난 너를 사랑해 (2015, Cover)Söyleyen: JinArka Vokal: JungKook, JinVokal Aranjmanı: Jin, Slow rabbit @ Carrot ExpressMixed, Ana Kayıt: Pdogg @ Dogg Bounce*Orijinal Şarkı : 메이트(Mate)-난 너를 사랑해Merhaba, ben Jin.Uzun bir süre sonra yeniden bir cover paylaşıyorum.Güzel bir günde coverımı paylaşmak istedim.Doğum günümde sesimi sizinle paylaşabilmekten mutluluk duyuyorum.Doğum günümde sesimi sizinle paylaşmak...
Herşey Dahil Sadece 350 Tl'ye Web Site Sahibi Ol
Hızlı ve kolay bir şekilde sende web site sahibi olmak istiyorsan tek yapman gereken sitenin aşağısında bulunan iletişim formu üzerinden gerekli bilgileri girmen. Hepsi bu kadar.
Web Siteye Reklam Ver
Sende web sitemize reklam vermek veya ilan vermek istiyorsan. Tek yapman gereken sitenin en altında bulunan yere iletişim bilgilerini girmen yeterli olacaktır. Ekip arkadaşlarımız siziznle iletişime gececektir.
Web Sitemizin Yazarı Editörü OL
Sende kalemine güveniyorsan web sitemizde bir şeyler paylaşmak yazmak istiyorsan siteinin en aşağısında bulunan iletişim formunu kullanarak bizimle iletişime gecebilirisni
birthday etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
birthday etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
A Long Weekend Recap with Friends and Family

Tomorrow I go back to work after 5 wonderful days off. I took time off for my birthday. I was feeling a bit more tired than usual from long hours and different events going off at work. I spent half of the time back home visiting with friends and family, then the other half back at home. I stayed...
All About The Week!
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 20:04
5 on a friday, birthday, birthday week, friday 5, h54f, life, Random
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In honor of my birthday on Wednesday, I am taking a 5-day weekend. I was off today and go back to work Tuesday, so my weekend is well under way. The week has been pretty fun and I had a wonderful birthday. I received a ton of messages, texts, and comments from you guys which consistently put a big smile...
A Quest Nutrition Giveaway for My Birthday!

It's my birthday, friends! Today I turn a quarter of century old and I am no longer allowed to say I am in my early 20's. It is bittersweet I guess, but I enjoy growing older. Age does not matter to me; how I feel does! I feel 35 and depending on who you ask I look it too, hehe. I love giving to...
Let's Chat: All About The Week
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 18:26
birthday, friday 5, life, mama, Random, updates, weight loss
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Happy almost Friday! I am so happy it's Thursday evening, my body is aching. This week was absolutely exhausting. It was all about 12 and 14 hour work days: meetings upon meetings, lunches, visitors, client dinners, and assisting my President (which is part of my normal duties, it was just escalated...
Summer Fun: My Birthday and Beach Trip!

Yesterday I turned 24 years old. I can't believe it. I still cannot believe I even turned 21. Now here I am turning 24. OMG! Where does time go?! I have had a great weekend filled with love, celebration, salty air, and good food. Here is what has been going on:Friday: Long day at work, but at 5 o'clock...