One of the more shadowy students at the BSA was John Ellingham Brooks (1863-1929). He had been educated at St Paul's College, Stony Stratford, Bucks., and then Peterhouse, Cambridge (1883-86; BA 1886). He was admitted at Lincoln's Inn (28 January 1887) and passed his Roman Law examination (1889).In 1890 Brooks met (William) Somerset Maugham (1874–1965) in Heidelberg (see also Samuel J. Rogal, A William...
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associate etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
associate etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Associates of the BSA: Ambrose Poynter

Ambrose Poynter (1867-1923) was in the second batch of Associates to be appointed. Poynter was the son of Sir Edward John Poynter (1836-1919) - who chaired the Annual Meeting of Subscribers in July 1897 - and his wife Agnes (Macdonald) (1843-1906); his grandfather was the architect Ambrose Poynter (1796-1886)....
Honorary Students (1895-1915)
In addition to 'Associates of the School',XXIII. The Managing Committee may elect as Honorary Students of the School such persons as they may from time to time deem worthy of that distinction, and may also elect as Associates of the School any persons actively engaged in study or exploration in Greek lands. (1907/08)Honorary Students included a number of former Associates:1895/96: Professor John Bagnell...
Associates of the School (1896-1913)
Associates were first elected in 1896.XXII. The Managing Committee may elect as Associates of the School any persons actively engaged in study or exploration in Greek lands; and may also elect as honorary members such persons as they may from time to time think desirable. (1899/1900)Associates include:1895/96: Rev. Alfred Hamilton Cruikshank (1862-1927). Assistant Master at Winchester (1894-1910);...
Winchester and the BSA
Former pupils of Winchester made a significant impact on the archaeology of the Mediterranean world in the period prior to the First World War. Three of the first four directors were educated there:Penrose, Francis Cranmer (1817–1903), director 1886-87Smith, Cecil Harcourt [later Sir Cecil Harcourt-Smith] (1859-1944), director 1895-97Hogarth, David George (1862-1927), director 1897-1900Among the...
Associates of the School
The first associates of the BSA were elected in 1896 during the directorship of Cecil Harcourt Smith. The purpose, according to the BSA's 'Rules and Regulations' (XXII, 1895/6), was for individuals who were 'actively engaged in study or exploration in Greek lands'.Among them was the Rev. Alfred Hamilton Cruikshank (1862-1927), a younger contemporary of Harcourt Smith at Winchester; both were scholars....