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Mycenae etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Mycenae etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Winifred Lamb: Aegean Prehistorian and Museum Curator

Cover image: British School at AthensMy biography of Winifred Lamb is due to be published in September 2018. The study covers her time as a student at the British School at Athens (as well as her preliminary visit to the Mycenae excavations before she was admitted), and her excavations at Mycenae, Sparta,...

Reviews by Winifred Lamb

Here are some reviews by Winifred Lamb (as W.L.):Rodenwaldt, G. 1922. Der Fries des Megarons von Mykenai. Halle: Max Niemeyer. In JHS 42, 2 (1922) 281-83 [JSTOR]Langlotz, E. 1927. Frühgriechische Bildhauerschulen. Nürnberg: Ernst Fromann & Sohn. In JHS 48, 1 (1928) 130-31 [JSTOR] Fraser, J. 1930. Graecia Antiqua: maps and plans to illustrate Pausanias's description of Greece. London: Macmillan....

Mycenae 1921: Winifred Lamb

Winifred Lamb presented the results of the second season of excavations at Mycenae. She deputised for Wace at the annual meeting in October 1921. Her lecture was for 40-45 minutes and afterwards Sir Arthur Evans spoke and made 'charming compliment on my work w[ith] the frescoes'.Image © David G...

Piet de Jong: Architect and Archaeological Illustrator

Piet de Jong (1887-1967) is described in this new collection of his work as “one of the great archaeological illustrators of the 20th century” (Papadopoulos 2007: xix). Although the focus is on the American work in the Athenian agora, de Jong started his association with the British School at Athens...