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finance etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
finance etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Online Banking has Change the Future of the Financial World

In simple words, online banking is the process of banking meant for the future. It is pretty astounding how people can handle their banking needs right from the comfort of their home. This system saves a lot of time, money and energy. Even simulation pret can be started through this online banking system...

The BSA and the Ben Nevis Observatory

The £500 Government Grant to the BSA accounted for more than a quarter of the School's income for the period 1894-1918. However it did not meet with approval in a letter to The Scotsman (5 October 1904). The correspondent was making a complaint to MPs from Scotland over the lack for funding for the Ben Nevis Observatory.Interestingly the BSA funding was on a par (in 1904) with the Royal Geographical...

BSA Corporate Subscriptions (1894-1918)

The re-organisation of the BSA under Cecil Harcourt-Smith brought about an increase in the amount of money attracted from corporate bodies. This income represented around 51% of the total subscriptions for the BSA during this period. The Rules and Regulations stated:VI. A corporate body subscribing...

Asia Minor Exploration Fund: Funding

One of the constant refrains of the BSA Managing Committee in the early years concerned finance. Yet this is hardly surprising given the demands from other archaeological projects in the eastern Mediterranean. George Macmillan was Honorary Treasurer of the Asia Minor Exploration Fund (AMEF) and made constant appeals:1882: £520 raised1883: £300 spent on travels in Anatolia; further appeal for £500.1890:...

BSA and Anatolia: Colophon

Cecil Harcourt-Smith, in his last year of office as Director, joined the steam yacht Rona belonging to Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild, a major donor to the BSA, in the early part of 1897. Clearly one of the objects was to identify a possible major site for excavation after the work at Phylakopi on Melos.The cruise took Harcourt-Smith to Salonica and through the Aegean. He was particularly interested...

Donors to the BSA

The 'Rules and Regulations' of the BSA defined three different types of Subscribers. The first was defined as:(1) Donors of £10 and upwards.This was later changed to:(1) Donors, other than Corporate Bodies, of £10 and upwards.Donors included:Sir William Reynell Anson (1843-1914), Warden of All Souls, Oxford; vice-chancellor (1898); MP for Oxford University (£10, 1899/1900; £10, 1900/01; £10, 1901/02;...

The BSA and Egypt: Naukratis Excavation Fund

Just over £187 was raised for the excavation of Naukratis in 1899 by David Hogarth. The main donor was the Society of Dilettanti with £100. The Fitzwilliam and Ashmolean Museums also supported the project (£15 and £10, respectively).Private donors£10Arthur J. Evans, Keeper of the Ashmolean MuseumC.E. Johnston (of Park House, Southall)Walter Leaf£5Professor Ernest GardnerProfessor Percy GardnerWilliam...

Herodes Britannicus: Funding Excavations in Laconia

The BSA struggled to raise money for its work. The £500 grant from the British government in effect covered the director's stipend. Special funds were created for specific projects, notably the Laconian Exploration Fund. George Macmillan, as chairman of the Managing Committee, had made an appeal in...

BSA Income (1894-1918)

Cecil Harcourt-Smith helped to transform the finances of the BSA through the introduction of the annual Government Grant (£500) and the growth of subscriptions. Investments also formed a steady stream of income (and increased during the First World War). Money given specifically for excavations changed...