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Melos etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Melos etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Melos: the Hall of the Mystae

In April 1896 Robert Carr Bosanquet described to his sister Caroline the excavations at 'the Hall of the Mystae' on Melos.A few days later we found a statue, headless alas, lying on its back on the mosaic pavement ...It represents a hierophant ... of Dionysos, probably, and was set up by the Mystae...

David Hogarth on Melos

David Hogarth had excavated at Old Paphos with the Cyprus Exploration Fund (1888) and then at Koptos in Egypt with Flinders Petrie (1894). He then joined the Egypt Exploration Fund's excavation at Deir-el-Bahari (1894), before working at Alexandria with E.F. Benson (1895), a BSA student, and then the Faiyum (1895-96).Petrie had been the main influence on Hogarth when he went to Phylakopi on Melos...

Melos: the churches

In April 1896 Robert Carr Bosanquet, who had been left in charge of the excavations while Cecil Harcourt-Smith was in Athens, was joined on Melos by two contemporaries from Trinity College, Cambridge: Henry Martineau Fletcher (1870-1953) and Sydney Decimus Kitson (1871-1937). Fletcher and Kitson had both matriculated at Trinity in 1889 (the year above Bosanquet) and were on an extended trip through...

'Trafficking' antiquities from Melos

The issue of looting and the destruction of archaeological sites is not a new one. Cecil Harcourt-Smith, at the Annual Meeting of Subscribers in July 1897 commented about the need for excavation on Melos:The antiquities of the islands are in many instances still comparatively unexplored, and are subject to the caprice, or even the trafficking, of the ignorant peasantry, and it is therefore highly...

Excavation Equipment: Melos, 1896

Robert Carr Bosanquet described landing on Melos with the project equipment in April 1896:Then came a mule-ride—that is to say our luggage rode and we walked—of three quarters of an hour up to Trypiti. As the luggage included a bath, 2 cameras, 2 large portmanteaux, 1 Gladstone, 1 hold-all, 1 big roll, 1 bag and 117 small paper parcels, it was rather hard to arrange them all on 2 mules. The one that...