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Mycenae etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Mycenae etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Winifred Lamb: Aegean Prehistorian and Museum Curator

Cover image: British School at Athens
My biography of Winifred Lamb is due to be published in September 2018. The study covers her time as a student at the British School at Athens (as well as her preliminary visit to the Mycenae excavations before she was admitted), and her excavations at Mycenae, Sparta, in Macedonia, on Lesbos and on Chios. Her active fieldwork in the Aegean continued into the 1930s when she shifted her interests to Anatolia (through the excavation at Kusura).

Lamb was simultaneously the honorary keeper of Greek Antiquities at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, where she created a prehistoric gallery displaying finds from British excavations on Crete and on Melos.

Reviews by Winifred Lamb

Here are some reviews by Winifred Lamb (as W.L.):
  • Rodenwaldt, G. 1922. Der Fries des Megarons von Mykenai. Halle: Max Niemeyer. In JHS 42, 2 (1922) 281-83 [JSTOR]
  • Langlotz, E. 1927. Frühgriechische Bildhauerschulen. Nürnberg: Ernst Fromann & Sohn. In JHS 48, 1 (1928) 130-31 [JSTOR]
  • Fraser, J. 1930. Graecia Antiqua: maps and plans to illustrate Pausanias's description of Greece. London: Macmillan. In JHS 50, 2 (1930) 347 [JSTOR]
  • Robinson, D. M. 1930. Architecture and Sculpture. Excavations at Olynthus, vol. 2. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. In JHS 51, 1 (1931) 114-15 [JSTOR]
  • Blegen, C. W., O. Broneer, R. Stillwell, and A. R. Bellinger. 1930. Acrocorinth: Excavations in 1926. Corinth, vol. 3, 1. Cambridge (Mass.): American School of Classical Studies at Athens. [JSTOR] In JHS 51, 1 (1931) 115 [JSTOR]
  • Jacobsthal, P. 1930. Aktaions Tod. Marburger Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft, vol. 5. In JHS 51, 1 (1931) 119 [JSTOR]
  • Myres, J. L. 1930. Who were the Greeks? Sather classical lectures vol. 6. Berkeley: University of California Press. In JHS 51, 2 (1931) 291-92 [JSTOR]
  • Zammit, T. 1930. Prehistoric Malta: The Tarxien Temples. Oxford: Oxford University Press. In JHS 51, 2 (1931) 292-93 [JSTOR]
  • Schweitzer, B. 1929. Antiken im ostpreussischen Privatbesitz. Schriften der Königsberger gelehrten Gesellschaft. Geisteswissenschaftliche Klasse, vol. 6. Halle: M. Niemeyer; 1930. Festschrift für James Loeb; zum sechzigsten Geburtstag gewidmet von seinen archäologischen Freunden in Deutschland und Amerika. München: F. Bruckman; Poulsen, F., H. Rostrup, and O. Koefoed-Petersen. 1931. From the collections of the Ny Carslberg Glyptothek I. Copenhagen: Levin & Munksgaard; Neugebauer, K. A. 1931. Die Minoischen und Archaisch Griechischen Bronzen. Katalog der Statuarischen Bronzen im Antiquarium, vol. 1. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. In JHS 52, 1 (1932) 138-40 [JSTOR]
  • Fowler, H. N., and R. Stillwell. 1932. Introduction, topography, architecture. Corinth, vol. 1. Cambridge (Mass.): American School of Classical Studies at Athens; Schazmann, P. 1932. Asklepieion: Baubeschreibung und Baugeschichte. Kos, vol. 1. Berlin: Keller. In JHS 53, 1 (1933) 123-24 [JSTOR]
  • Baur, P. V. C., M. I. Rostovtzeff, and A. R. Bellinger. Editors. 1933. The excavations at Dura-Europos: preliminary report of the fourth season of work, October 1930 - March 1931. New Haven: Yale University Press; Preliminary report upon the excavations at Tel Umar, Irak. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; Waterman, L. 1933. Second preliminary report upon the excavations at Tel Umar, Irak. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; Kitto, H. D. F. 1933. In the mountains of Greece. London: Methuen.  In JHS 53, 2 (1933) 305-06 [JSTOR]
  • Bittel, K. 1934. Prähistorische Forschung in Kleinasien. Istanbul: Archáologisches Institut des deutschen Reisches. In JHS 54, 2 (1934) 211-12 [JSTOR]
  • Audiat, J. 1933. Topographie et Architecture: le Trésor des Athéniens. Fouilles de Delphes, vol. 2. Paris: E. de Boccard; Buschor, E. 1934. Altsamische Standbilder I. Berlin: Verlag Gebr. Mann. In JHS 54, 2 (1934) 214-15 [JSTOR]
  • Chapouthier, F. 1935. Le sanctuaire des dieux de Samothrace. Délos, vol. 16. Paris: de Boccard; Dyggve, E., F. Poulsen, and K. Rhomaios. 1934. Das Heroon von Kalydon. D. Kgl. Danks Vidensk. Selsk. Skrifter, vol. 4, 4. Copenhagen: Levin and Munksgaard; Buschor, E. 1935. Altsamische Standbilder II. Berlin: Archáologisches Institut des deutschen Reisches. In JHS 55, 2 (1935) 243-44 [JSTOR]
  • Bittel, K. 1937. Die Ruinen von Bogazköy. Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter; Bittel, K. 1937. Bogazköy: die Kleinfunde der Grabungen 1906-1912, I. Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichung der deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft, vol. 60. Leipzig: J.C. Hinrich. In JHS 57, 2 (1937) 258-59 [JSTOR]
  • Hampe, R. 1936. Frühe Griechische Sagenbilder. Athens: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. In JHS 57, 1 (1937) 89-90 [JSTOR]
  • Buschor, E. 1935. Altsamische Standbilder III. Berlin: Archäologisches Institut des Deutschen Reiches. In JHS 57, 2 (1937) 90-91 [JSTOR]
  • Jantzen, U. 1937. Bronzewerkstätten in Grossgriechenland und Sizilien. Jahrbuch des deutschen archäologischen Instituts, Ergänzungsheft, vol. 13. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
    In JHS 57, 2 (1937) 262-63 [JSTOR]    
  •  Further items will be added.

Mycenae 1921: Winifred Lamb

Winifred Lamb presented the results of the second season of excavations at Mycenae. She deputised for Wace at the annual meeting in October 1921. Her lecture was for 40-45 minutes and afterwards Sir Arthur Evans spoke and made 'charming compliment on my work w[ith] the frescoes'.

© David Gill

Piet de Jong: Architect and Archaeological Illustrator

Piet de Jong (1887-1967) is described in this new collection of his work as “one of the great archaeological illustrators of the 20th century” (Papadopoulos 2007: xix). Although the focus is on the American work in the Athenian agora, de Jong started his association with the British School at Athens on Alan J.B. Wace's excavations at Mycenae. He then worked with Sir Arthur Evans on Crete, Arthur M. Woodward at Sparta, and Humfry G.G. Payne at Perachora (see the caricatures in Hood 1998). De Jong also designed extensions to the BSA Hostel and Library.

Hood, R. 1998. Faces of archaeology in Greece: caricatures by Piet de Jong. Oxford: Leopard's Head Press. [Worldcat]
Papadopoulos, J. K. Editor. 2007. The art of antiquity: Piet de Jong and the Athenian Agora. Princeton, NJ: American School of Classical Studies at Athens. [Worldcat]