Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Pitchers...throw harder and prevent arm injury with one exercise

Slow down….to speed UP!
19 April 2009 • Major League Insider Training.

Hey everyone!

Lots of exciting stuff going on here on the INSIDE CORNER!

First of all…the 2009 season is well underway and surprises are occurring all over!

Already…..3….count them 3 CYCLES have been recorded!
Chien Ming Wang has looked nothing like the dominant pitcher he once was…and…
confusion still rules when it comes to how to throw harder without injuring the arm!

Well, check out the inaugural video edition of the INSIDE PITCH right here and start
incorporating this drill into your cuff strengthening program for quick results that
you will be able to use THIS SEASON

Slow down….to speed UP!
19 April 2009 • Major League Insider Training.

Hey everyone!

Lots of exciting stuff going on here on the INSIDE CORNER!

First of all…the 2009 season is well underway and surprises are occurring all over!

Already…..3….count them 3 CYCLES have been recorded!
Chien Ming Wang has looked nothing like the dominant pitcher he once was…and…
confusion still rules when it comes to how to throw harder without injuring the arm!

Well, check out the inaugural video edition of the INSIDE PITCH right here and start
incorporating this drill into your cuff strengthening program for quick results that
you will be able to use THIS SEASON

CLICK BELOW and feel free to add your comments:

For more cutting edge exercises and the exact step by step program to get you in top shape
for THIS season….

Click on the “about the book” link above and find out more

Glad to have you Inside! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Best in health and baseball,


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