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annual meeting etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
annual meeting etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Mycenae 1921: Winifred Lamb

Winifred Lamb presented the results of the second season of excavations at Mycenae. She deputised for Wace at the annual meeting in October 1921. Her lecture was for 40-45 minutes and afterwards Sir Arthur Evans spoke and made 'charming compliment on my work w[ith] the frescoes'.Image © David G...

The Annual Meeting of Subscribers (1921-38)

The Annual Meetings took place on:1921, Tuesday 25 October. Burlington House. Chair: Sir John Gennadius.1922, Tuesday 31 October. Burlington House.1923, Tuesday 30 October. Burlington House. Chair: William Ralph Inge, The Dean of St Paul's. (Inge's brother, Charles Cuthbert, had been admitted to the BSA.)1924, Tuesday 28 October. Burlington House. Chair: Montague Rhodes James, the Provost of Eton.19251926,...

The Annual Meeting of Subscribers: Chair (1886-1918)

Those chairing the Annual Meeting of Subscribers:1886, October 19 (Royal Asiatic Society, 22 Albemarle Street): Professor Charles T. Newton (The Earl of Carnarvon absent)1887, July 6 ('Society of Athens') [First Annual Meeting]: the Earl of Carnarvon (Henry Howard Molyneux Herbert, Fourth Earl of Carnarvon)1888, July 18 (Society of Antiquaries): Lord Herschell (Farrer Herschell, First Baron Herschell,...

Associates of the BSA: Ambrose Poynter

Ambrose Poynter (1867-1923) was in the second batch of Associates to be appointed. Poynter was the son of Sir Edward John Poynter (1836-1919) - who chaired the Annual Meeting of Subscribers in July 1897 - and his wife Agnes (Macdonald) (1843-1906); his grandfather was the architect Ambrose Poynter (1796-1886)....

Herodes Britannicus: Funding Excavations in Laconia

The BSA struggled to raise money for its work. The £500 grant from the British government in effect covered the director's stipend. Special funds were created for specific projects, notably the Laconian Exploration Fund. George Macmillan, as chairman of the Managing Committee, had made an appeal in...

'Trafficking' antiquities from Melos

The issue of looting and the destruction of archaeological sites is not a new one. Cecil Harcourt-Smith, at the Annual Meeting of Subscribers in July 1897 commented about the need for excavation on Melos:The antiquities of the islands are in many instances still comparatively unexplored, and are subject to the caprice, or even the trafficking, of the ignorant peasantry, and it is therefore highly...