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Seniors etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Seniors etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Six Pack Abs Myths Targeting Seniors

If you want to feel more energetic and younger, a six pack workout could be just what you need! There are many myths about workout routines and aging, and they are just that-myths. There is no reason why someone 50 or older cannot train toward getting the same body as someone younger. All it takes is determination and the use of the practical solutions presented in this article.

Senior Six Pack Workout Myth 1:

Losing Strength and Flexibility is a Normal Part of Aging

This myth is only true if you stop exercising. What is true is that as people age, their bodies do not produce hormones in the same quantities or as frequently as they once did. This reduction in hormones causes people to feel slower and more tired as they age. The old saying "if you don't use it you lose it" is extremely true in this case. Regular six pack workouts with resistance bands (to start, you can move onto weights when you feel ready) and regular aerobic exercise will increase overall wellness and give you a renewed feeling of the vitality you once had.

Senior Six Pack Workout Myth 2:

"I've had or have (name a disease), and I just can't do it anymore"

This too is normally an incorrect assumption. Regardless of their current physical condition, people have the ability to change and improve their fitness level at any age and regardless of any lingering physical limitations. It is simply a matter of tailoring the exercise to fit the individual and their limitations. This is where your healthcare provider can come into play by suggesting programs or exercises.

If there is difficulty with balance or walking, there are six pack workout exercises that can be done from a seated position, and this includes aerobic exercise. Foot cycles can be used both to increase range of motion in the legs and add some needed aerobic activity. The upper body cycles usually found in rehabilitation centers or gyms can do the same for the upper body. After a short while, many people find that they can advance to walking, first with assistance, and then after time, without any assistance. Balance exercises can include something as simple as holding on to a counter and lifting one foot off the ground.

Senior Six Pack Workout Myth 3:

"It just doesn't matter anymore- I'm not trying to impress anyone"

This by far is the hardest attitude to overcome, unless you realize it is only an excuse! It does matter, not only to you, but to your loved ones as well. Exercise is a known mood lifter, and the ability to be able to do things without assistance can be a good motivator to get back into, or start exercise even in the later stages of your life.

A terrific example is Jack LaLanne. Prior to his death at age 90, he was fully active and engaged in life. He was in terrific physical condition, did not become ill or forgetful, and was strong and vigorous right up until his death. He had the physique and looks of a man 1/4 of his age and the attitude as well. I saw an interview with him about a year before he died and he stressed how important it was to keep pushing and keep striving for fitness goals and good nutrition. He said those were the major reasons why he was still in such incredible shape and he was convinced that anyone really could do it if they simply wanted those results.

A good six pack workout targets not only your abs, but your mind and heart as well.

Seeing we're done with excuses why don't you start adding these super foods to your six pack abs diet? If you want some basic exercises to get you going toward your renewed six pack abs journey simply click here to start doing them today!

As a courtesy, don't forget to discuss your new intentions with your doctor! Get ready for some praises from him also!

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The Wonderful Benefits of Simple Exercise For Seniors

Then you should go for it. An active lifestyle is very beneficial. It help boost energy levels and can even help to reverse some of the problems of aging. It can improve your energy and strength.

It doesn't matter what your age, or illness, you will improve flexibility and balance by moving more.

Endorphins produced by being active will decrease depression and help you feel better. Plus it increases your self-confidence. Exercise will increase heart health, blood pressure, and bone density.

Your whole body will improve with regular exercise. It will reduce the problems of aging and will improve your strength and over-all well being.

It will help you lose weight. Exercise increases metabolism and burns calories to help you reach a healthy weight.

Getting active will improve your sleep patterns, by helping you to fall asleep easier and sleep sounder.

Your brain will have added benefits by helping to preventing memory loss and dementia.

Where to start? Start slow, build up your program a little at a time. Warm up, cool down and have water available all the time.

If something hurts, stop doing it. Exercise was not meant to be painful. Try something else.

One of the best and easiest cardio exercises to start with is walking. Make sure you are in a safe area, without a lot of traffic. Be aware of your surroundings. A very popular place is a local mall. I know some malls even open their doors early to accommodate the early walkers. Plus there is safety in numbers. Or find a walking partner. Set a time to meet that's good for both of you. It doesn't seem like a chore when someone else is there to talk to.

After you have gotten in the habit of walking four to five times a week for at least thirty minutes a day, it's time to add some variety to your workout.

Swimming, hiking, cycling are a few more forms of cardio exercise that can be fun and a change of pace from walking.

Also check with the YMCA. They have many programs available for seniors. One that is available in Florida is Silver Sneakers. It features many different classes for seniors. Zumba, water aerobics, Yoga and Tai Chi are just a few.

Also if you live in a warm climate most senior housing complexes have pools available.

Check your television. Some stations have an exercise channel.

Take advantage of what's around you, and enjoy.

Deanna is enjoying her love of cooking, hosting and healthy living in her articles.

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