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 Cyprus Mail 12 November 2020 - by Bejay Browne

The Paphos Greens are calling on the authorities to investigate a pipe which appears to run from a Paphos hotel to a pathway that leads to the sea and is pumping out a ‘questionable’ liquid after nightfall.

Representatives of the Green party attended the site on Wednesday morning, following captured night time videos and photographs sent to them by concerned members of the public that show a liquid being pumped out of a pipe which appears to originate from inside the hotel.

“The pipe can clearly be seen running into the Olympic Lagoon hotel. It’s stupid to do something illegal like this in the first instance and then to leave it there is beyond belief,” a spokesman for the Paphos Greens told the Cyprus Mail on Wednesday.

“The liquid is not just water as it has a strong odour and we identified the smell as oil or petrol,” he said.

The hotel appears to be closed, with the listed number unavailable, and according to the Paphos Greens, the facility closed four days ago.

The party has informed the Environmental Service as well as the Paphos District Office.

“We understand that our tourism has been hit financially, but in no case does this situation justify such behaviour.”

The Greens are calling on the competent services to investigate the case immediately so as not to repeat such an incident, he noted.

“What worries us most is the fact that this illegal activity took place late at night.”




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