab contractions while on all fours. Think of the camel hump of rounding your back and then dropping your belly towards the floor while arching your back in the opposite direction and tightening the core and hold the belly in towards the spine. Tighten as if you were to get punched in the belly and how you will tighten your stomach muscles.

You don't want to diet either. Eat in moderation.

Do continue to eat clean and healthy with lots of fruits and vegetables and less fried, sugary, salty, fatty or processed foods. You're habituating the fetus with whatever foods you are eating during this stage when your baby is born.

You'll only need an addition 300 calories per day on top of what you are normally consuming to help nourish your fetus.

If you're eating healthy foods, your baby will crave healthy foods. It's that simple.

If you are training, any type of exercise, the way I like to look at how intense I work out is to train hard enough where you can hold a conversation with a person next to you (if you had one or jus image) but hard enough where you don't feel like talking. Got it?

Remember, keep everything in moderation and not in excess.

I'm Adriel Yapana. As a Glendale, CA personal trainer and boot camp instructor, I know how hard it can be to drop stubborn body fat. To get FREE powerful, life-changing strategies, videos and finally stop the weight-loss battle, visit my website at

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     Edison bir dinleme gezisi sırasında metal fabrikatörü ve Amerika dinamo makinesinin imalatçısı Willam Wallaceın yaptığı yeni elektrik lambasını gözden geçirmeye davet edildi. Tahta çerçeveyle, hareket eden iki koldan ibaret basit cihazın karşısına grafit plaka iliştirilmişti. Her iki kolu birleştiren grafit plaka elektrik akımı verildiğinde mavi ışık yayıyor gibi görünüyordu. Gözleri kamaştıran bu alev, grafit plakaları çabucak eritiyordu.

            Edison bu sahneyi konuşmadan seyrediyordu. Elektrik ışığı! Cidden büyük fikirdi bu! İnsanlık öteden beri geceyi gündüze çevirmeye uğraşmış; bunun için mum, yağ ve nihayet 19.yüzyılın başından beri hava gazı kullanmıştı. Bilim insanlığa elektriği hediye etmişti. Elektriğin ideal bir enerji kaynağı olduğu meydandaydı. Fakat Wallece’in metodu Edison’a doğru bir yol gibi görünmüyordu. Yanındakilere döndü ve “Zannedersem ben daha iyisini yaparım” dedi.

Thomas Edison

 Edison'un 40-50 iş arkadaşıyla işe koyulma tarzı, bilim araştırmaları tarihinde eşsizdir. Ara vermeden çalışıyorlardı. Atölyede yapılan ufak cam ampullerin içerisindeki hava, elektrik akımının kızgın hale getireceği maddenin yanmasına engel olmak için boşaltıyordu. Fakat esas mesele bu maddenin ne olacağı konusundaydı. Kimi maddeler çok az dayanabiliyor, kimileri çok pahalıya mal oluyordu. Halbuki Edison öylesine ucuz bir lamba yapmak istiyordu ki, herkes alıp evine takabilsin. Kömürleştirme işleminden geçmiş mukavva, hindistan cevizi kabuğu, mantar, hatta laboratuarı gezmeye gelen bir misafirin kızıl sakalından bir iki tel bile denendi.

Durmadan çalışmak yüzünden Edisonun gözleri yanıyor, dayanılmaz sancılar veriyordu. Ama o bunları kimseye söylemiyor, sadece hatıra defterine kaydediyordu.

Peşpeşe deneylerin sürdüğü bir gün asistanı "Artık bu işten vazgeçsek!" deyiverdi. Edison "Niçin?" diye sordu. Asistanı; "Çünkü şu ana kadar iki bin deney yaptık ve hiçbir sonuç alamadık!" dedi. 
 Edison hemen itiraz etti: "Bu doğru değil...Evet, amacımıza ulaşamadık ama hiçbir netice elde edemediğimiz doğru değildir.Çünkü aradığımız şeyin; yaptığımız şeyin yaptığımız bu iki bin deney içinde bulunmadığını öğrenmiş bulunuyoruz"

 1879 Kasımında Edison bir gece yazı masasının başına oturmuş, sönük bir puroyu emerek ne yapacağını düşünüyordu. Dalgın dalgın ceketinin düğmelerinden birini çevirirken düğme koptu. Üstünden bir iplik parçası sarkıyordu. Birden yerinden fırladı, laboratuara geçti ve teknisyenlerine iplik parçasını gösterdi.  Böylesini acaba ceyran nakledici olarak kullandık mı hiç?  Demek kullanmadık! Öyleyse gidin bir yumak ip alın, ufak parçalar halinde kesin, kömürleştirin ve lambalarınızı takın.

     Asistanları sonuç ummamakla beraber hemen dediğini yaptılar. Edison
un bu fikri, bu sahadaki çalışmalarından vazgeçmeden önce başvurulacak son çare olarak görülüyordu.

    Kömürleştirilen iplikler her seferinde kırılmasına rağmen bu hassas ipliklerden biri kırılmadan lambaların birine takılabildi. Lambanın havası hemen boşaltıldı. Lambaya elektrik verildiğinde iplik kızdı ve tatlı sarı bir ışık meydana geldi. Edison ve arkadaşlarının ışığı meydana geldi. Edison ve arkadaşları ışığa büyülenmiş gibi bakıyorlar. Acaba ne kadar sürecekti? Ampul saatlerce sönmedi. Süren çalışmalar sonunda elektrik santrali yapmak, 900 binada elektrik şebekesi kurmak, binlerce sayaç yerleştirmek, duylarıyla beraber 14.000 ampul yapmak gerekti.

     4 Eylül 1882
de meşhur mucidin bir işareti üzerine akım verildiği zaman, bütün mahallenin yüzlerce binasında, binlerce elektrik ampulü yandı ve etrafa parlak, tatlı ışıklar saçılmaya başladı.

 Edison devrinin en büyük meraklısı ilan edildi. Herkes sadece lambaları değil,onu da görebilmek için akın etti. Edisonu tanımayan kimse kalmadı.

    Thomas Edison'un icadının çalışma şeklini sergilemek üzere geliştirdiği ilk ampulu, Menlo Park, New Jersey'deki ilk endüstriyel araştırma laboratuarındadır. Menlo park labaratuarı sürekli olarak teknolojik keşifler, geliştirmeler ve iyileştirmeler yapmak gibi özel bir amaç için kurulmuş ilk kurumdu.

     Edison birçok icadını resmi olarak bu laboratuarda üretmiş, birçok çalışanı onun direktifleri doğrultusunda bu icatların araştırma ve geliştirmesinde görev almıştır.

      Elektrik mühendisi William Joseph Hammer, 1879 Aralık'ında Edison'un laboratuar asistanı olarak görevine başlamıştır. Telefon, fonograf, elektrikli tren, demir madeni ayıracı, elektrikli aydınlatma ve diğer birçok icatta büyük katkılarda bulunmuştur. Hammer'ı özel kılansa elektrik ampulünün icadındaki ve bu aletin geliştirme ve testleri sırasındaki çalışmalarıdır.

     Hummer 1880'de Edison'un lamba çalışmalarının şef mühendisi olmuş, bu mevkiideki ilk yılında Francis Robbins Upton'ın genel müdürlüğünü yaptığı fabrika 50.000 ampul üretmiştir. Edison'a göre Hammer elektrik ampulünün bir öncüsüdür.

İmlecinizle Hareket Eden Animasyonlu Not

İmlecinize ışıltı vermeyi daha önce anlatmıştık şimdi ise imlec ile hareket eden mesaj yada notunuzu blogunuza eklemeyi anlatacağız.Örnek olarak blogunuza gelen ziyaretçi imleci hareket ettirdiğinde peşinden hoş geldiniz yazısı çıkacak.bu yazının rengini, tipini ve boyutunu da yaptığımız anlatımla kendinize göre düzenliyebileceksiniz.

İmlec efektini blogunuza eklemek için;Kumanda Paneli>Tasarım>


Glasiyal (Buzul) Topografya Şekilleri
   Buzul topografyası , buzulların oluşumları ve hareketleri sırasında oluşturdukları şekilleri, kısaca buzulun etkisi ile meydana gelen aşınım ve birikim şekillerini ifade eder.

   Buzulların aşındırması iki farklı şekilde gelişir.Bunlardan ilki buzulun ve içerdiği malzemenin zemine sürtünmesi sonucu oluşur.İkincisi ise buzulun direkt olarak zeminle teması sonucu meydana gelir.Çok yoğun olan buz kütlesi,hareketi esnasında zemini oymak ve cilalamak suretiyle aşındırma yapar.

   Buzulların hareketi sırasında geçtiği yerlerdeki ana kayayı şekillendirmesi sonucu oluşmuşlardır.Buzul aşındırmasına uğramış sahaların en belirgin aşındırma şekilleridir.

Buzul Vadileri
   Genellikle başlangıçta akarsular tarafından açılmış vadilerin sonradan buzullar tarafından işlenmesi sonucu oluşmuş vadilerdir.
   'U' şeklinde olan bu vadilere tekne vadi de denilmektedir.

   Sirkler genellikle üç tarafı dik yamaçlarla çevrili yarım elips şeklindedirler.Bunların içlerinin sularla dolması ile sirk gölleri oluşur.

 Buzul çizikleri , oyukları ve çentikler
   Buzul aşındırmasının olduğu bütün sahalarda görülen aşındırma şekilleridir.
Çizikler özellikle yumuşak yapılı ince malzemeli kayalar üzerinde belirgin olarak görülürler.
Çiziklerin farklı setlikteki kayaçlar üzerinde derinleşmesi ile oyuklar meydana gelir.
Çentikler ise daha dirençli kayalar üzerinde sürtünmenin fazla olduğu yerlerde meydana gelir.


   Buzulların zemindenkopardıkları ve çevreden gelen kırıntı şeklinde malzemelerin uygun şartlar altında birikmeleri ile oluşurlar.

   Buzul ile vadi yamacı arasında kalan ve erime sonucu oluşan çatlakların çeşitli malzemeler ile dolması neticesinde oluşan birikim şekilleridir.
Asar veya Ekserler
   Eski buz örtülerinin içinde kanallar yardımı ile zemine kadar inen akarsular vasıtası ile oluşmuş depolardır.

The Relay: Race Recap

The Friday before this race, I was not sure what to expect. What I got was an experience very similar to traveling alone. You are by yourself, but you meet fellow travelers who are on the same path as you, and you become friends in minutes. Often, your paths only cross for minutes, or days, but you feel as if you have known the people forever.

My van was like that. A bunch of travelers, all going down the same path, with stories about our craft. Everyone is different; the level of experience varies, but you are all united by a common goal/love. Age range: 20 - 45. Ability range: Once a week runner (1) / Once a month runner (1) / Second race ever (1) / Marathoners (3). Quickly, I will go over the players. Names have been changed to protect the innocent.

MYL: The Organizer. Has run a couple marathons and some smaller races, but is currently not training for anything. She is also the one who got walking pneumonia and therefore was not sure if she was going to be able to run. Texas: A jokester. Has only run one other race before, which was 6 miles long. He ran that race in cross trainers. Backseat B: Fitness Guru. Not a frequent runner, but has buns of steel. The 6 Minute Man: This guy put down a 6 minute mile as his pace. We were all in awe. Young R: At 20 years old, was by far the youngest of the crowd. But he was still picking up what we were putting down.

All 12 of us got together for dinner on Friday night, for a little meet and greet. I am glad we did, because after the first 2 minutes, we already knew that our group was going to have fun. Do you know how I knew? First thing 6 Minute Man says to me is, "I read your blog". I was thinking, "oh crap; I hope I didn't say anything incriminating about this race!" Anyway, I learned that he had Googled everyone after he found out who was in our van. Creepy, right? But funny. You know what, if you put it out there, someone can find it! So beware. At least 6MM was honest about it (cough, cough, stalker!) Everyone was really nice, even the Van 1 people! But I didn't spend as much time with them, so you won't hear about them as much.

On Saturday morning, Van 2 (that's us) met up with Van 1 in Calistoga, CA (in case you are not familiar, that is in Napa County in the wine region) at the start line to see them off. The way our relay was set up was on a wave start. The first teams left at 7 a.m. and every half hour, about a half a dozen teams left the start line. The last teams (the fast people) left at 3 p.m. There were about 200 teams. We went over the start line at 9 a.m.

Doing "team stretches" before the big race

Our van then had to wait, since our first leg was not until about 1 pm. So we went and had some pancakes and coffee at the Hydro Bar and Grill. To be honest, I wasn't sure what to eat. Usually I run in the morning, so I have a simple breakfast (must have cereal!) and I hit the road. But this time, the time of day and the waiting, and the HEAT...I did not know how to play it. About an hour before my first leg, I had a bagel with peanut butter. You know how they say that certain things work for some and not for others? Peanut Butter? Does NOT work for me. Urp.

Leg 1: 5 pm Saturday. Finally, it was time for my first leg. It was about 85 degrees and very, VERY windy. The wind was not a nice, cooling breeze. It dried out your eyes, and your lips and your tongue. It pushed you backwards. It was hard. The beginning of my leg was through Petaluma, which is pretty flat, but that meant navigating the streets, which are not shut down. Around mile 3, there was a steady (and HOT) uphill until around mile 5, when it finally went down to the end. I saw cows (this area used to be known for it's dairies), sheep (I yelled MMAAA at them and the one other runner, who I didn't realize was behind me, laughed at me) and lots of green rolling hills.

TOTALS, Leg 1: 6.9 miles / 54:23 / 7:56 pace

Much of leg one looked like this

After our van was done, we headed to San Francisco, where we had a chance to rest at a friend's house. Unfortunately, we went the wrong way and ended up taking the coastal road instead of the freeway. This gave us the chance to have dinner in Stinson Beach, which is lovely, but made it so we did not arrive to San Francisco until about 9:30 and we were needing to leave by 11. I got about 1 hour of sleep.

Getting ready for the night run. Photo Credit: Texas.

Leg 2: 12:05 a.m. Sunday. Since MYL had gotten sick, I agreed to run this leg for her. I am so glad I did. This leg started at the foot of the Golden Gate Bridge and wound it's way around the coast, past Baker Beach, the Legion of Honor and the Cliff House and then down the Great Highway for the last 3 miles. It was the easiest 7 mile run I have ever done. It was cool, about 50 degrees, there was a nice cool sea breeze coming off the water, the city was quiet and dark (which I thought I wouldn't like, but I LOVED) and it was nice to just run along, without music (I know! Me? No music!) through the city I love so much. It was a little hilly as well, but they didn't even phase me this time.

TOTALS, Leg 2: 7 miles / 59:11 / 8:22 pace

This is where I ran for leg 2. It was dark, but still beautiful!

Leg 3: 3:30 a.m. Sunday. This leg was quick and easy, and although not as great as the last one, it was still nice to run quietly along in the dark.

TOTALS, Leg 3: 1.8 miles / 13:33 / 7:44 pace

After our last runner was done, we went to the resting place, which was a college gym, with showers and where you could stretch out in your sleeping bag and rest. We chose rest over sleep, but still by the time we got in, it was about 5:30 a.m. We got up at 7, making the grand sleep total about 2.5 hours. 

Van 2

Leg 4: 12:34 pm Sunday. Holy hills batman. This one was a doozy. It went up and down and up and down and up and up and up. From mile 4.5 to 6, there was a 700 ft elevation change. I thought I was tough. I have run hills before. I run trail races. But these hills, running on no sleep, in 80 degree weather, up and up and up...they killed me. I was hurting. On the plus side, I passed 6 people. Hey, sorry dudes, but that made me feel good. I'll admit it.

TOTALS, Leg 4: 6.3 miles / 55:23 / 8:46 pace

Over the hills and through the Redwoods

After I went, the next runner was our last runner. Her leg was 6 miles total, and we all jumped in at the end to run the last mile with her so we could all (including Van 1) cross the finish line together as a team.

Finishing Leg: 1.2 miles / 15:56 / 13:07 pace

Team TOTALS:  194 miles / 29:32:56 / 9:08 pace

The finish line. The guy in orange is who we were running/raising money for.

*Just a side note, the Google team usually wins, at least they did for several years. This year, they got lost and came in 2nd. However, this did not stop them from maintaining UNDER a 6 minute mile the entire time! (their total was: 19:49) Results HERE.

Afterward, there was BEER. And burritos. I was in heaven. Actually I ordered a burrito AND a plate of nachos, which I did not even come close to finishing. Then we had to drive back home (about two hours), get gas for the van and drop me off at my car where I had a 30 minute drive to get home. Then I took a shower and went straight to bed. I think it was about 9 p.m. I slept for 11 hours. Phew.

The Verdict?  If you are not from California, or even if you are, you should do this race. The scenery is amazing and it varies, showing off many of our best places. This is a great way to get introduced to some of the smaller towns and roads and off the beaten path areas.

Would I Do it Again? Yes. It was hard and I don't know how some people, who weren't regular runners, did it, because I think I am in pretty good shape and I had a hard time on some of the legs. It was challenging to have to run several times in one day, without proper food or sleep, up hills, in the heat. But I have to say, I loved every minute of it. Also, I made a bunch of new friends, and that is invaluable.

Van 2. Photo credit: 6MM.

Who is ready to run with me next year? Have you ever conquered a fear and found it better than you imagined? Have you ever been to any of the towns we ran through? 

Don't forget to check out other Fitness Friday posts over at Jills. Have a Happy Mother's Day on Sunday all you MOMS!

Simple Workout Routines That Can Help You Lose Weight

ByTeka Mullwani

One of the important issues about healthy living is watching one's weight. There are many people who think that they are overweight and would like to lose weight. The problem is that many of them are looking for a quick way to lose way. In fact, doctors rarely recommend use of medication to lose weight. Professional doctors will recommend a schedule of exercises and foods to be eaten so that someone can lose weight. In this article, we will look at some of the workout routines that people can engage in if they want to lose those few extra pounds. The workout routines below are not only for people who want to lose weight but also for people who want to keep fit.

Rope Skipping/Jump Roping - One of the ways to trigger your body to sweat is by jumping. By thrusting yourself up and down, you get to use the energy which comes from the excess fats that have accumulated in your body. In the process, you also get to burn quite a number of calories. It is better to use a skipping-rope for your jumping exercise as it attains better results than just normal jumping. This workout engages various body parts such as arms, legs, waist and hips.

Aerobics Sessions - This is one of the ways that women like to lose weight. The aerobic activities are usually very engaging and work out the whole body. One wonderful thing about aerobic sessions is the music playing in the background as you do your workouts. The reason why music is played is to keep you motivated and to add your zeal to keep on working out. You can attend aerobics sessions or you can purchase a DVD with recorded aerobic sessions on it.

Swimming sessions - Swimming is not only a sport but also a great way to lose weight. When swimming, the body parts that are being worked on are the hips, the arms, the legs and the head. Swimming is actually a full body workout.

Dancing - Another way to lose weight is by dancing. You can use whatever kind of music, from Latin to hip-hop music. As stated earlier, music as a way of motivating movement of body parts. Lots of fats are burnt when you dance.

The above routines can be very effective with a change in diet. You will have to eat more proteins and vitamins. Carbohydrates and fats should be eaten in regulated amounts.

You can also get Workout Routines for Women.

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The Wanted - Chasing The Sun

Şarkı Sözleri

[The Wanted]

I'm better

So much better now

I see the light, touch the light,

We're together now

I'm better

So much better now

Look to the skies, give me life

We're together now

We've only just begun

Hypnotised by drums

Until forever comes

You'll find us chasing the sun

They said this day wouldn't come

We refused to run

We've only just begun

You'll find us chasing the sun

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

You'll find us chasing the sun

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

You'll find us chasing the sun

When the daylight's fading

We're gonna play in the dark

Till it's golden again

And now it feels so amazing

Can't see it coming

And we'll never grow old again

You'll find us chasing the sun

I'm never

I'm never down

Lying here, staring up

And you're looking down

I'm never

I'm never down

Live forever, forever

With you around

We've only just begun

Hypnotised by drums

Until forever comes

You'll find us chasing the sun

They said this day wouldn't come

We refused to run

We've only just begun

You'll find us chasing the sun

The sun, the sun, the sun

You'll find us chasing the sun

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

You'll find us chasing the sun

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

You'll find us chasing the sun

When the daylight's fading

We're gonna play in the dark

Till it's golden again

And now it feels so amazing

Can't see itu coming

And we'll never grow old again

You'll find us chasing the sun

You'll find us chasing the sun

When the daylight's fading

We're gonna play in the dark

Till it's golden again

And now it feels so amazing

Can't see it coming

And we'll never grow old again

You'll find us chasing the sun

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

You'll find us chasing the sun

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

You'll find us chasing the sun