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How to Tone Your Body But Not Lose Weight

ByTheresa Bamp

Toning your body without losing weight can a challenging task, but it is a task that can be surpassed, yet millions of American struggle with this task daily. Most people simply do not possess a working knowledge of the factors that facilitate such a goal.

This article will focus on helping you learn . A Brazil butt lift is one method that people are using, but this invasive surgery can have many side effects and repercussions.

Firstly, you should change your diet, for this is one of the biggest factors that directly affect your toning. Try to focus on eating high-protein foods that don't contain many calories and fat.

If you really want to tone your body try to eat at least one fruit, a vegetable and a protein with every meal. The more often you eat--the higher your metabolism becomes; therefore, eat a light meal every three to four hours. This will ensure that your muscles are fed properly.

Next, you need to begin a workout regimen. Start out with something simple and begin, but always invest in the best equipment. You should purchase a top-of-the-line weight-bench, barbells and a medicine ball.

To avoid injury while you tone your body, start off with light weights that you can easily handle. From that starting point, you can gradually progress to heavier weights. Ankle weights are a great addition to light training.

The ideal amount of time to limit each workout to is 30 to 45 minutes, and each exercise should be repeated three to four times; 10 to 15 repetitions is the ideal range for a complete set.

You should wait a full day before you attempt to do anymore weight training because your body will need time to heal the muscles that you have just worked out.

You can purchase a protein shake formula that you will use immediately after every workout. Typically, people who are on a simple exercise regimen need to intake 50 grams of protein after each workout, and in the mornings with breakfast. The recovery drink after a sports workout is chocolate milk, so you could also substitute with that.

Those who follow this diet and exercise regimen for four to six weeks, will see outstanding results in their overall appearance. Not only will your body be more toned; You will also feel more energy and have a positive attitude about yourself.

You could put together a group of music dvds to help you with working out. This works well with a couple friends that are looking to help one another by exercising together.

Support can be a key component with toning and fitness. Having someone to sweat it out with gives you momentum to keep going.

I hope this article answers some questions for those who were always wondering .

Theresa is a lover of health and fitness. She is always looking for the easiest ways to keep her family in shape as well as slowing down her own aging process.

She is constantly working on how to keep her self in shape and you can see more about this learning how to tone.

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Running, the Ultimate Aerobic Exercise

Running is one of the most popular form of aerobic exercise in the U.K and U.S. Runners (or joggers) will tell you that not only are they achieving weight loss and general health benefits from their activity but also it's addictive. Motivation comes a lot easier when you exercise out in the great outdoors.

That is good news especially in light of recent statistics from the US Bureau (Centre for Disease Control) which highlights the fact that approximately 30% of Americans are inactive; they do not perform any physical exercise, not even minimal activities such as gardening or leisurely golfing. Therefore when you do find individuals who are inspired to "get off the couch" because they are motivated to do an aerobic exercise, it says a lot for the activity itself.

But what is aerobic exercise and who should be doing it? Aerobics is a sustained physical activity that can be done as low impact (brisk walking, swimming, etc.) or high impact (jogging, running, kickboxing, etc.) that stimulates and strengthens the heart and lungs and thereby improve the body's utilization of oxygen.

The beauty of jogging is that it can be done at any age and fitness level. Choose to run at your own pace where you feel most comfort, then as your heart and lungs strengthen through continuous workout, aim to challenge yourself a little more to maximize the health benefits.

The cardio health benefits of exercise

In addition to weight loss, running and jogging has been linked to improved mental health (reduced depression, stress and anxiety symptoms) and reduced risks of cardiovascular disease.

Here are a few more cardio/aerobic exercise facts that are inspiring and will likely have you clad and ready to run through the door and onto a jogging trail:

1: There is overwhelming support from scientific research that links running to the growth of brain cells; it can decrease neurodegenerative disease onset, a common assault seen in the elderly.

2: Jogging is associated with the maintenance of vitality, youthfulness, and vigour. British scientists have discovered that cells of people who are active in sports and exercise appear younger on a molecular level.

3: Research has shown that people who ran regularly increased the lubrication to the cartilage of their joints and strengthened the muscles around it, thereby reducing arthritic symptoms of pain and stiffness.

4: People who run experience intense exhilaration and feelings of euphoria; research shows that this activity is an automatic mood enhancer and gives credibility to the description used by joggers who say they are easily motivated and addicted to running.

Jogging makes you happier, increases self-esteem, and is fantastic for weight loss. There are many other motivational reasons to run including:

• Not having to wait on someone to direct your exercise, as done in an exercise class

• You can run at your own pace and in your own time

• You have the freshness of the outdoor air, and get close to nature

While running is a fantastic aerobic activity for everyone, individuals who have had problems with cardiovascular disease, and individuals who are obese may want to consult a professional before engaging in any strenuous form of aerobic exercise.

When you are ready to run, expect to reap the rewards of a better functioning body, feelings of relaxation, and a brighter outlook. What are you waiting for?

Margaret Le Monnier has over 20 years-experience as a qualified natural health professional in the UK. She is well known for giving intuitive and expert advice to people regarding natural approaches to correcting a wide range of illnesses and conditions. Margaret is now writing articles for a website solely devoted to bringing a comprehensive range of natural health advice to everyone. To find out more about the benefits of aerobic exercise visit her website at Natural Health 4 Life.

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Why Hula Hoop?

Hula hooping is something that I avoided for the majority of my life. It didn't make sense to me as an adult, because it didn't make sense to me as a child. What could I possibly do with a small plastic ring that refused to stay on my body, no matter how hard I willed it?

With some slight modifications, it turns out that I can do a lot. Hula hooping has changed over the years. It's not a craze, nor a fad. In fact, it doesn't really have a definite identity. These days, hoops are bigger, heavier and usually covered in decorative tape. While the tape helps to stick to your clothing, the heavier material and larger diameter make it easier to keep the hoop in motion. With this greater ease of use, the hoop can provide an outlet for a wide range of people.

Hoops are used for fitness, artistic expression, meditation, relaxation and many stages in between. There is no one "type" of person that hula hoops. Practitioners range from young children to working professionals, ravers and hippies, teenagers and students of many disciplines. With so many different faces and so many different vocations representing the hoop, one might wonder why it is able to connect with such an array of people.

The answer seems to lie in the simplicity of the hoop. Because it is a simple shape, it is not prone to specificity. No one needs a degree to understand it and there isn't a 12 page manual or extra parts required.

If you want to work your core muscles, then the hula hoop is for you.

If you want to dance and play, then the hula hoop is for you.

If you want to create a space for reflection and mindfulness, you've got a friend in the hoop.

It can be a solo or social activity. The hoop oozes nostalgia, while offering something new and fresh. In its simplicity, it allows the user to put all or none of their imagination into it. Whether in a public space, or taking a class, hooping can be a tremendous social outlet for people looking for a fun activity to share with someone else.

Friendships are made through hooping, because you can't help but laugh at yourself when you first try it. Even though it is a simple object, the movements that you can create and discover can be anything but simple. Hooping challenges the mind and body, inspires the creative imagination and offers hours of enjoyment for anyone that is willing to give it a try.

With so many benefits, the real question is, "Why aren't you hooping yet?"

Matt Stupar is a certified personal trainer and hula hoop fitness instructor. His business, Hip Hoop Hooray!, supplies hula hoops and fitness instruction to studios and individuals in the Greater Toronto Area of Ontario, Canada.

For more information on hula hoop fitness, you can visit Matt's site:

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Train Like You Mean It! Making The Most Of Your Workouts

I've got a confession to make. In the past I often didn't work as hard as I could when I trained. I backed off momentarily during a run, slowed down for a light that was still green, or tucked in behind another cyclist for a couple of kilometres to enjoy the free ride that drafting provides. Now these are not sins that will condemn me to eternal damnation, but as someone with limited time to train, I can't afford to be wasting time by not giving 100%. So I made a promise to myself that I will always make the most out of every minute of every workout.

Realistically, most people aren't worried about preparing for races, or running personal bests every week. Most of us just want to be a bit fitter and more in shape. The one unifying factor is that none of us have a lot of time to fit in exercise around our increasingly hectic work, social and family commitments. That's why it makes sense to treat every workout as if it is an Olympic final.

Here are some of the ways I try to boost the value of my workouts:

Keep track of your progress:
I run at least three times a week, and use Nike

Şoförsüz araba Nevada'da trafiğe çıktı!

Bundan böyle ABD'nin Nevada eyaletinde şoförsüz arabalar sıradan bir görüntü haline gelecek.

Nevada eyaleti şoförsüz arabaların trafiğe çıkışına izin verdi. Trafiğe çıkan ilk şoförsüz araba Google tarafından üzerinde değişiklik yapılan Toyota Rius oldu.

Nevada'da ilk turunu atan şoförsüz otomobil, Las Vegas'ın ünlü sokaklarında gezindi. Başka şirketler de, şoförsüz arabalarını trafiğe sokmak için Nevada yönetimine başvuruda bulundu. Kaza Şoförsüz arabalar, yollarını bulmak için araba tavanına yerleştirilmiş bir kamera ve radar sensörleri kullanıyor. Google mühendisleri daha önce de şoförsüz arabayı Kaliforniya sokaklarında denemişti.

Ancak Kaliforniya'daki denemede, aracın içinde bir sürücü, gerektiğinde kontrolü ele almak için hazır bulunmuştu.

Yazılım mühendisi Sebastian Thrun'e göre, araba 140 bin mil yol yaptı ve kırmızı ışıkta önündeki araca hafifçe dokunmak dışında herhangi bir kaza yapmadı. İnsan hatası Nevada Motorlu Araçlar Dairesi Başkanı Bruce Breslow şoförsüz araçları ''geleceğin arabaları'' olarak tanımlıyor.

Nevada, şoförsüz araçların kullanımına izin vermek için yasalarını Mart ayında değiştirdi. Uzun vadede sıradan vatandaşlara da böyle araçlar satın almaları için izin verilecek. Google'ın aracına trafikte fark edilmesi için kırmızı bir plaka takıldı. Plakada sonsuzluk sembolü ve 1 rakamı bulunuyor. ABD'de aralarında Kaliforniya'nın da bulunduğu bir grup eyalet, yasalarında benzer değişimler yapmayı planlıyor.

Kaliforniya senatörü Alex Padilla ''Bir çok trafik kazası, insan hatası yüzünden oluyor'' dedi ve ''Bilgisayarlar araç kullanmaya başlarsa trafik daha güvenli hale gelecek'' diye ekledi.

Blogger Başlıklarına Resim İcon Yerleştirme

Blog Okulundan blogunuza farklı bir görünüm kazandıracak yeni bir eklenti daha.Blogunuza ait resim, icon yada sizinle özdeşleşen bir simgeniz var ise bunu başlıklarınızda görüntüleyebilirsiniz.Blogunuza ekliyeceğiniz bir cümlelik koddan sonra simgeniz bütün başlıklarınızda görünecektir.
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Currently: May

Current Book - The Travel Writers Handbook - Jacqueline Butler

Current Celebrity Crush - McDreamy. What, he looks even better as he ages!

Current Drink - Smoothie made from: juice of 2 lemons, 1 splenda, 1/2 cup frozen strawberries (or mango), water, 1/2 banana, 1 tbsp yogurt

Current Excitement - Brunch with my mother and my "other mother" this weekend! 

Current fashion trend - I put pants on today, does that count?

Current Favorite Blog/Website - This Power Yoga Video

Current Favorite Film - The Princess Bride. Classic. If you haven't seen it yet, do it now. 

Curent Food - Pomegranate Pot Roast recommended by Lisa

Current Guilty Pleasure - Reading! I have been tearing it up this week! 

Current Indulgence - mini carrot cake muffins (mini = MANY)

Current Mood - productive = good! 

Current New Find Planet Fresh fish burritos in Santa Cruz

Current Outfit - Nike tempo shorts, Champion tank, Asics Pheonix 3

Current Peeve - People who say "I blog for myself". No you don't. If you did, it would be called a JOURNAL. 

Current Song - Goyte - Somebody that I Used To Know

Current Triumph - I went for a run in my Kinvaras. So far, no calf tightness or pain! 

Current TV Show - Nothing. (See above re guilty pleasure)

Current Wish-List - Remote for my camera

Currently Delaying - Working on my recap for The Relay (hence this post)

What are you currently up to? What are your Mother's Day Plans? What is your current peeve?

What's Your Excuse?

ByGeoffrey B Green

When I was younger, I use to have a saying "there's an excuse for everything". If you look hard enough, you can always find one. Your brain has the amazing power to rationalize. When it comes to getting in shape and working out, it's these excuses which stand between you and your goal. If you truly want to accomplish amazing things in your life, you have to say goodbye to the excuses.

The most common excuse I probably hear is "I don't have time." I know this one all too well. I've used it plenty of times. Amazingly, I found that if I really wanted to do something fun, I could find the time or make it. When I made the decision to lose 50lbs, I knew that if I wanted to accomplish this goal, I had to make time to work out. The way I did this was by making my work out a top priority.

Before the day was over, I had to get in my workout. The easiest way for me to do this was to knock it out first thing when I woke up, before the excuses could set in. Sometimes it would have to wait until later in the day. Along my fitness journey, I learned that when you make something a priority in your life, you will find the time.

Another excuse I hear is "I don't like working out." "It just isn't for me." This is another excuse I've used myself. The truth is that almost no one likes working out. It's not fun and it's hard. If you want to reach your goal though, you have to get past tone also. The only thing that separates those who are successful from those who aren't is that successful people get comfortable doing the things they.

I work with a lot of people who are in fantastic shape and a lot of people who have transformed their lives and lost a lot of weight. They don't like working out as much as anyone else, but they show up and get it done. Why? Because they have an end goal, and to get there, they have to do things they don't like. The reward is worth the sacrifice.

The last excuse I hear is "I hate dieting." This is probably the biggest hurdle to reaching your weight loss goal. Without eating right, all the hard work done during your workouts go down the drain. You take one step forward, and one step backwards. Your diet is probably the most important key to weight loss success.

I like eating good as much as the next man, but there is no way that you can have your cake and eat it too. You have to make a decision. Anyone who tells you that you can eat whatever you want and still have six-pack abs is lying. As the saying goes, abs are made in the kitchen. Once you get your eating under control, you are on the fast track to weight loss success.

There are a million excuses out there, and if you are looking for them, they aren't hard to find. They keep us stuck where we are, and stand between us and the things we want and deserve. If you want to achieve the success you truly want, you must get past them. So, Stay Fit!

Whether your goal is to lose 10-100lbs, I can definitely help you do it! To receive Free Coaching, visit me at

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8 Quick Ways to Start Jogging

Jogging is a great way to keep your heart pumping and workout a sweat. It gave you a sense of satisfaction upon finishing your jog, as you know you are doing a good deed to your body. By jogging regularly, you are able to keep in shape while releasing your stress away.

Follow these steps and you'll get the most out of this exercise and have a more enjoying jog.

1) Get a Proper Pair of Shoes

Jogging with your old tennis shoes, may put a lot of unnecessary stress on leg as it is not an ideal shoe to run/jog in. You'll get injured easily by wearing improper footwear, so it is best to get yourself a good pair of jogging shoes that suit your running style. Jogging shoes design to cushion the impact, while giving you additional support for your feet.

2) Wear the Right Clothes

To have a comfortable jog, you need to wear something comfortable too. But this does NOT means you have to get any expensive outfit but rather wearing clothes that you feel comfortable with.

Avoid wearing too many layers of clothes either, even though it's a cold outside. You are going to generate heat as you jog, so the excessive clothing will NOT only render your movement, but also making you sweaty and sticky leaving you in unpleasant state.

For ladies, you might want to get a good sports bra (jogging bra), which is much more comfortable compared to your normal bar.

3) Nourish Yourself before Jogging

Jogging on an empty stomach may cause you to run out of energy fast. So "fuel" and hydrate yourself, before jogging is important. You might want to eat light meals or snacks that are high in carbohydrate and low in fats.

This include:

Fruits Granola bar (energy bar) Chocolate milk Ready-to-eat cereals, etc

However do NOT eat immediate before jogging, give your body time to digest and soak up all the nutrients.

4) Warm Ups and Stretching

Warming up your body before jogging can prevent muscles cramps and avoid injury. This is because cold and tight muscles are likely to get injured. Warm ups help to loosen up those muscles and improve blood circulation throughout your body. And it also, in a way help to prepares your body and mind for the jog up ahead.

Warm up your body by walking, jogging on the spot or any other exercise that will gradually increase your heart rate. A good warm up usually takes around 3 - 5 minutes and this can be followed by some stretching exercises.

5) Start Jogging Slowly

After a good warm up, jog slowly as you gradually increase your heart rate. Appreciate your surrounding as you jog while focusing on your journey up ahead. You can listen to your favorite song on your mp3 player while jogging, as this makes it a lot more enjoyable.

Remember to regulate your breathing and enjoy your jog.

6) Cool Down and Stretching

After jogging, it is important to cool your body down. So gradually slow down your pace and start walking for a minute or two to get your heart rate back to its original resting rate. This is also a good time to hydrate yourself as you cool off.

Don't forget to stretch your tired muscles particularly your tights, hamstrings and calves as these muscles have been working hard. By cooling down and stretching your muscles properly, will help you prevent muscles soreness later on.

7) Replenish Your Energy

You need to replenish your energy after jogging. So you might want to eat something light (Banana, Energy Bar, etc), to start the recovering process.

And hydrate and replenish your loss fluid as well.

Drinking Sports Water (i.e. 100Plus, Gatorade, etc) will NOT only replenish your fluid but will give you a quick energy boosts!

8) Adequate Rest

Having a good rest is crucial as your body begin its healing process which will make you stronger. And by having enough rest, this can prevent you from getting injured, so you can continue to jog and make exercising a part of your life.

These are 8 Quick Ways to help you to start jogging.

So what are you waiting for?!!

Let's get going!

Aariz invites you to his website - On all about jogging, this is where you can get ideas and tips to help you start jogging and improving your health

Go to and find what you need to know, from getting the correct jogging shoes, to eating the right food before jogging and a host of other tips.

Aariz has the personal experience and done the research for you - So start jogging now!

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