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beginner CrossFit workout etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
beginner CrossFit workout etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Fit Mommy - Lose the Baby Weight Recipe for Success

Good Morning Fit Mommies! =] I hope you guys had a great weekend. As soon as babies and kiddos enter your life it seems like life takes off at super speed and there's never enough time to get laundry done, get ready, pack the diaper bag AND eat! Here are a few of my favorite snacks for on-the-go that both you and the little ones will love. 

Mommy and Me Snacks: baked apple crisps, frozen Greek yogurt pops with agave nectar and Mommy's Trail Mix: whole-grain Cheerios, dried cranberries and sunflower seeds

PORTION CONRTOL - The Kid's Plate. Use a kid-sized plate to check your portion control. (Your meal should be 1/3 protein, 1/3 whole grain and 1/3 veggie.)

    Lose the Baby Weight Checklist

    Start your morning with protein and Omega 3s - you've all heard it before, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Don't skip breakfast - you're body will go into starvation mode and start saving the fat! Always get fueled up for the day ahead! 

    Three snacks a day - never let hunger build! - Veggies and Fruit are AWESOME snacks. 

    Maintain portion control for your dinner      

    Good luck! YOU CAN DO THIS!! 

      No Equipment - CrossFit Work Out - 1 Week

      Happy Sunday! =] I hope you all are having a great weekend. It's been a little over 5 months since Baby Lo was born and I've been somewhat bored with my routine lately. Logan has gotten a ton of strength in the last 2 months and I love incorporating her into my workout. This is a great workout for all mommies out there who either can't get to the gym, travel frequently or just don't have a lot of time to workout. I hope you enjoy these No Equipment CrossFit Work Outs.

      2 min Jump Rope or Jog
      15-second Samson Stretch
      15-second Waiter’s Bow
      10 Arm Circles Forward & Backward
      10 Leg Swings Each Leg
      10 Squats
      10 Sit-ups
      10 Pushups
      3 Rounds

      2 min Jump Rope or Jog
      15-second Samson Stretch
      15-second Waiter’s Bow
      10 Arm Circles Forward & Backward
      10 Leg Swings Each Leg

      10 rounds of
      -10 burpees
      -10 situps

      Day 3
      2 min Jump Rope or Jog
      15-second Samson Stretch
      15-second Waiter’s Bow
      10 Arm Circles Forward & Backward
      10 Leg Swings Each Leg

      Sprint 100 meters
      Rest 1 minute
      Repeat 10 times

      Day 4: 
      2 min Jump Rope or Jog
      15-second Samson Stretch
      15-second Waiter’s Bow
      10 Arm Circles Forward & Backward
      10 Leg Swings Each Leg

      100 Single Unders (Jump Rope)
      50 Squats
      5 rounds for time

      Day 5
      2 min Jump Rope or Jog
      15-second Samson Stretch
      15-second Waiter’s Bow
      10 Arm Circles Forward & Backward
      10 Leg Swings Each Leg

      5 Rounds
      15m Bear Crawl
      20 Push-ups
      15m Crab Walk
      20 Jump Squats
      15m Broad Jump Burpees
      20 Mountain Climbers

      Day 6
      2 min Jump Rope or Jog
      15-second Samson Stretch
      15-second Waiter’s Bow
      10 Arm Circles Forward & Backward
      10 Leg Swings Each Leg

      Tabata Squats and Push-ups:
      20 seconds on 10 seconds rest, 8 rounds each.
      Count your lowest score.

      Day 7
      2 min Jump Rope or Jog
      15-second Samson Stretch
      15-second Waiter’s Bow
      10 Arm Circles Forward & Backward
      10 Leg Swings Each Leg

      5 Rounds for Time
      - 3 vertical jumps
      - 3 squats
      - 3 long jumps

      5 At-Home Post Pregnancy Workouts

      Believe me, I know working out is one of the last things you want to do when you’re feeling completely exhausted and running on only a few hours of sleep. Studies have shown, however, that exercise can help you maintain energy throughout the day, relieve stress, improve your baby blues mood and aid in restoring your tummy’s muscle tone. The following circuit routines can be done in 15 minutes! You can do it!

      Each of these exercises can be tailored to fit your goals. If you are new to working out, try using lighter weight. If you are used to being active, use heavier weight or increase the intensity of the repetitions or sets.

      It’s important to have the OK from your doctor before starting any physical activity. I know once I got the okay, I thought I’d be able to pick back up at the gym where I left off….I was way wrong! Our bodies go through so many changes during pregnancy and delivery, and it just takes time to get all your strength back. It’s important to take it easy and not push your body too hard. To start, workout every other day and when you feel ready, bump it up to once a day.

      To complete the workout, do all the moves back to back with 10 seconds of rest between. Repeat the circuit 3 times.

      Day 1
      Squat jumps: 10 reps
       Lunges: 10 reps, each side
       Dumbbell shoulder press: 10 reps
       Triceps dips: 10 reps
       Dumbbell biceps curls: 10 reps
       Woodchopper: 10 reps each side

      Day 2
      Forward and back leg swings: 10 reps each side
       Dumbbell straight-leg deadlift to row: 15 reps
       Turkish get-up with dumbbell: 10 reps
       Push-ups: 10 reps
       Stability ball back extension: 10-15 reps
       Split jump: 10 reps
       Reverse crunch: 10 reps
       Tuck crunch: 10-20 reps

      Day 3 
      Around the world lunges: 2 min
       Reverse flyes: 10 reps each arm
       Dumbbell triceps extension: 10 reps
       Hammer curl: 10 reps
       Stability ball crunch: 15 reps
       Side jackknife: 15 reps each side
       Plank: 1 min
       Toe touchers: 10 reps

      Day 4
      Dumbbell squats: 15 reps
       Standing Calf raises: 10 reps
       Dumbbell pull-overs on a bench: 10 reps
       Triceps Dumbbell kickbacks: 10 reps
       Dumbbell woodchops: 10 reps each side
       Crunches: 15 reps
       Back extension: 8 to 10 reps

      Day 5
      Simulated jump rope: 60 seconds
       Dumbbell deadlifts: 10 reps
       Dumbbell shoulder presses: 10 reps
       Dumbbell biceps curls: 10 reps
       Bench dips: 10 reps
       Dumbbell flyes on stability ball: 10 reps
       Oblique crunches: 10-15 reps, each side

       Plank: 60 seconds

      No Equipment CrossFit Workout

      Hi guys! If you're wondering why I've been M.I.A. for a while, I have a great reason! Baby Logan finally made her arrival and Troy and I have been catching up on some z's and busy ever since! Thanks for hangin in there with me!

      I've been getting awesome feedback on the no equipment CrossFit workouts so I'm here to supply you with another! 


      Jumping Jacks x250
      Push-ups x50
      Air Squats x75
      Burpees x25
      Vert Jumps x10 + 400 M Run
      1/2 Mile Run + 50 Air Squats
      Air Squats x100

      Im already that proud mommy that wants to share photos of my little peanut! 

      I can't wait so share the post pregnancy shape up plan I'm developing! Have a great weekend!! =]

      Intense 50 // No Equipment Full Body

      Ready for another killer workout? Lucky for you this one you only complete once so give it all your effort!

      50 air squats

      50 burpees

      50 reverse lunges

      50 russian twists

      50 butterfly situps

      50 stairs

      50 tuck jumps

      50 lunges

      You're up! What is your number 1 "problem area" that you can't seem to tame?

      4-Week Shape Up Plan // Week 1

      Hi Friends! I've been receiving numerous emails from readers requesting workout plans so I've finally decided to start offering them! 6-week, 8-week and 12-week plans as well as custom personalized workout plans that fit the needs of your specific fitness and nutritional goals are NOW available! WooHoo!

      I decided to put together a little mini workout plan with workouts that I've already created and a few new ones as well. I'll be releasing 7-day plans. I guess you could consider this a trial run if you will. If you like the programming I provide, you may want to consider personalized online training or one of my training packages I create.

      Week 1

      Day 1
      Lean Legs Work Out - awesome at-home workout using no equipment
      Core Workout - get ready to feel the burn!

      Day 2
      Toned Arms - nothing shows dedication like strong arms
      Core Workout - get busy - washboard abs won't wait

      Day 3
      Full Body Tabata Work Out  - amazing calorie incinerator 

      Day 4
      Back and Biceps Work Out  or if you'd rather not use equipment  Tabata Work Out
      Intense Core Work Out - that's right! Feel that burn - it's working!

      Day 5
      No Equipment CrossFit Work Out

      Day 6
      Butt, Hips and Thighs Work Out - and you don't need equipment! 

      Day 7
      Rest! Obviously don't park it on the couch for a full 24-hours. Keep those muscles moving and take the dog for a walk, play some sand volleyball or do another low impact activity that you enjoy. 

      *If you need to make an adjustment to your "rest day", go for it! This has to fit in YOUR lifestyle in order for it to BECOME your lifestyle. 

      You're Up! What kind of workouts would you like to start seeing or seeing more of?

      5 Killer CrossFit Workouts

      CrossFit requires some insanity with a “don’t quit until you’re dead attitude”. These are extremely tough workouts but when you push yourself and finish, you’ll be left feeling more than accomplished.

      Workout 1
      Treadmill – Running for 1 Mile
      Pull-ups – 100 reps
      Push-ups – 200 reps
      Self-Squat - 300 reps
      Treadmill – Running for 1 Mile

      Workout 2
      Barbell Thruster – 25 reps
      Pull-ups – 25 reps

      Workout 3
      Barbell Thruster – 100 reps for time with 5 burpees on the minute every minute.

      Workout 4
      Barbell Deadlift – (1.5 bodyweight) 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps
      Powerclean - .75 of bodyweight 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps
      Barbell Bench Press – Medium Grip at body weight 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps

      Workout 5
      7 Rounds for Time
      Kettlebell Swings -15 reps
      Power Clean – 15 reps
      Box Jump – 15 reps

      No Equipment CrossFit Workout

      Move from one exercise to the next without resting.

      Jump Squats – 10x

      Butterfly Situp -10x

      Burpee -10x

      Triceps Dip -10x

      Lunge Hop – 10x

      Pushup – 10x

      Complete as many rounds as you can in 15 minutes

      No Equipment CrossFit Workout

      <title>Alexa Jean Fitness - No Equipment CrossFit Workout, CrossFit, CrossFit Exercise, CrossFit Workout</title>

      These no equipment CrossFit workouts are great for getting some exercise on a day you can't get to the gym. Remember some exercise is better than no exercise! 
      The Workout  
      50 push-ups, 75 air squats and 25 burpees.
      10 vertical jumps followed by a 400 meter run
      250 jumping jacks
      run for a half mile then complete 50 air squats

      100 air squats

      No Equipment - CrossFit Workout

      Money can get tight, especially in the summer time with all the vacations, weddings etc. Save some money and breakup your workout routine with this no equipment CrossFit training! 
      10 air squats, 10 sit-ups and 10 push-ups
      10 burpees followed by a 100m sprint – 10x
      10 push-ups followed by a 100m sprint – 10x
      100 air squats
      100 burpees

      100 air squats

      No Equipment CrossFit Workout

      Summer can get busy and but we shouldn't have any excuses to skip workouts, especially with these no equipment CrossFit Workouts. Get up 20 minutes earlier to squeeze this simple and effective workout – you’ll be so happy you did!

      1. 10 push-ups followed by 10 squats – 10 rounds of each.
      2. 10 sit-ups followed by 10 burpees – 10 rounds of each.
      3. 10 push-ups followed by 10 air squats – 10 rounds of each.
      4. 10 sit ups followed by a 200m run – 3 rounds of each.