Bayram Cigerli Blog

Bigger İnfo Center and Archive


 Filenews 4 November 2020

Patients in the following categories can work preferably by teleworking or in places where they do not do business with the public and there is no increased transit of persons, in accordance with the protection measures provided for by the health protocols:

1. Pre-existing Chronic Respiratory Disease (e.g. severe bronchial asthma, patient in chronic oxygen therapy or non-invasive ventilation [CPAP or BiPaP] at home, severe pulmonary hypertension (NYHA III and IV), severe pulmonary fibrosis, pneumonectomy/lobectomy).

2. Severe Chronic Kidney Deficiency (creatinine clearance below 15 ml/min and blood purified).

3. Heart Deficiency of any etiology (Ischemic or non-reasoning) stage by NYHA III or IV.

4. Cardiovascular disease:

i. Recent acute coronary syndrome or re-vascular surgery: angioplasty or stent implantation in the last 12 months;

ii. Aorto-coronary bypass (CABG (bypass)) in the last 12 months, and

iii. Recent GNI in the last 12 months or with established neurological semantics.

5. Congenital heart disease after surgical correction with significant residual damage or uncorrected congenital heart disease with significant residual damage.

6. Active use of biological agents (e.g. TNF inhibitors, interleukin inhibitors) or other immunosuppressive drugs.

7. Patients with a history of transplantation of solid organs or primordial hematopoietic cells.

8. Patients with solid organ or edalogical malignancy receiving chemotherapy or radiation or immunotherapy.

9. Patients with HIV or patients with CD4 lymphocyte number < 200/mm3.

10. Hereditary or acquired immunodeficiency.

11. Pregnant women or blades with preeclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus or other disease which increases the risk of complications

The above categories have been selected on the basis of the existing international literature and taking into account the epidemiological data of the COVID-19 disease epidemic in the international arena and in the Republic of Cyprus.

Source: eyenews



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