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healthy recipes etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
healthy recipes etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Fit Mommy - Lose the Baby Weight Recipe for Success

Good Morning Fit Mommies! =] I hope you guys had a great weekend. As soon as babies and kiddos enter your life it seems like life takes off at super speed and there's never enough time to get laundry done, get ready, pack the diaper bag AND eat! Here are a few of my favorite snacks for on-the-go that...

Quinoa Pizza Bites

Instead of a full on cheat day how about a mini cheat day? I made these quinoa pizza bites for the first time last night, I slightly tweaked the recipe of course (shown below) )to make it slightly healthier, but overall it’s a great little snack or appetizer to satisfy your carb craving. Ingredients:1...

Skinny Breakfast - Pumpkin Spice Pancakes

Just in time for fall! These pancakes have amazing flavor. I LOVE PUMPKIN! =]Ingredients1 1/2 cups Oat Flour2 tbsp Splenda, Truvia, or Ideal1 tbsp Baking Powder1/2 tsp Salt1 tbsp Cinnamon1/4 tsp Allspice1/4 tsp Nutmeg4 Egg Whites1/2 cup Raw Pumpkin1 1/2 cups unsweetened...

Skinny Breakfast - Blueberry Pancakes

My big pregnancy craving has been pancakes and waffles. =x But I don't feel as guilty munching on these. I love this pancake recipe! I cook them at night and stick them in the fridge for the next morning. There’s no way I’d have enough time to whip up some pancakes in the am. They aren’t quite like...