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Wine etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Wine etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

A friend and fun filled beautiful weekend recap!

Friday was a busy, busy day. It always seems to be! But I felt great. I woke up at 5:30 AM and hit the gym before work. I never do that, but I knew I was going out directly after work, so it needed to be done. I was proud of myself. As a lot of you guys know, on Friday's I go to my doctor to get a B12 injection and I always have them weigh me. I love being accountable and I work very well under stress. So that moment of getting on the scale on Friday's is like my war, ha. I was excited for my weigh in. I had a great week, I ate clean and trained hard. My body was feeling good and I was wearing clothes that I have not been able to wear in a while. I get to the doctor, get my injection, then have my weigh in. I lost one proud.

One pound? Are you freaking kidding me? I know one pound is better than staying the same or gaining, but I felt so much more than that. My doctor came in and he could tell that I felt down. I explained to him why. He told me that my fat mass was a lot lower than last week and that the only reason the scale is not showing the results the fat mass is because my water levels were so elevated. Which is a good point. I was "very bloated" if you know what I mean and I could definitely tell I was holding water. He told me that next Friday when the water weight is gone, I will see a good difference. I can't wait to kick butt this week and hopefully have a great weight loss at the end of the week. Thus far, my total down since November 25th: 26.1 pounds! 

When I left work on Friday, I met my best friend Kelly and my friends Jeannie and Holly at this fun place called "Duckworth's". It was half price wine and it is always fun to unwind with your girlfriends.

I did not stay out too late, because well, priorities. I enjoy getting "tipsy" but not drunk. However it was such a good time though!

Saturday I woke up pretty early. I was lazy around the apartment and hit the gym at noon for 45 minutes of cardio and an upper body weight circuit. It was an awesome workout. When I was leaving the gym, I had a coupon for "Rack Room Shoes" emailed to me so I had to rush over to the mall and pick out a new pair of gym shoes. I LOVE "Nike Air" for the gym. They are so comfortable and good quality. I love the style!

I also picked up a new charm for my necklace. I love this choker type necklace that I have and enjoy buying new charms for it. I bought a 3-star charm for it. 

When I came home from the gym and mall, I took and shower got ready. I met one of my good friends Alexis at one of my favorite restaurants in my neighborhood; Cantina 1511. We were there for over 3 hours. She and I go out every couple of weeks and never have a shortage of anything to talk about. I love that girl!

We both had the same thing for dinner. A mushroom, spinach, and goat cheese quesadilla with a side of avocado. This quesadilla was not only absolutely delicious but super filling too. I could only eat two pieces of it and I have a big appetite, ha!

Today has been Sunday Funday. Ha! My day has been filled with errands, cleaning, and the gym. I don't really care about the Superbowl so... whatever. Ha! It has been such a beautiful day though and not too cold. I'm cherishing it. My errands never end. I grocery shop at 3 different places. I just realized how ridiculous it is!

Since it was such a beautiful day, I made the best of it. I live super duper close to my gym, so I took advantage of it and walked. A little pre-cardio to get my prepped for my cardio and leg work out!

A little vitamin D does the body good because I had an awesome workout! I love leg day!

Now the Superbowl has just started so I am going to cook some dinner and since HBO has updated their movie list, I am going to watch "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer". How was your weekend? Don't forget to join the link up's going on tomorrow!

Weight Loss, Wine, Best Friend, Table, and a Book. How's that?

How has everyone's week been? Mine has been fantastic. I am absolutely head over heels in love with my new home! Work has been busy, but in a good way, I was able to get out of my Direct TV contract and get cable (there is no where to put a satellite dish at my new apartment and Direct TV were being complete assholes about it), my washer and dryer are being installed tomorrow, and things are just great.
Image Map

It truly feels good to say that. I pray that they stay this way and I don't jinx myself.

As I wrote this post, I realized it is basically the "Friday 5" - you know the awesome link up's where you about 5 different things about your week? Well, I guess you can say I am starting the party early! Be sure and check out my "link up's" page so you can too!

1.) 3 pounds lost last week!
I was off of work Monday, thank God. It was so rainy, cold, and gloomy. I spent the day cleaning, unpacking, and organizing. I went to the doctor to get my B12 injection and I was down 3 pounds! I was very happy to see that. It was a complete surprise. I did not work out Saturday or Sunday because I was moving, and since my grandmother was in town, we ate out both nights as well. However, I did keep my meals healthy and moving is hard, hard exercise, so I suppose it makes sense. I am now down 10.2 pounds in two weeks. I cannot wait to write all about this!

I bought this shirt last winter because it was so cute. I could not pass it up. However, it was way too tight on me, especially around my stomach. But now it fits perfectly and is even loose around my stomach area. Total score!

2) Girl's night
Mine and my best friend Kelly, girls nights on "school nights" are really fun. We hit the gym for our work out's then come back to my place for dinner, wine, and girl talk. However, since I am working hard on my weight loss, I have not been drinking at all. But last night, when Kels came over for our girl's night, I decided to indulge. After all, we were celebrating my new place - it felt appropriate! 

3) New table!
My new dining room table was finally delivered last night as well. It was supposed to come Saturday, but in true "Murphy's Law"... sh** happens! And I have to say, does your best friend put together your new table? Mine does. While she is tipsy. Hilarious, but she totally did it! Go Kels! 

I lucked out on Amazon today and found two chairs that I think will go great with my new table. I bought them slightly used and was able to have both of them for only $43 bucks! The best part - they will be here Friday, hooray for free two day shipping!

4) Healthy but delicious dinner's
I always keep thinking cap on to make delicious dinners. Healthy and clean eating does not have to be boring and tasteless. I have been making a simple meal this week for dinners, but it has been SO delicious! The ingredients: ground turkey cooked in a frying pan via stove top with mushrooms with low sodium taco seasoning over a bed of fresh spinach topped with fat free cheddar cheese and crunchy onions. It is super easy and simple, but so good!

4) "There is more to life than this"
I consider myself to be a part book worm! I love to read. I do not have a Kindle or Nook, I prefer a cold, hard book. I do not know why, I just do. I am a huge fan of Teresa Caputo and her show, so I was excited when he new book was released. I picked a copy up at Target and it is such a good book. I read every night before bed to help get my mind tired and at ease, and this is a great book to do just that. It is an easy read with a lot of information and her background and other stories. It's definitely worth a pickup! 

Bubbly, Pizza, Lateral Cardio, Spin, & The Weekend!

Y'all I am so proud.

 Last night was my "cardio blast" work out of the week. I usually do this once a week for various reasons. It is typically 70-90 minutes of pretty intense cardiovascular training. I like to sweat out toxins and water. Some people use the sauna or other ways - me, I hit the cardio. It helps my endurance tremendously (in lots of areas, hehe), and strengthens my heart! Last night was a cardio milestone for me. I started off with 25 minutes of lateral cardio then did my third spin class of the week! (Kickboxing was canceled, sigh). I ended up doing 15 miles in spin after my lateral cardio. That is the most miles I have ever done in one class after lateral training. I ended up burning 1,100 calories. Ow!

But now, I'm tired... and sore.
It's been a long week.

Tonight I am taking a well deserved break from life; spending time with my man, drinking some bubbly, making a homemade pizza, and watch the Paranormal Witness season premiere that I was so excited about last night, but fell asleep before it came on (typical). I made the most delicious pizza, too. Not to brag! I do not really care for frozen pizza, I always make mine. A local grocery store makes this whole wheat dough for pizza and it is absolutely amazing. I am not 100% sure it isn't laced with crack. I bought that, added sauce, low fat mozzarella, and turkey pepperoni, and baked to perfection. D-LISH! 

The other day in my blog post, I mentioned the amazing "lateral cardio" and a lot of people are puzzled by it and want to know what it is. I don't blame you, I recently learned what it is and now I'm madly in love.
Lateral cardio is movement is when your body works side to side. The machine picture above is not exactly what I use, but very similar. Think about this; when we walk, it's forward. When we use the elliptical, it's forward. When we bike, it's forward. When we use the StairMill, it's forward. 90% of the time, all of our cardio motions and exercises are in forward motions. What I love about lateral cardio is the side to side motions. You immediately feel it once you engage in the activity. Your body thinks "WOW this is new!". It is really, really helping my quads and hamstrings (thigh area). They are feeling rock hard. Also, this machine really works your core (stomach) area as well. 

To get more of a work out in my stomach, I do not hold on to the handles you see pictured on above on the machine. I move side to side fast and really work my core to keep my balance. I am depending upon a tight core to keep me from falling off of the machine. It is an awesome challenge. A lot of gyms do not have this type of cardio machine yet, but check around your local facilities. And mention it to management if they do not have it. It really is a great cardio work out.

Link It Up:
I've got: Bubbly, Pizza, Lateral Cardio, Spin, and the weekend on my mind! What's your 5?!

Wine Country Half Marathon

Remember I said that the Broski was talking about running another half? Let me tell you why. When we decided to run the Cloverdale Half, we did it only because the race we wanted, The Wine Country Half, was full already. It wasn't heartbreaking or a difficult decision; it was quick and easy to pick a different harvest related race, since Broski works in the wine country and so not only does this mean it is fun to do it on his home turf, but secondly, he is also busy with harvest and so it makes sense to do something closer to him at this time.

So we ran the Cloverdale Half as planned. The next day, Broski's friend Dave, who owns a winery in the area, said that he was running his first half and had put together a team for his winery and still had a couple of spots open. So, in the typical crazy runner fashion, Broski and I decided to fill the empty slots.

First of all, let me say that Dave ROCKED his first half! He finished in under 2 hours! We ran together for most of the time and it was great to get to know him and to be a part of his first big race! Second, I must mention how much I love hanging out with Broski and the Lady Friend. I always go up and stay the night and we have great times cooking, eating, drinking and hanging out.

Unfortunately, this time, Broski was nursing a cold and a fever, so he ate and went to bed early to try to be at his best for the next day. Lady Friend and I stayed up and shot the breeze for a little while. We solved the world's problems, planned a trip to Vegas and decided that we are going to create our own Thanksmas Holiday where we don't have to fight the crowds on our special day. It's sure is nice to know people who make wine, let me tell you. I had to sample the wine from the winery that I would be running for the next day!

The race couldn't have been better. The weather was perfect at the beginning. The course started off in Geyserville with a huge hill, which really separated the men from the boys right from the get go! It then meandered around with some twists and turns and ups and downs, much of it through the vineyards, which are beautiful and all fall colored!

We all ran together until mile 9, when Broski's fever/cold started to catch up to him. By this time, he must have drank 40 oz of water, and it was starting to get hotter. Plus the shirts that Dave gave us to wear were cotton and black and they were hot! We both took off our shirts and kept plugging on, but we had to do some walk breaks up the hills (and there were a lot of them!) It got warmer and we drank more water and tackled more hills until mile 12 or so, when the course went into downtown Healdsburg for the finish.

We finished in 2:06, which was a little over Broski's goal of under 2 hours, but that just means that he needs to try again! I think he did very well, especially since he (a) ran his first half marathon LAST weekend, (b) has only run a long run distance of 8 miles before this and (c) was battling a cold/fever! We also started off a little fast and therefore pooped out a bit early (but like I said before, you have to learn this on your own sometimes).

Afterward, we got a wine glass, some snacks and some red licorice (my opinion? they should have this at every race) and our choice of not only dozens of different wines to try, but Lagunitas beer as well! And the best thing of all? The medal is a wine stopper! Now that is what I call a great after party! So when is the next one?! Broski?

*This race is race number 11 in the 12 in 2012 challenge! Only one more race to go to make 12. 

Have you ever tried exercising when you were under the weather? Have you ever run as part of a team? If you could design a fitness related item, what would it be?

Me Gusta El Mar!

Since my last post, CK and I spent some time in Mendoza, drinking more wine, enjoying the Mendocino life. We went on a wine tour, which is not what I was used to. We only got to taste two types of wine at each place, however, the tour was interesting. It was all in Spanish, so I only understood half of it, but I still feel like I learned something. We stayed in perhaps the worst hostel ever while there. It was so dirty and nasty; I didnt even take a shower for a couple of days because I was so disgusted by the shower. Also, they were supposed to have breakfast included, and there was none. They were supposed to have internet access and there was none. They totally falsly advertised and were so dirty to boot! The worst thing is, it was the wine festival and so we ended up having to stay there regardless. However, in spite of this, our stay was very nice.

After Mendoza, we went to Buenos Aires to apply for our visa to Brazil. S had done this earlier in the year and had had a really bad time of it. He had to stand in line for 6 hours or something. We went early on Monday, thinking we would have the same experience. However, we were in and out in about 15 minutes, leaving us a whole extra day to hang out in the city. We had even brought lunch, thinking we would be stranded in line and not able to leave to get food! It was a welcome surprise.

From Buenos Aires we came to Mar Del Plata, where we are now. It is a beach town about 5 hours south of the city, where all the city dwellers come for the summer months of January and February. However, since we are here in March, it is still warm, but not very busy, which is perfect. So, we are back at the beach again. In Argentina this time though. Yeah, I know, we just cant get enough of Argentina, really. We actually like it so much, we decided to find an apartment in Buenos Aries again. I will take a Spanish class, and we will sit at the cafes and watch all the beautiful people go by.