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Covid-19 etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Covid-19 etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Pfizer covid-19 vaccine: Is it the breakthrough we've been hoping for?

Pfizer covid-19 vaccine: Is it the breakthrough we've been hoping for?Pfizer and its partner BioNTech say their coronavirus vaccine is 90 per cent effective in phase III trials. How excited should we be about the news, and what questions remain unanswer...

Silver Linings

This year, at times it has been hard to find the good amidst all of the things going on. However, there have been some! I have heard many a parent or grandparent say that without this situation, they would have never been able to spend so much quality time with their kids/grandkids. My friend's mom is teaching her daughter to cook, which my friend never would have done. There are some silver linings...

Groundhog Day

Along with the phrase, "doing twice as much and only getting half as much done," I have heard the words "groundhog day" a lot in the last six months. If you have not seen the movie, which features Bill Murray, it basically is about a man who repeats the same day over and over. Much like most of us have been doing for the last six months! I was making my coffee the other day and it hit me hard for...

Looking Back: March

Well hello! The month of March was one for the record books so I figured why not put some of my thoughts in writing?Running: Despite many obstacles, I ran 180 miles in March. The month started out great; summer training was starting to ramp up, it was a little rainy, things were still "normal." Week...