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Managing committee etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Managing committee etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Sifting the Soil of Greece: Student Biographies

Sifting the Soil of Greece contains three sets of short biographies:i. Trustees of the British School at Athensii. Members of the Managing Committee of the British School at Athensiii. Directors and students at the British School at Ath...

BSA Corporate Subscriptions (1894-1918)

The re-organisation of the BSA under Cecil Harcourt-Smith brought about an increase in the amount of money attracted from corporate bodies. This income represented around 51% of the total subscriptions for the BSA during this period. The Rules and Regulations stated:VI. A corporate body subscribing...

The British School at Athens (1886-1919): Outline

I am revising the text of my study of the British School at Athens (1886-1919). Here is the working outline:Part 1: The SchoolChapter 1: The Origins of the SchoolChapter 2: The Directors of the SchoolChapter 3: The BSA Managing CommitteePart 2: Students of the British School at AthensChapter 4: Oxford and Cambridge StudentsChapter 5: Women at the British School at AthensChapter 6: Other Students in...

Obituary: Nicolas Coldstream (1927-2008)

Nicolas Coldstream, best known for his work on Early Iron Age Greece, died on March 21, 2008. He was born on March 30, 1927, at Lahore, India, and was educated at Eton and King's College, Cambridge. He was temporary assistant keeper in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities at the British Museum (1956-57), and then Macmillan Student at the BSA (1957-60). In 1960 he was appointed lecturer at...

The Annual Meeting of Subscribers: Chair (1886-1918)

Those chairing the Annual Meeting of Subscribers:1886, October 19 (Royal Asiatic Society, 22 Albemarle Street): Professor Charles T. Newton (The Earl of Carnarvon absent)1887, July 6 ('Society of Athens') [First Annual Meeting]: the Earl of Carnarvon (Henry Howard Molyneux Herbert, Fourth Earl of Carnarvon)1888, July 18 (Society of Antiquaries): Lord Herschell (Farrer Herschell, First Baron Herschell,...

BSA Managing Committee (1886-1918)

The original committee consisted of the following 'five members ... appointed by the general body of subscribers':Professor Percy Gardner (1846-1937) John Gennadius (the Greek Minister in London) Professor Richard Claverhouse Jebb (1841-1905) Sir Frederic Leighton (1830-96)Mr John Edwin Sandys (1844-1922)There were also:The TrusteesThe TreasurerThe Honorary Secretary'members to be nominated by each...

Oxford and the Managing Committee

The University of Oxford's nominee on the Managing committee was David Binning Monro (1836-1905), Provost of Oriel College (from 1882). On his death the nominee was Professor Percy Gardner (1846-1937) who held the Lincoln and Merton chair in Classical Archaeology (from 1887). Gardner had served on the original Managing Committee when he held the Disney chair of archaeology in Cambridge.Those elected...

Cambridge and the Managing Committee

Cambridge was well represented on the Managing Committee. Professor Percy Gardner (1846-1937) was a member of the first committee: at the time he was holding the Disney chair in Archaeology (1880-87). (He was elected to the Lincoln and Merton chair in Classical Archaeology at Oxford in 1887.) This was not a demanding position. He recalled:Though technically a Professorship, the Disney post was in...