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An Allergy and Light Headed Filled Weekend Recap

Well, this weekend wasn't great, but that happens. I could feel myself feeling some type of way on Friday. I was beginning to feel a little burned out. Then work was a freaking whirlwind; clients were visiting and I had my obligated duties of being hostest with the mostest. Normally I immensely enjoy this, but Friday it just exhausted me. Hell called and wanted it's weather back as well. 

When I left the office, I had a heavy leg workout on my training agenda. Honestly, I push myself to the brink of throwing up when I train legs. I don't know why, but I love training my legs until I cannot walk. I only do legs once every 7-10 days; sometimes even less because of how much I hike. Thus when I have my leg workouts, I make sure they count. I need to be in a good frame of mind for these workouts. Friday, I was not. However, I made myself go, and the second I walked through the gym doors, I was in total masochist mode. I tortured myself and Kelly, and we ended up having a great workout. I was exhausted after so the rest of the evening was spent binging on True Blood and ice-cream. 
I slept 10 hours Friday night and woke up late on Saturday; barely able to walk. Friday's training goal was definitely attained. I planned on getting in good writing time but I could not concentrate to save my life; my ADHD was in full affect. Kelly came over and we went to a local tavern for a bottle of Champagne and hummus. We were having fun until I got sick. That little allergy I have to alcohol surfaced bad; I suppose it is because I do not drink a lot anymore so when I do, it shocks my body or something. I spent the rest of the evening laying down. I was miserable.
Sunday, I woke up early and still felt sore and fatigued; but since I was up early, I got ready and went to church. I usually go Sunday night's so this was a fun change of pace. It was the start of our new series "Meant to Be: The Bible's Best Kept Secret of Sex, Marriage, and Being Single", My soul needed this more than words can describe. That was another reason why I decided to go to church in the morning. I was so excited!

I am not a very religious person; I ask a LOT of questions and I am not going to "believe something" because a book tells me too. I have to fully understand something before I can make the stance that I believe in it. I believe in logic and reasoning; just like teachers, parents, and other mentors have always taught me too. However, there is something about faith and God that heals me in a way that I can't really explain.

Writing is my passion. Writing is what heals me. At times I feel God come through my writing and take over my keyboard. I felt this significantly when I was writing this letter to myself. Finding God... or him finding me these past 7 weeks has been pretty incredible. Sometimes I feel like a pile mush throwing myself at his mercy and he always heals me. 

I am veering off of the subject, but Sunday was a strong, passionate, and honestly raw service, which is why I love going there. Steven Furtick is absolutely amazing: he preaches in a way that is so easy to understand and make sense of. You can take his message and apply it to your daily life. I cling to every word. When I was forced to go to church as a child and teen, I scribbled on the program counting down the minutes until it was over. It is not like that anymore. 

The most incredible part was all of the healing you could physically see and emotionally feel. Steven preached of how hard marriage is, how much it work it takes, the grace of being single, loving yourself -- he preached from 1st Corinthians in a beautifully and brutally honest way; a way that I feel so many people desperately need to hear. Slowly you could see couples all throughout the church holding hands, humbling before their partners, acknowledging their wrongdoings, making promises, and taking a leap of faith that had been void for a long time. Though my happy ass was there alone, it was incredible to see. I am so glad that I was so weak at the beginning of July that it forced me to start going to church. I was at a breaking point and in so much despair. I was desperate for my soul to be healed and a change. I feel right where I belong.

This series is powerful. It is for mature audiences, and Steven is not afraid to make you uncomfortable. This message gravely need to be said. He is preaching from 1st Corinthians; a chapter sometimes churches glide over because of the content. If you are single, married, or in relationship, you will benefit tremendously from this sermon. Watch it online here. 
After church, I went home and took a nap and did some writing for "Pretty, Lies". I then decided I needed to get out and get some fresh air. I did not feel like training so I went to the movies to see "If I Stay". I had a free ticket so I thought it would be a good movie to use it on. I have not read the book "If I Stay" but I have been seeing the preview for the movie so long that it looked intrigued me to go see it. My verdict? Disappointed is an understatement. I like the idea of the movie and the story is good; but the execution of the movie was awful. It was so boring. I could not wait for it to be over. To me, it lacked so many things. The only part I was "touched" at was when the grandfather was beside of Mia's hospital bed when she was unconscious. I am glad I did not pay to see it, and if you want to watch it, wait for Redbox.
After the movies I ran some errands then once I was home, I vegged out watching the VMA's and the series finale of "True Blood". I can't talk about "True Blood" right now because I am so heartbroken. I am just trying to pretend this isn't real. My heart cannot deal with this showing ending. It is my favorite show of all time and there was so much more that needed to happen before the network pulled the show.

Today, I enjoyed my last Monday off for summer hours. It is back to a normal 5 day work week next week. Oh wait, no it isn't because of Labor Day! Whoo hoo! I slept in, and felt back to normal. I went to the gym for cardio and an upper body weight circuit. After I went the bank and grocery store, then came back and prepped all of my food for the week and scrubbed my apartment from top to bottom.
Now I am fresh out of the shower, have the windows open because it such a beautiful evening, and candles burning. Throwing myself into catching up on blogs, get a chapter done in my book, and a turkey meatloaf going in the oven. 

The Awesome Valentine's Weekend Recap!

Friday morning started with a delay at work. Snow all day Wednesday and Thursday made Friday quite difficult to drive through. Thankfully the high was 50, so a lot of it was going to melt. I spent 30 minutes getting snow and ice off of my car then drove to work. My office is only about 2 miles from my apartment, but the drive there was not fun. I arrived around 10:30 and the staff was scarce. Thus it made my work load a little more than normal. Around 12:30 I left the office to go get my weekly B12 injection and weigh. I lost 2.5 pounds last week! Total down: 30.7 pounds since November 25th! That is so exciting. Thankfully the roads were getting better and better.
Image Map

I ended up working late then had to go to the bank and UPS for my boss. Since I was really tired, worked late, and still so sore from my Hot Mess Express work out at home, I decided to take the evening off from the gym. So while I was out I picked up two Redbox movies and a pizza, and went home to enjoy Valentine's night. Ha! I also made myself a "Skinnytini" cocktail - Mixed Berry Powerade Zero and 1 shot of Smirnoff Raspberry Light vodka. My best friend Kelly did come by for a little while before she went out, so that was sweet.

Saturday, yesterday, was a great day. I had a solid 10 hours of sleep and it felt glorious. I took my time getting out of bed and made breakfast. I then had to go run my usual Saturday morning errands. I usually try to get those finished as quickly as possible, but I had fun looking around for once. I also had some coupons that I was excited to use.

This little cutie always loves to watch me put me up groceries - there are usually new treats for him. Smart!

I was most excited about my deals at GNC! I had to stock up on my Quest Bars, of course. I had a $10 off coupon so I was able to get 13 assorted Quest Bars for only $18 bucks! Then because I have a valid gym membership, I was able to get my Gold card renewed for another year (it is usually $15 dollars) and a free shaker cup. I even got to choose the one I wanted so duh, a pink one! At Ulta I had a coupon and points to use. I needed more body wash and I love the "Vita Bath" brand - it is packed with vitamins and with the cold, dry weather, my skin needs it. I also picked up my eye liner, I have been wearing the same kind for 10 years now. I will probably never cheat on it, ha! Both of those were only $6 together! Diva on a budget!

After I put my groceries up and had lunch, Kelly came over and we went to the gym at 2. It was a great work out in the books - 45 minutes of cardio and an upper body weight circuit. I love how she and I make each other push harder, faster, and longer. That is what best friends are for!

After the gym we came back to my apartment and I made us chocolate, banana, and spinach protein shakes. We then watched "The Place Beyond The Pines" while talking, playing on the computer, showering and getting ready. It felt like a good night for she and I to go out and have a girl's night. What is better?!

She and I went to one of our favorite places in my neighborhood; "Cosmo's". It is an upscale sushi restaurant and around 10:30 every night they move the tables and chairs on the bottom floor, and turn it into a dance floor. They have lots of neon lights, a projector, and everything. I love it when it gets late there. It's seriously a blast. Oh and on Saturday, when we walked in the door we were given a glass of free champs! 

We then split the most delicious sushi - a vegetable roll and my favorite roll in the whole world: "Caley's Comet" (salmon, cream cheese, tempura) and of course a bottle of Pinot.  We stayed out late and the best time. It was the most fun I have had in a while!

Today I slept in until 10:30 AM and I have been super tired ever since. I just could not get with the program. I had breakfast then binged watch Bravo. Kelly came over for a little while (we have been inseparable this weekend) and just hung out with me so that gave me the energy I needed. She left at 3 and I took off to the gym. There is no way I can miss the best work out of the week - legs!

I am a little disappointed in my calorie count. It is normally at least 100 more. However, I'm losing more fat and my heart is getting strong, so I need to make my workouts hard. Next week, I am adding more weight to all of my exercises. It's time to step up the program and keep pushing to get awesome results!

After the gym I went to Panera so I could order my favorite salad - steak and bleu cheese. By the time I got home to eat it, I was shaking I was so hungry. I needed my post workout refuel - yum!

I then prepped my food for the week, cleaned, and took a hot shower. I'm ready for my Atlanta Housewives and Kardashian's, then bed early. My soreness is already setting in. After work tomorrow, I am getting my hair done! I cannot tell you guys how excited I am. I need a hair trim something crazy, my red steaks have faded a lot, and I need my roots done. Your girl needs some help! I hope you guys had a great weekend!

Don't forget to link-up today with these awesome ladies to share your weekend! 

Weight Loss, Wine, Best Friend, Table, and a Book. How's that?

How has everyone's week been? Mine has been fantastic. I am absolutely head over heels in love with my new home! Work has been busy, but in a good way, I was able to get out of my Direct TV contract and get cable (there is no where to put a satellite dish at my new apartment and Direct TV were being complete assholes about it), my washer and dryer are being installed tomorrow, and things are just great.
Image Map

It truly feels good to say that. I pray that they stay this way and I don't jinx myself.

As I wrote this post, I realized it is basically the "Friday 5" - you know the awesome link up's where you about 5 different things about your week? Well, I guess you can say I am starting the party early! Be sure and check out my "link up's" page so you can too!

1.) 3 pounds lost last week!
I was off of work Monday, thank God. It was so rainy, cold, and gloomy. I spent the day cleaning, unpacking, and organizing. I went to the doctor to get my B12 injection and I was down 3 pounds! I was very happy to see that. It was a complete surprise. I did not work out Saturday or Sunday because I was moving, and since my grandmother was in town, we ate out both nights as well. However, I did keep my meals healthy and moving is hard, hard exercise, so I suppose it makes sense. I am now down 10.2 pounds in two weeks. I cannot wait to write all about this!

I bought this shirt last winter because it was so cute. I could not pass it up. However, it was way too tight on me, especially around my stomach. But now it fits perfectly and is even loose around my stomach area. Total score!

2) Girl's night
Mine and my best friend Kelly, girls nights on "school nights" are really fun. We hit the gym for our work out's then come back to my place for dinner, wine, and girl talk. However, since I am working hard on my weight loss, I have not been drinking at all. But last night, when Kels came over for our girl's night, I decided to indulge. After all, we were celebrating my new place - it felt appropriate! 

3) New table!
My new dining room table was finally delivered last night as well. It was supposed to come Saturday, but in true "Murphy's Law"... sh** happens! And I have to say, does your best friend put together your new table? Mine does. While she is tipsy. Hilarious, but she totally did it! Go Kels! 

I lucked out on Amazon today and found two chairs that I think will go great with my new table. I bought them slightly used and was able to have both of them for only $43 bucks! The best part - they will be here Friday, hooray for free two day shipping!

4) Healthy but delicious dinner's
I always keep thinking cap on to make delicious dinners. Healthy and clean eating does not have to be boring and tasteless. I have been making a simple meal this week for dinners, but it has been SO delicious! The ingredients: ground turkey cooked in a frying pan via stove top with mushrooms with low sodium taco seasoning over a bed of fresh spinach topped with fat free cheddar cheese and crunchy onions. It is super easy and simple, but so good!

4) "There is more to life than this"
I consider myself to be a part book worm! I love to read. I do not have a Kindle or Nook, I prefer a cold, hard book. I do not know why, I just do. I am a huge fan of Teresa Caputo and her show, so I was excited when he new book was released. I picked a copy up at Target and it is such a good book. I read every night before bed to help get my mind tired and at ease, and this is a great book to do just that. It is an easy read with a lot of information and her background and other stories. It's definitely worth a pickup!