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weekly health plan etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
weekly health plan etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Weekend Shannies: I. Got. The. Job.

Well, well, well, lol. I got the job. Can you guys believe it? My nerves and my soul can finally rest... kind of.

I was a mess Friday afternoon. The CEO had still not called me. And for some reason, I thought she would for sure call. I just had this overwhelming feeling. So when I left work, I felt so drained. I skipped the gym, went home, and cried. I was just mentally exhausted from worrying about it so much. I got home around 5 PM from work since I left a little early. I was over life. I ended up leaving my home phone charger at my office so I decided to just leave my phone in the car and let it charge. I go inside and Marq and I sat in the living room and just talked. I needed to vent.

Around 5:45 I went out to my car to grab my phone. I noticed I had three emails, and wouldn't you believe one of them was from the CEO. She emailed me to ask a couple of questions and informally offer me the position. I replied and accepted, and she then called to let me know my formal offer would be emailed to me Monday. I'm really excited for this position. I'm a little bummed about the pay because she isn't starting me as high as I wanted, but it is still worth it because of how much I am going to learn from my CEO. Her company is the 12th fastest growing Real Estate firm in the US. She's has received tons of awards and she only started her company 7 years ago. Once I obtain my Real Estate license, things will be much different. I just need the patience and ensure being a hard worker is my foundation. Cheers to being a self efficient, self made woman!

After the realization set in that I did in fact get the job, Marq and I celebrated by planning my meals and work outs for the week, grocery shopping, picking up my favorite type of food - Greek (I ordered chicken kabobs, yum!) and catching up on "Impractical Jokers". Ha, how great right?

Saturday looked like this:

Up bright and early because our neighborhood community was having a big garage sale. Cars flooded our street! But before we could go to that, I needed to fuel up. I made this most delicious omelet; 3 egg whites, turkey sausage, fat free cottege cheese, and a hint of low fat mozzarella with a side of partially frozen peaches. Yum!

Around 1PM it was time to hit the gym. I had an awesome work out then lots of errands to run - as always. Do errands never end for anyone else or is it just me?
When I finally got back home, it was time to get ready for the evening. I played in my new Urban Decay Vice 2 eye shadow kit with a smokey blue eye. Since my eyes were dark, I paired it with a nude gloss. 

I made the most delicious Cobb style spinach salad for dinner then Marq and I saw "Gravity". And wow what a movie. It was really good! It made me a little motion sick but it was an awesome movie. Sandra Bullock defines amazing and the movie keeps you on edge. It's worth a see. I also finally earned enough points for a free ticket! Yay!

Today I was up bright and early at 8 AM. I slept like crap last night. I went to bed at 2 AM and could not fall back asleep when I accidentally woke up at 8. When Marquis does his cardio in the morning upstairs during show prep, I can hear it through the ceiling so it wakes me up most mornings, ugh. I love his body and I love that he bodybuild's, but going through show prep will him is hard.

At noon I hit the gym. I was going to go to spin class, but instead I decided to do the Elliptical and Lateral machine for an hour of cardio. Kevin Hart helped me get through all of that cardio. "Alright, alright, alriiight", ha! 
After the gym I was about to starve. I decided to pick up a sandwich from a restaurant I have always wanted to try; "Newks Express Cafe". I had the vegetarian sandwich - it was mushrooms, goat cheese, and pesto. Wow it was unbelievable! A little high in Weight Watcher points to be just a sandwich, but it was so delicious.

After I had lunch, it was time to get busy at the house: cleaning, prepping food for the week, and laundry. Below is this weeks meal plan:

  1. Meal 1: 3 egg white omelet with a piece of turkey sausage and fat free cottage cheese and a side of partially frozen strawberries.
  2. Meal 2: Quest Bar
  3. Meal 3: 2 Morning Star vegetarian chicken patties with a side of mixed vegetables, and a Fiber One brownie
  4. Meal 4: PB & J oatmeal (pre workout meal) 1/2 cup coats, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, and blueberries
  5. Meal 5: GardenIn bean based vegetarian "meat" (I use a variety) with a side of kidney beans, squash, and not pictured my clean potato salad.
  6. Meal 6: Fiber One Protein Bar

Now I just got back from the for the grocery store and I'm about to start making a delicious Sunday dinner for Marq and I. He doesn't well this evening so I'm whipping up something extra delicious: 

Tonight Chef Liz is grilling garlic Parmesan crusted steak, fruit and spinach salad, and rosemary olive oil artisan bread. Complete with a bottle of vino!

Tomorrow I am working until noon then Marquis and I are off to Raleigh for dinner and "America's Got Talent" live! We have second row seats, I am so excited! 

That's about it for me. I realize all in all I have had a pretty boring weekend and my blog entry contains way too many pictures of food, ha! Have a great week everyone!

Weekly Nutrition and Fitness Plan

I hope I can stay on track with my weekly health plan as closely as possible. My mother is coming into town Thursday and staying with us until Monday. Homegirl LOVES to cook so I can only imagine what she is going to fatten Marquis and I up with! But I don't hate it.
Image Map


Meal 1 (7 AM): 100 calorie Greek Yogurt and Vanilla Almond Granola

Meal 2 (10:30 AM): Half of an acorn squash with sugar/calorie free syrup, and ground cinnamon

Meal 3 (1:30 PM): 2 MorningStar vegetarian chicken patties with a side of steamed mixed veggies

Meal 4 (4 PM) : 1/2 cup of oats, blueberries, one tablespoon of Peanut butter, and 1/4 cup of Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk. (I call this peanut butter and jelly oatmeal. The perfect prework meal! for tons of energy)

Meal 5 (7:30 PM): 2 pieces of GardenIn vegetarian chicken scallopini with a side of mixed veggies, and half of an acorn squash with ground cinnamon and sugar/calorie free syrup.

Meal 6 [optional]: Fiber One Protein Bar

*I am not vegetarian, I just love vegetarian products
* I have a slight addiction to squash. It is SO healthy for you. 
*Fiber is an ESSENTIAL part of weight loss. It is the best form of carbohydrates for your body to intake. Ensure you are eating enough! 


  12:30 PM - 20 minutes of Lateral cardio
  *This is very easy, low impact cardio I do on my lunch hour at my gym. I sit at a desk all day and do not move around a   lot so I need this as a mental break and to get my blood flowing.
  5 PM - Regular workout: 15 minutes of lateral cardio followed by a 45 minute spin class.

  12:30 PM - 20 minutes of Lateral cardio
  5PM: Regular workout: 15 minutes on the Elliptical, full upper body weight circuit, and minutes of lateral      cardio

  5PM: 20 minutes of Lateral cardio and a 45 minute spin class

  12:30 PM - 20 minutes of lateral cardio
  5PM: Regular workout: 15 minutes on the Elliptical, full upper body weight circuit, and 10 minutes of lateral cardio

 12:30 PM - 20 minutes of lateral cardio
 5PM: Regular work out, lighter on cardio. 10 minutes on the Elliptical, full leg work out, and 10 minutes on the Elliptical

Saturday: O F F

  1 PM: 15 minutes on the StairMill, full upper body weight circuit, and 10 minutes on the StairMill

Rainy Weekends are Made for Shopping and Redbox


The day actually went by fairly quickly. That rarely happens, especially on a Friday.

After work I had an awesome work out. Squats, weights, and cardio.

Since it was a rainy, cool day, it had me longing for Fall.

I decided to get some Pumpkin Spice ale. Perfect way to unwind after a long, busy week, right?

Unfortunately, it tasted like tree bark.

I did make homemade cheese kale chips and those were awesome.


It rained and rained and rained.

I started off with a run on the tredmill upstairs then Marquis and I spent the day out shopping. We went to SO many different places and spent two hours alone in the mall. We shopped for a total of 7 hours.

One of our many stops was Clinique. It's free gift time, my favorite. If there is a Belk near you, get to it soon so you can get a free gift as well.  I refilled on my face wash with my hot mess oily skin (seriously, I could fuel a car) and my Silvery Moon lipstick. Best $33 spent the whole day.

After Marq and I were both aching, we decided to pick up dinner and Redbox. Seriously, instead of working out at the gym, I should just spend days shopping - my legs were KILLING me after. I was exhausted. Talk about "shop until you drop".

We rented "The Host" and "Die Hard" and enjoyed popcorn with fun flavors to top it with. Those toppings are God's gift to dieters. I put them on chicken, veggies, eggs - anything. "The Host" was an awful movie. It was a bore and we only made it through 40 minutes of it. I was disappointed. "Die Hard" was good, as always. Lots of good action, humor, and twists. It is definitely worth a rent.


This morning I started off watching one of the best movies of all damn time, Scarface. I was feeling pretty bad ass after it so I hit the gym for spin class then weights. Then I was off to my Sunday Funday routine; grocery shopping, cleaning, and food prep. 

I have really switched up my eating this week and I could not be more excited! I am pretty simple when it comes to food. I try to always eat healthy (I splurge 2-3 meals a week) so it can get expensive if I want to make different things for every breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and my in between snacks (I eat 5 small meals a day). I pick one breakfast, one lunch, and one dinner, and my two snacks, and that is what I have for the week. I have been pretty regular over the past 4-5 weeks, basically sticking with the same things over and over so I am glad I finally ventured out. 

My thinking bulb was extra bright on ideas!

Nutrition and Fitness Plan; Week of August 18th 2013


Meal 1: Spinach egg white wrap. (Spinach wrap with three egg whites, turkey bacon bites, and fresh spinach.)

Meal 2: Peanut Butter Protein Shake (1 scoop banana creme protein, 2 tablespoon Natural PB, and 1 cup of Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk

Meal 3: Mexican Mix with a side of steamed veggies. (Extra lean ground turkey, low sodium taco seasoning, fat free refried beans and black beans all mixed together)

Meal 4: Oats and strawberries. (1/2 cup of oats mixed with frozen strawberries and Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk)

Meal 5: Veggie Flatbread Pizza with a side of homemade Kale chips. (100 calorie whole wheat Flatbread topped with grated zucchini, mushrooms, spinach, and low fat feta)

    • Sunday: 45 minute spin class + full upper body weight circuit (done)
    • Monday: 20 minutes of lateral cardio + 45 minute spin class
    • Tuesday: 15 minutes of later cardio, full upper body weight circuit, 10 minutes on the Elliptical
    • Wednesday: Same workout as Monday
    • Thursday: 10 minutes on the StairMaster, full upper body weight circuit, 15 minutes of lateral cardio
    • Friday: 20 minutes of lateral cardio, full leg work out, 10 minutes on the Elliptical
    • Saturday: OFF day or optional 45 minute run/walk at home tredmill

    Weekend Recap & Weekly Health Plan {2}

    Will it ever stop raining? I am starting to wonder. I think I am going to force myself to start learning how to build an ark.

    One of my best friends Jennifer stayed this weekend and we made this best of it considering it poured freakin' rain the whole time. Why can't it rain men, ya know? Friday when the work day ended, I met girlfriend Jeana at the gym for our weekly leg annihilation. Afterwards, I went home, showered and made myself presentable and Jennifer finally arrived. We then take off to Jeana's. We were going to grill out and have some patio time but it rained. I know you're shocked. Luckily Jeana's husband went outside and grilled kabobs of chicken and veggies before it poured so we could still enjoy dinner. I brought a couple bottles of wine and it was fun for us girls to sit around and laugh and talk. I love good conversation over wine. Saturday, Jennifer had to leave early to take her medical coding certification. I decided to clean up, get some groceries, and take it easy until she finished. When she arrived back at my place, we went to the gym, then came back and got ready. We saw "The Purge" then had dinner at my favorite little hole-in-the-wall bar/restaurant; "Madison's On The Corner". Their food is SO delicious. I had a spicy buffalo chicken wrap and it was a foodgasm. Also, "The Purge" was an awesome movie, in my opinion. I would not be surprised if there was second one. I knew it was receiving bad reviews, but I was pleasantly surprised. Yesterday, Jennifer left early and I went to spin class with my other best friend Kelly. We lifted weights after spin then I finally satisfied my Zoe's craving! The rest of the day was really mellow; Django, cleaning up, and prepping food. So there's my rockstar weekend!

    I did not get any pictures of my weekend because I just didn't think about it, but I did take some cute ones of my cat. He is just that awesome and funny.

    He was sleeping on the loveseat. He saw me eating turkey then proceeded to get halfway on the couch trying to take my turkey for me... but be sly about it. I have never witnessed a creature so insane over turkey.
    Saturday morning I was having my shake for breakfast and while napping on me, Marty decided he wanted to get healthy too. That was the end of that glass.
    Just taking a rainy Sunday afternoon nap in the sink.
    This weekend, my sexy fiance and I are jetting to Myrtle Beach to celebrate two insane, crazy, hard, awesome, fun, hilarious, miserable, and loving years together. I am definitely going to have to push through my work out's and eat like bird! Then eat like a pig once I am down there! Just kidding... kind of. 
    Meal 1 [7:15 AM]: Power Smoothie
    Meal 2 [10:30 AM]: 2 egg whites, spinach, and turkey bacon bits
    Meal 3 [1:15 PM]: Turkey spaghetti (98% lean ground turkey, whole wheat noodles, organic tomato sauce, hint of low fat mozzerella)
    Meal 4 [4 PM]: 1/2 cup of oats, 1/2 cup of Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk, and a tablespoon of sugar/fat free jello pudding mix
    Meal 5 [7:30]: Garden protein imitation chicken (orange style) with red potatoes and broccoli
    Sunday: 45 minute spin class and full upper body weight circuit
    Monday: 20 minutes lateral cardio and 45 minute spin class
    Tuesday: 10 minutes StairMill, 10 minutes lateral cardio, full upper body weight circuit, and 20 minutes HIIT on tredmill (incline walk/regular walk mix)
    Wednesday: Squats, 20 lateral cardio, and 45 minute spin class
    Thursday: 45 minute spin class/full upper body weight circuit
    Friday-Monday: No gym - beach!