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Winifred Lamb etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Winifred Lamb etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Winifred Lamb: Aegean Prehistorian and Museum Curator

Cover image: British School at Athens
My biography of Winifred Lamb is due to be published in September 2018. The study covers her time as a student at the British School at Athens (as well as her preliminary visit to the Mycenae excavations before she was admitted), and her excavations at Mycenae, Sparta, in Macedonia, on Lesbos and on Chios. Her active fieldwork in the Aegean continued into the 1930s when she shifted her interests to Anatolia (through the excavation at Kusura).

Lamb was simultaneously the honorary keeper of Greek Antiquities at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, where she created a prehistoric gallery displaying finds from British excavations on Crete and on Melos.

Winifred Lamb: obituary

Winifred's obituary appeared in The Times.

Rachel Maxwell-Hyslop

Rachel Clay excavated with Winifred Lamb at Kusura. Her obituary has appeared in The Daily Telegraph (3 August 2011). She appears as "Miss Stone" in Winifred's short story, "The Inspector Interferes".

Excavating Kyzikos

The BSA had conducted a short season of excavations at Kyzikos before the First World War. It now appears that Winifred Lamb considered working there around 1935. This came to nothing and she turned to prehistoric sites and excavated at Kusura in 1936 and 1937.

Excavating Methymna

In late 1928 Winifred Lamb was excavating at Methymna (Molyvo) on Lesbos. Her working day was as follows:

  • 6.30 am: tea, two raw eggs, bread and jam
  • 7.00-8.30 am: excavating
  • 8.30 am: a glass of milk 'and anything else I want'
  • (8.30 am)-noon: excavating
  • 12 noon - 1.30 pm: rest
  • 1.30-5 pm: excavating

Reviews by Winifred Lamb 4

Winifred Lamb reviewed the following as 'W.L.':

  • Beazley, J. D.: Attic red-figured vases in American museums. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, 1918. In Burlington Magazine 35, No. 197 (Aug., 1919), 81-82. [JSTOR]
  • Herford, Mary A.B.: A Handbook of Greek Vase Painting. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1919. In The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs 35, No. 199 (Oct., 1919), 174-175. [JSTOR]
  • Beazley, J. D.: The Lewes House Collection of Ancient Gems. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1920. In Burlington Magazine 37 (Nov., 1920) 256-57 [JSTOR].
  • Pfuhl, Ernst (translated by J.D. Beazley): Masterpieces of Greek Drawing and Painting. London: Chatto & Windus, 1926. In Burlington Magazine 50, no. 290 (May 1927), 278. [JSTOR]
  • Beazley, J. D.: Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Great Britain fascicule 3. Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, fascicule 1. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1927. In Burlington Magazine 51, No. 296 (Nov., 1927), 259-260. [JSTOR]
  • Lunsingh Scheurleer, C.W.: Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. I-Pays Bas, Musée Scheurleer. II-France, Collection Mouret (Fouilles d'Ensérrune). In The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 53, No. 306 (Sep., 1928), 151-52. [JSTOR]
  • Strong, Eugénie: Catalogue of the Greek and Roman Antiquities in the Possession of the Right Honorable Lord Melchett. In The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 55, No. 318 (Sep., 1929), 154-55. [JSTOR]
  • Evans, Arthur: The Palace of Minos at Knossos. Vol. III. In The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 58, No. 334 (Jan., 1931), 53. [JSTOR]
  • Caskey , L.D.: Attic Vase Paintings in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. In The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 60, No. 348 (Mar., 1932), 168-69. [JSTOR]
  • Beazley, J. D.: Der Pan-Maler Berlin: 1931. In The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 60, No. 350 (May, 1932), 265-66. [JSTOR]
  • Stawell, F. Melian: A Clue to the Cretan Scripts. In The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 61, No. 352 (Jul., 1932), 49 [JSTOR]
  • Johansen, K. Friis and Chr. Blinkenberg: Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Denmark, Copenhagen, Musée National by ; Oxford Ashmolean Museum, II. In The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 61, No. 355 (Oct., 1932), 188-89. [JSTOR]
  • Ducati, Pericle: Pontische Vasen. Bilder Griechischer Vasen by J. D. Beazley; Paul Jacobsthal. Berlin: 1932. In The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 63, No. 364 (Jul., 1933), 49. [JSTOR]
  • Beazley, J. D.: Der Kleophrades-Maler. Bilder Griechischer Vasen Vol. VI. Berlin: 1933; Payne, H.G.G.:  Protokorinthische Vasenmalerei. Bilder Griechischer Vasen Vol. VII. In The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 64, No. 374 (May, 1934), 247. [JSTOR]
  • Luce, Stephen B.: Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Providence, Rhode Island 1. In The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 65, No. 377 (Aug., 1934), 95-96. [JSTOR]

  • Hill , George F.: Select Greek Coins. In The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 51, No. 295 (Oct., 1927), 200-201. [JSTOR]
  • Lawrence , A.W.: Later Greek Sculpture and Its Influence on East and West. In The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 52, No. 299 (Feb., 1928), 104. [JSTOR]
  • Lövy, Emanuel: Polygnot: ein Buch von Griechischer Malerei. In The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 58, No. 335 (Feb., 1931), 102. [JSTOR]
  • Contenau , C. and V. Chapot: L'Art Antique: Orient, Grece, Rome. In The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 59, No. 341 (Aug., 1931), 96. [JSTOR]
  • Gallatin, Albert: Syracusan Decadrachms of the Euainetos Type. In The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 59, No. 341 (Aug., 1931), 96-97 [JSTOR]

Reviews by Winifred Lamb 3

Here are some additional reviews by Winifred Lamb:

  • The Palace of Minos. A Comparative Account of the Successive Stages of the Early Cretan Civilisation as Illustrated by the Discoveries at Knossos. Vol. II by Arthur Evans, in The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs 53, No. 306 (Sep., 1928), pp. 146-147 [JSTOR]
  • Vasen um Meidias by Walter Hahland; Papers of the British School at Rome XI; Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, France, Musée du Louvre 6. by E. Pottier, in The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs 57, No. 331 (Oct., 1930), p. 199 [JSTOR]
  • Der Berliner Maler by J. D. Beazley; Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Athenes, Musee National, I by K. A. Rhomaios; Mlle. S. Papaspyridi; Madrid: Musee Archeologique National, I by J. R. Mélida, in The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs 59, No. 340 (Jul., 1931), p. 46 [JSTOR]
  • Necrocorinthia, a Study of Corinthian Art in the Archaic Period by Humphrey Payne, in The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs 60, No. 348 (Mar., 1932), pp. 164-165 [JSTOR]
  • Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: France by S. Lambrino (Marcelle Flot), in The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs 62, No. 359 (Feb., 1933), p. 94 [JSTOR]

Reviews of Thermi

Winifred Lamb, Excavations at Thermi in Lesbos. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1936.
  • V. Gordon Childe, Man 36 (July 1936) 122-23. [JSTOR]
  • TLS 5 September 1936, 710.
  • D.B. Harden, 'Thermi in Lesbos', Classical Review 50, 6 (Dec. 1936) 232-33. [JSTOR]
  • H. Philippart, AntClass 5 (1936) 440-41.
  • Hetty Goldman, Classical Weekly 30, 18 (Mar. 22, 1937) 207-08. [JSTOR]
  • V. Gordon Childe, Journal of Hellenic Studies 57, 1 (1937) 84-86. [JSTOR]
  • S. Casson, Antiquity 11 (1937) 123-24.
  • K. Bittel, Germania 21 (1937) 278-81.
  • George E. Mylonas, The Classical Journal 33, 4 (Jan. 1938) 234-36. [JSTOR]
  • Carl W. Blegen, American Journal of Archaeology 42, 4 (1938) 593-94. [JSTOR]
  • Alan J.B. Wace, Antiquaries Journal 19 (1939) 98-99.

Reviews by Winifred Lamb 2

Here are further reviews:
  • Euthymides and His fellows by Joseph Clark Hoppin. In CR 33, 3/4 (May - Jun., 1919), 73-74 [JSTOR]
  • Catalogue of Arretine Pottery in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston by George H. Chase. In CR 33, 3/4 (May - Jun., 1919), 78-79 [JSTOR]
  • Der Berliner Maler by J. D. Beazley. In CR 45, 5 (Nov., 1931), 176-77 [JSTOR]
  • Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum by J. D. Beazley; H. G. G. Payne; E. R. Price. In CR 46, 4 (Sep., 1932), 160-61 [JSTOR]
  • Die Metallindustrie Anatoliens in der Zeit von 1500-700 vor Chr by Stefan Przeworski. In JHS 59, 2 (1939), 291-92 [JSTOR]
  • Prosymna, the Helladic Settlement Preceding the Argive Heraeum by Carl W. Blegen. In JHS 59, 1 (1939), 141-42 [JSTOR]
  • Prehistoric Macedonia. by W. A. Heurtley. In Man, 40 (Feb., 1940), 28-29 [JSTOR]
  • Tyrrhenika: An Archaeological Study of the Etruscan Sculpture in the Archaic and Classical Periods by P. J. Riis; Tyrrhenika. In JHS 65 (1945), 123 [JSTOR]
  • Ausgrabungen von Alaca Höyük: ein Vorbericht über die im Auftrage der Türkischen Geschichts kommission im Sommer 1936 durchgeführten Forschungen und Entdeckungen by H. Z. Kosay; Alaca Höyük. In JHS 66 (1946), 130 [JSTOR]
  • Die Bestattungsbraeuche im vorgeschichtlichen Anatolien by T. Özgüç
    Türk Tarih Kurumu Tarafindan Karahöyük Hafriyati Rapouru, 1947: Ausgrabungen in Karahöyük by T. Özgüç; N. Özgüç. In JHS 70 (1950), 83-84 [JSTOR]
  • Karatepe Kazilari (Birinci Ön-Rapor). Die Ausgrabungen auf dem Karatepe (Erster Vorbericht) by H. Th. Bossert; V. B. Alkim; H. Çambel; N. Ongunsu; I. Süzen. In JHS 71 (1951), 263-64 [JSTOR]
  • The Coming of Iron to Greece by T. Burton Brown. In JHS 76 (1956), 122-23 [JSTOR]
  • Early Anatolia. A Description of Early Civilisation in Asia Minor, As Revealed by the Last Half-Century of Excavating and Exploration by Seton Lloyd. In JHS 77, 2 (1957), 365 [JSTOR]

Reviews by Winifred Lamb

Here are some reviews by Winifred Lamb (as W.L.):
  • Rodenwaldt, G. 1922. Der Fries des Megarons von Mykenai. Halle: Max Niemeyer. In JHS 42, 2 (1922) 281-83 [JSTOR]
  • Langlotz, E. 1927. Frühgriechische Bildhauerschulen. Nürnberg: Ernst Fromann & Sohn. In JHS 48, 1 (1928) 130-31 [JSTOR]
  • Fraser, J. 1930. Graecia Antiqua: maps and plans to illustrate Pausanias's description of Greece. London: Macmillan. In JHS 50, 2 (1930) 347 [JSTOR]
  • Robinson, D. M. 1930. Architecture and Sculpture. Excavations at Olynthus, vol. 2. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. In JHS 51, 1 (1931) 114-15 [JSTOR]
  • Blegen, C. W., O. Broneer, R. Stillwell, and A. R. Bellinger. 1930. Acrocorinth: Excavations in 1926. Corinth, vol. 3, 1. Cambridge (Mass.): American School of Classical Studies at Athens. [JSTOR] In JHS 51, 1 (1931) 115 [JSTOR]
  • Jacobsthal, P. 1930. Aktaions Tod. Marburger Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft, vol. 5. In JHS 51, 1 (1931) 119 [JSTOR]
  • Myres, J. L. 1930. Who were the Greeks? Sather classical lectures vol. 6. Berkeley: University of California Press. In JHS 51, 2 (1931) 291-92 [JSTOR]
  • Zammit, T. 1930. Prehistoric Malta: The Tarxien Temples. Oxford: Oxford University Press. In JHS 51, 2 (1931) 292-93 [JSTOR]
  • Schweitzer, B. 1929. Antiken im ostpreussischen Privatbesitz. Schriften der Königsberger gelehrten Gesellschaft. Geisteswissenschaftliche Klasse, vol. 6. Halle: M. Niemeyer; 1930. Festschrift für James Loeb; zum sechzigsten Geburtstag gewidmet von seinen archäologischen Freunden in Deutschland und Amerika. München: F. Bruckman; Poulsen, F., H. Rostrup, and O. Koefoed-Petersen. 1931. From the collections of the Ny Carslberg Glyptothek I. Copenhagen: Levin & Munksgaard; Neugebauer, K. A. 1931. Die Minoischen und Archaisch Griechischen Bronzen. Katalog der Statuarischen Bronzen im Antiquarium, vol. 1. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. In JHS 52, 1 (1932) 138-40 [JSTOR]
  • Fowler, H. N., and R. Stillwell. 1932. Introduction, topography, architecture. Corinth, vol. 1. Cambridge (Mass.): American School of Classical Studies at Athens; Schazmann, P. 1932. Asklepieion: Baubeschreibung und Baugeschichte. Kos, vol. 1. Berlin: Keller. In JHS 53, 1 (1933) 123-24 [JSTOR]
  • Baur, P. V. C., M. I. Rostovtzeff, and A. R. Bellinger. Editors. 1933. The excavations at Dura-Europos: preliminary report of the fourth season of work, October 1930 - March 1931. New Haven: Yale University Press; Preliminary report upon the excavations at Tel Umar, Irak. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; Waterman, L. 1933. Second preliminary report upon the excavations at Tel Umar, Irak. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; Kitto, H. D. F. 1933. In the mountains of Greece. London: Methuen.  In JHS 53, 2 (1933) 305-06 [JSTOR]
  • Bittel, K. 1934. Prähistorische Forschung in Kleinasien. Istanbul: Archáologisches Institut des deutschen Reisches. In JHS 54, 2 (1934) 211-12 [JSTOR]
  • Audiat, J. 1933. Topographie et Architecture: le Trésor des Athéniens. Fouilles de Delphes, vol. 2. Paris: E. de Boccard; Buschor, E. 1934. Altsamische Standbilder I. Berlin: Verlag Gebr. Mann. In JHS 54, 2 (1934) 214-15 [JSTOR]
  • Chapouthier, F. 1935. Le sanctuaire des dieux de Samothrace. Délos, vol. 16. Paris: de Boccard; Dyggve, E., F. Poulsen, and K. Rhomaios. 1934. Das Heroon von Kalydon. D. Kgl. Danks Vidensk. Selsk. Skrifter, vol. 4, 4. Copenhagen: Levin and Munksgaard; Buschor, E. 1935. Altsamische Standbilder II. Berlin: Archáologisches Institut des deutschen Reisches. In JHS 55, 2 (1935) 243-44 [JSTOR]
  • Bittel, K. 1937. Die Ruinen von Bogazköy. Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter; Bittel, K. 1937. Bogazköy: die Kleinfunde der Grabungen 1906-1912, I. Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichung der deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft, vol. 60. Leipzig: J.C. Hinrich. In JHS 57, 2 (1937) 258-59 [JSTOR]
  • Hampe, R. 1936. Frühe Griechische Sagenbilder. Athens: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. In JHS 57, 1 (1937) 89-90 [JSTOR]
  • Buschor, E. 1935. Altsamische Standbilder III. Berlin: Archäologisches Institut des Deutschen Reiches. In JHS 57, 2 (1937) 90-91 [JSTOR]
  • Jantzen, U. 1937. Bronzewerkstätten in Grossgriechenland und Sizilien. Jahrbuch des deutschen archäologischen Instituts, Ergänzungsheft, vol. 13. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
    In JHS 57, 2 (1937) 262-63 [JSTOR]    
  •  Further items will be added.

Winifred Lamb excavating on Lesbos

The dates for excavations and related work:
  • 1928: late March and early April (looking for a suitable site); autumn (excavating at Methymna); mid-November (discovers the site of Thermi)
  • 1929: 5 April - 1 June (Thermi)
  • 1930: 31 March - 30 June (Thermi)
  • 1931: 21 March - 11 June (Thermi); 15 June - 27 June (Antissa)
  • 1932: 22 March - 5 July (on Lesbos); 29 May - 3 July (Antissa)
  • 1933: January to July (working on Thermi material)

Mycenae 1921: Winifred Lamb

Winifred Lamb presented the results of the second season of excavations at Mycenae. She deputised for Wace at the annual meeting in October 1921. Her lecture was for 40-45 minutes and afterwards Sir Arthur Evans spoke and made 'charming compliment on my work w[ith] the frescoes'.

© David Gill

Studies on Winifred Lamb

For work in Greece and Anatolia during the 1920s and 1930s see:

Butcher, K., and D. W. J. Gill. 1993. "The director, the dealer, the goddess and her champions: the acquisition of the Fitzwilliam goddess." American Journal of Archaeology 97: 383-401.
Gill, D. W. J. 1999. "Winifred Lamb and the Fitzwilliam Museum." In Classics in 19th and 20th century Cambridge: curriculum, culture and community, edited by C. Stray, pp. 135-56. Cambridge Philological Society supplementary volume, vol. 24. Cambridge: Cambridge Philological Society.
—. 2000. "‘A rich and promising site’: Winifred Lamb (1894–1963), Kusura and Anatolian archaeology." Anatolian Studies 50: 1-10.
—. 2004. "Winifred Lamb (1894-1963)." In Breaking Ground: Pioneering women archaeologists, edited by G. Cohen and M. S. Joukowsky, pp. 425-81. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
—. 2006. "Winifred Lamb: searching for prehistory in Greece." In Travellers to Greece, edited by C. Stray, pp. 33-53. London: Classical Association.
—. 2007. "Winifred Lamb: her first year as a student at the British School at Athens." In Archaeology and women: ancient and modern issues, edited by S. Hamilton, R. D. Whitehouse, and K. I. Wright, pp. 55-75. Walnut Creek (CA): Left Coast Press.