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Making etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Train Like You Mean It! Making The Most Of Your Workouts

I've got a confession to make. In the past I often didn't work as hard as I could when I trained. I backed off momentarily during a run, slowed down for a light that was still green, or tucked in behind another cyclist for a couple of kilometres to enjoy the free ride that drafting provides. Now these are not sins that will condemn me to eternal damnation, but as someone with limited time to train, I can't afford to be wasting time by not giving 100%. So I made a promise to myself that I will always make the most out of every minute of every workout.

Realistically, most people aren't worried about preparing for races, or running personal bests every week. Most of us just want to be a bit fitter and more in shape. The one unifying factor is that none of us have a lot of time to fit in exercise around our increasingly hectic work, social and family commitments. That's why it makes sense to treat every workout as if it is an Olympic final.

Here are some of the ways I try to boost the value of my workouts:

Keep track of your progress:
I run at least three times a week, and use Nike