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 Filenews 11 November 2020 - by Michalis Hatzivasilis

A large amount of e-mail found on the British real estate agent's computer is the focus of investigations by the police team investigating the case of al-Jazeera's video. The material detected needs to be studied to separate everything related to the cases under investigation. The information has so far brought the Briton to cooperate with the authorities.

The investigative team has focused in recent days on this part of the investigation and, assisted by the Office for Combating Cybercrime, is trying to separate the email linked to the cases by granting Cypriot passports to foreign investors. The British real estate agent, in several cases, mediated to locate real estate to invest prospective investors aiming to obtain a Cypriot passport. He allegedly worked with people featured in the Al Jazeera video.

In the meantime, a meeting with the heads of the Legal Service will be held today by the investigative team to inform and determine the next steps, and it is not excluded that there will also be a question of opening bank accounts and/or telecommunications data of persons involved in the case, if necessary.

The meeting will take place in the morning and the investigators of the TAU Police Headquarters under the assistant head of operations Dimitris Dimitriou and the head of the TAU Christopher Mavrommatis will inform the Attorney General and Assistant Attorney General, of the actions they have taken so far, the evidence that has emerged and decide on the next moves. It is expected that investigators will inform the leadership team of the N. Service of the data detected by the computers of the five persons investigated about 10 days ago, as well as of the letter of the resigned former Speaker of the House Dimitris Syllouris who, as "F" wrote yesterday, denounces the action of the two al Jazeera journalists to frame him and record him without his knowledge.

It is worth noting that, as "F" also wrote, the two journalists of the Katarinos network, told the Cypriot Police that they do not intend to come to Cyprus to testify, since they consider that they have fulfilled their mission.



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