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Week in Review etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Week in Review etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Winter Break

I've kind of been absent this week. Not only have I been busy, but I have also been in "no internet land". This makes for good stories, but nowhere to put them! So next week you will hear everything! Until then however, Grab a Beer (inspired by Kim) and check out a quick version of WIDLW!

Last weekend was spent with my friends from the East Bay. We stayed in, made dinner and celebrated the New Year by watching the ball drop in New York. At 9 o'clock. Just kidding! We actually made it to midnight this time! But I did go to bed at 12:01.


The next day we went to The City and had a snackapalooza! One of the items on the menu: Dungeness Crab! Yummy!

Then it was Road Trip time! First stop: Yosemite!

Next up: Monterey, Carmel and Big Sur!

Monterey, CA
Monterey, CA
17 Mile Drive
Carmel, CA
Hwy 1
After that, we drove north on Highway 1 and went to Santa Cruz, where the waves were HUGE! 


Then we took a nice hike in the Marin Headlands at Point Reyes

Last but not least, but with no photo, we had our extended family "Christmas" last night, where we ate, drank and were merry until late into the night! It was so good to see family and eat turkey again (I can never get enough! Hello turkey pie!) 

Were you busy this week? Are you back to work yet? To school? Did you take any time to relax after the hectic holidays!?

Then and Now: December

Happy New Year's Eve! I hope that wherever you are, you are having a great weekend! Have a wonderful time tonight and I will see you next year

The holidays are often very similar each year. There are holiday parties, get-togethers with friends and food to be eaten and presents to open with family. This December was no different. There were many people to see that I see every year, and many holiday traditions that were observed this year, just as they were last year. There were also a few things that were different. Here is December 2010 vs 2011, The Who, The What and The Where.

The Who:  Every year I get together with friends in San Francisco for a snackapalooza. This year was no different, except we got together in November instead! So we met up in Sacramento for some carb loading before the marathon instead. Also, I get together with my old HS buddies on the day after Christmas each year. It's great fun and I am glad we have kept the tradition alive!

2010: Snackapalooza, San Francisco, 2011: CIM carb loading

2010: Hail, grey skies and a large group, 2011: Sun in the eyes and less people
The What: Last year I did many of the same things as this year. I went to see the birds; I ate cheese platters; I make cookies. The only huge difference was the running. Last year I took lots of walks; this year I took many runs instead (mileage last December: 0 miles, this December: about 100 miles).

2010: Walks, 2011: Runs

2010: Birds + great reflections! 2011: Birds but no reflection

2010: Small cheese platter, 2011: large cheese platter! (2012: Cheese table?)

2010: Pumpkin Choc Chip, 2011: Macaroon
The Where: Last year I went on a road trip from California to Iowa, where I met up with my friend Red at her new house. This year, I have been in California all month.

2010: Iowa


What were you doing last December? Do you do the same thing every Christmas or are your holidays varied?

Grab a Mulled Wine

Normally, the recap for the week is on Sunday, but we all know that this Sunday is a very important day. So, this week's Grab a Beer (inspired by Kim) is today instead. My week, of course, has been filled with all the things I talked about in this post. Also here are a few additions!

It snowed! It did not stick for long. There is still a little left, but only in the shadowy places.

We bought mandarins from an orchard. Oh I love it when they are fresh from the tree. 

We went bird watching. This is where the geese from Canada come in the winter time. There were so many of them, as you can clearly see! 

My bird watching buddies. 

Can you find the duck? 

And we made hundreds of these, literally. It was a lot of fun

What did you do this week? Are you ready for the holidays? Is there snow in your neck of the woods?

Don We Now

I love the holidays! Everything is so festive, the fire is going strong, things are being made with love and there is just a certain something in the air. Therefore, this week has been full of Christmas related activities! Grab your mulled wine and check out what they were (inspired by Kim)!

There was some decking of railings with bows.

The advent calendar came out of it's box (yes, a tad late but such is life).

I ran here. It's getting colder. It was probably in the 20s. 

Oh the wintery river. Doesn't it just LOOK cold?

I am Santa's little elf. I did a lot of this.

 I played around with my camera and the tree.

I baked a lot of these. And why not? Remember what I said about the running

I met up with some friends and we finished up our shopping and then went to the Sierra Nevada Brewery for lunch. 

Fa-la-la-la-la La-la-la-la. 

What did you do this week? Did you finish your shopping? Are you ready for Christmas?

What Adults Do

I had a good week mostly filled with running and recovering from running. Last week, I had a great time in Sacramento. I ran a Marathon and met up with Kim, who is the inspiration of the Grab a Beer meme. Unfortunately, we are bad people and we didn't take any photos. I was running around, trying to find the coffee shop, get ready to run and make cake pops (this seems to be a theme every time I visit my friend's house). So here are a few random photos of last week and this week.

Last week, I stayed with my friend, who is an adult. Do you know how I can tell? She has a coffee station. In her house. I mean, is this not the coolest thing you have ever seen? She also has so many fun gadgets that I don't even know what they are! What'll it be? Espresso? Latte? Half caf with a shot of vanilla?

I went out for margaritas, which culminated in my getting my fingernails painted black. By a boy. With a not so steady hand. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate having my fingernails painted? 

I finally got around to reading this book. 

A day of this = a Good Day indeed. 

I sent out my last straggler Christmas cards. 

I spent a lot of time with this girl. Is she not the cutest thing ever. She loves Craisins! 

And there was this. You probably already heard enough about that here

The good thing about running a lot = Carb loading! Lunch at Ernestos

Occupy San Francisco. What a mess. 

Running at Lake Merritt. Can it get any better? It's 60 degrees here. I HEART winter in the Bay Area!

How was your week? Have you seen the "Occupy" in your city? Have you finished (pr started) your Christmas cards?

California Love

Today, as you are reading this, I am probably doing this:

Source: via Kyria on Pinterest

Actually, if I am lucky, I am doing this instead:

Source: via Kyria on Pinterest

But most likely, I am doing THIS:

Source: via Kyria on Pinterest

Until the race is over and I get my butt in gear to write a recap, I will leave you with a few photos of What I Did Last Week (inspired by Kim) and a few words from Dr. Dre and TuPac: California...knows how to party! 

I went to San Francisco and....

Ate chicken feet (along with a butt-load of other dim sum!)

Walked along the Marina.

Went running here. 

Danced with this guy. Yow.

Dreamed about buying one of these.

Enjoyed this view.

Went to Ocean Beach.

And the Palace of Fine Arts.

All in all, it was a great week! I ate a lot, walked a lot, visited a lot of friends and got to be in my favorite city!

How was your week? Have you ever been to San Francisco? If so, what is your favorite thing to do in the city?