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CrossFit workout exercises etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
CrossFit workout exercises etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Fit Mommy - Lose the Baby Weight Recipe for Success

Good Morning Fit Mommies! =] I hope you guys had a great weekend. As soon as babies and kiddos enter your life it seems like life takes off at super speed and there's never enough time to get laundry done, get ready, pack the diaper bag AND eat! Here are a few of my favorite snacks for on-the-go that...

5 At-Home Post Pregnancy Workouts

Believe me, I know working out is one of the last things you want to do when you’re feeling completely exhausted and running on only a few hours of sleep. Studies have shown, however, that exercise can help you maintain energy throughout the day, relieve stress, improve your baby blues mood and aid...

No Equipment CrossFit Workout

Hi guys! If you're wondering why I've been M.I.A. for a while, I have a great reason! Baby Logan finally made her arrival and Troy and I have been catching up on some z's and busy ever since! Thanks for hangin in there with me!I've been getting awesome feedback on the no equipment CrossFit workouts...

Intense 50 // No Equipment Full Body

Ready for another killer workout? Lucky for you this one you only complete once so give it all your effort!50 air squats50 burpees50 reverse lunges50 russian twists50 butterfly situps50 stairs50 tuck jumps50 lungesYou're up! What is your number 1 "problem area" that you can't seem to ta...

4-Week Shape Up Plan // Week 1

Hi Friends! I've been receiving numerous emails from readers requesting workout plans so I've finally decided to start offering them! 6-week, 8-week and 12-week plans as well as custom personalized workout plans that fit the needs of your specific fitness and nutritional goals are NOW available! WooHoo!I...

5 Killer CrossFit Workouts

CrossFit requires some insanity with a “don’t quit until you’re dead attitude”. These are extremely tough workouts but when you push yourself and finish, you’ll be left feeling more than accomplished. Workout 1Treadmill – Running for 1 MilePull-ups – 100 repsPush-ups – 200 repsSelf-Squat - 300 repsTreadmill...

No Equipment CrossFit Workout

Move from one exercise to the next without resting. Jump Squats – 10xButterfly Situp -10xBurpee -10xTriceps Dip -10xLunge Hop – 10xPushup – 10xComplete as many rounds as you can in 15 minu...

No Equipment CrossFit Workout

<title>Alexa Jean Fitness - No Equipment CrossFit Workout, CrossFit, CrossFit Exercise, CrossFit Workout</title>These no equipment CrossFit workouts are great for getting some exercise on a day you can't get to the gym. Remember some exercise is better than no exercise! The Workout  50...

No Equipment - CrossFit Workout

Money can get tight, especially in the summer time with all the vacations, weddings etc. Save some money and breakup your workout routine with this no equipment CrossFit training! 10 air squats, 10 sit-ups and 10 push-ups 10 burpees followed by a 100m sprint – 10x10 push-ups followed by a 100m...

No Equipment CrossFit Workout

Summer can get busy and but we shouldn't have any excuses to skip workouts, especially with these no equipment CrossFit Workouts. Get up 20 minutes earlier to squeeze this simple and effective workout – you’ll be so happy you did!1. 10 push-ups followed by 10 squats – 10...